Anonymous ID: 90df7d Aug. 3, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.7328525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy Crap Anons! I just got woke!

Blood banks give a patient their phlebotomy through prescriptions. That blood cannot get used even though the blood is rich in iron and high red blood cell count.

It gets pulled out a pint at a time for a disease called Polycythemia. It's actually cream of the crop blood but because it is medical reason withdrawn, it is not used for patients who need blood. Where does it go then?

True story:

Spouse anon with rarest blood type was diagnosed with this incurable disease and told to tell siblings so they can get started on the preemptive treatment.

Hematologist retires after a period of time and miraculously spouse anon was cured of this incurable disease after going to a new doctor and new facility. No sign of it.

Anonymous ID: 90df7d Aug. 3, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.7329019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9114

Has anyone considered the Coroner in Gilroy is corrupt? You know the guy who earns between 250K-500K per year? The guy who went to high level education rubbing shoulders with the other wealthy elite? The guy who determined self inflicted gun shot wounds before the body was cold? Before the bullets could have been tested?

Did anyone consider that maybe the Gilroy police wouldn't play ball with the narrative meant to be told? "I hate illegals" Seeing as though Gilroy hosts a large percentage of the migrant workers for the entire Salinas Valley.

Did you all imediately think the Gilroy PD would go along with a BS story? How about the White Supremacists BS narrative that came out initially. That got shut down real fast when the PD said they also found Islamic literature.

These officers get paid shit for money and often have to take on side jobs because the housing costs are so high. They bust their asses to protect people making 6 figures and can't spell forensics. ( and that is the average citizen not to mention the high level paying jobs )

I once new the Chief, Smithee, shocked to see him now as chief of Police. He wouldn't hold back giving someone directions on how to get to Hell if they told him he had to play ball on false info to the public.

If thereis a false narrative about Gilroy shooting, it is not coming from him! Or Dion Bracco! I once new him too!

Nobody would stay quiet if the PD or Fire Dept were telling lies!