Anonymous ID: cf8aca Aug. 3, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.7330876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7330185 lb

YW. Just doing my duty.


I said "camioneta" means Van..but after I hit post I realized.. that I think (camioneRa = van) and "camioneTa" may be a pick up truck n then that would sort of make sense..about the injured man and woman that drove up?? I don't know.. maybe the lady is in bit of shock still or something.. The first time she said "camioneta" and the second time she said "carro" which means car/vehicle. I guess "Cielo Vista" is the mall (from what I just gathered from notes) and she said the people who came from Cielo Vista said there were shoots fired there too.

Love u faggots #1 (Femanon/Spainanon)