No Anons noticed the absence of FLATTARDERY shills,,, need happenings now shills, Concern shills, Q is LARP shills & there is actual happenings all over the fucking place? Chests out, faggots; we're fucking winning, BIGLY
A lit AF humble Patriot who has zero fucks left to give about being doxxed & calls all the DeepState MOFOS out Day after Glorious Day. A definite fucking American Hero. His A4 fighter jet & he & Brit wife Denise whom the OBAMA ICE holdovers are preventing from entering US soil, so he must travel there to see her. Yuuuuuge balls on this man!
Shill with gnat sized attention span, dead giveaway for muh "nuttin habbens" black pill statement now filtered shill ass rimmer
Kike loving shill now a filtered kike loving shill