Anonymous ID: a9d14b Aug. 3, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.7328930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cabal/DS Members who are backing Beto specifically, would logically be the primary driving forces orchestrating this event in El Paso (Beto's hometown). This event is not only to regain control of the news cycle ( fear of DECLAS), but a desperate attempt to resurrect Beto's FAILING pres campaign, e.g. Beto rushes back to this hometown (is media focus/poster figure), and becomes the "hero emblem" of this tragedy – he plays the David Hogg role.


Q warned us on July 30th.


Cross-reference w/ Beto's creepy membership in w/ hacktivist the "cult of the dead cows", reminds me of the AOC new green deal concept of ridding the earth of cows, note the group's self-description, 'the abandoned TX slaughterhouse".