Anonymous ID: 561ae8 Aug. 3, 2019, 7:11 p.m. No.7330437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Conservatives have ZERO widely-available option to view his comments in their entirety/true context unless they get online.

Overheard the carlson show's "snippets" of POTUS' Rally on Thurs. (from another room) and noticed how my Internet feed was AHEAD of the Faux feed. That never used to happen. TV was always ahead of online.

Unless POTUS gets everyone to get online & tune into either his own feed, Right Side, Golden State Times, etc., or One America News is no longer suppressed by 'carriers' and more people know about it, POTUS really can't say squat yet.

Faux is horrible with playing "selected" POTUS soundbites, only to sit there & spew their nonsense. Scary that anyone sits though anything aside from Hannity who's repetitious (censored) but informative.