Anonymous ID: 0a65f6 Aug. 3, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.7331537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7331037 (pb)

Don't you think that was already considered? That MilINT would not have realized that is what would happen?


What advantage do you think it gives you if you can know what your opponent is planning/talking about/ doing in real-time?

>there are tools civvies don't have

Did you really think the DS would not fight tooth and nail, do anything and everything to hold onto power?? That there is some moral line where /cabal/ would say, "Oh, hey, you got us, we surrender"??

Did you really think that a worldwide fight for freedom would not include the fact that DS will do anything, everything, use any/every trick, violence, framing patsies, attacks?

What did you think it meant when Q said

>attacks will increase


Did you think that would not be factored in?

>pic absolutely related


>>7331434 (pb)

Sorry, I realized just after hitting "New reply"

mea culpa


>>7331437 (pb)

Nigger, don't you even spreadsheet? WTF, everything is archived.

Q's wiped before, they know what they are doing.



TY e-baker, gud job steppin up

Anonymous ID: 0a65f6 Aug. 3, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7332162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Examiner reporter Anna Giaritelli's twitter 8-3-19




She's saying that because it has to do with ANTIFA - there is no other logical reason multiple Walmarts would be closed. This is a company that is highly profit-driven, so wouldn't close and lose revenue for no reason except a credible threat.


Suspect (named - Patrick Cruicuis) not known to be an ISIS devotee, /pol/acks at either chan are not actually violent, and ANTIFA threatened "action" and are having training in this area.


This is what the media is hiding from the public, especially given:

-Media in the past has expressed specific support for Antifa

-Reports that Antifa may be considered domestic terrorists/extremists & referred for RICO charges


Note also the reporter's tweet at the bottom.