>They are coming for the chans…full attack mode
They can have my chan when they pry it from my cold, dead keyboard.
>They are coming for the chans…full attack mode
They can have my chan when they pry it from my cold, dead keyboard.
Please unlock your fucking caps.
>Why would a register democrat have a gun in a sanctuary city and go to wall mart ?
Because it's a "blame-the-chans" FF in a gun-free zone.
>Let's face it. Q+ hasn't achieved anything so far. Just the same old bullshit politics…
>inb4 clown, concernfag, glow nigger
Not inb4 this, cuntwaffle..
>We've already migrated from one chan board to another. If they take down 8chan, we'll simply pack up and go to another chan. Nothing can stop this.
>anyone that runs and hides that has a gun should be put to death.
It was an official gun-free zone.
>never draw a gun if you will not fire
>Never carry a gun if you will not protect those around you.
Never carry in a posted no-carry zone in Texas or you will fucking go to jail.
>you think TX follow rules you are kinda special kinda stupid.
Then what, are they pussies? Cuz NO ONE SHOT HIM.
What BIG is this pushing off the pages and feeds?