Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Aug. 3, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.7331607   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The point is just to let Newfags know their options.


I am glad you are helping them also.


Personally, I would want all the shilling and counter-shilling to be seen by all: Loser Cabal Shills are the single best proof of Q, IMHO.


But Newfags need to be told where the control dials are, that's all.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Aug. 3, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.7331693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1721 >>1890





There's another point that needs to be made, riffing off of this: the past three breads (maybe more, but I just got here) are full of Division Shills and MoraleDropFagging by Losers out of Langley (or wherever this week's crop of future Gitmo inmates hails from) – all whingeing about how Q does nothing about the murders, blah, blah, blah – stocking outrage, and driving anons off-task (so far as possible).


But if these are fake shootings, and just theatre – if, in fact, no innocent persons have been killed at all (just a bunch of crisis actors covered in Ketchup, in other words), then there are no deaths, Q+ is doing nothing about "these senseless killings" because there are no actual killings. OTOH, there can be no doubt all the Mockingbird Shit is being recorded by Q+ for the future trials of prominent media figures for crimes like accessory to treason and whatnot.


TL;DR: don't get outraged about Q "doing nothing" about murders that aren't really happening.


Welcome to Psywar.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Aug. 3, 2019, 8:59 p.m. No.7331936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1995



Anon, your take on this is probably better than mine – I don't live in Texas.


That said, some of these FFs involve real murders, some involve fake murders, and some involve both (as Anons have shown in countless past breads).


Regardless, even the killings are Psywar – and in the context of what Anons do (research, memefag, planefag, whatever), it has to be seen through the lens of Psywar.


Leave the bits about convicting murderers for the trials, later: our job here amounts to: digging the details of these FF attacks that the MSM are omitting, or falsifying (as several good anon threads are doing right now in this very bread); identifying the mental state they are trying to induce in the Normies; creating Memes to counter that; blasting those memes out.


Remember: the First Principle of Psychological Warfare, is that The Purpose of Information is to Change Behaviour, including Thought Behaviour (what the Normies are thinking, in this case). The purpose of Memes against the Cabal, is to counter their attempts to use information to change public belief and behaviour. That's it.


The rest (like arresting Governor Newsance for sedition and obstruction of justice, etc., when the time comes), we leave to the USMC and the local police & to the military tribunals and local prosecuting attorneys (as the case may be).


Our (Q Research General's) mission statement amounts to: dig, share the results, and persuade the American public that both Q+ and the Cabal are real – and explain to them all of what that implies.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Afterthought Aug. 3, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.7331995   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In ordinary (blood & metal) warfare, if you aren't on one side or the other, then you are a non-combatant aka a civilian.


But in psychological warfare, if you aren't on one side or the other, then you are not a civilian, you are a piece of the battlefield – your heart & mind are what are being fought over. So, in psywar, there are no actual non-combatants – …


… by waking up Normies, we change them from targets/terrain, to active [digital] "soldiers" for our side.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca AOC, Elijah Cummings, et al. Aug. 3, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.7332049   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My working hypothesis, is that GEOTUS specifically targetted the Juihad Squad 4, and Elijah Cummings, because the five of them are, or are among, the fraudulently elected representatives of the 2018 mid-terms, whose take-down are illegally elected will (among other things) be the prompt for the Vogter ID push Q told us about.


This is just my IMHO, so no sauce.


But this looks like that scenario is already underway.


So, as usual: Trust the Plan.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Aug. 3, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7332129   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Framed as racist because (MSM talking here, not me) Whitey McCracker was wandering around Walmart in a MAGA hat wearing a 'Q' pin, shooting at anyone with Brown skin or named Pedro or Luiz, while ranting about a Hispanic Invasion.


It's all props, bullshit, scripted and theater, but there it is.

Anonymous ID: 5fd8ca Aug. 3, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.7332201   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q knows all, sees all.


All this shit has to be coordinated over the internet or by cell phone – they have big ears of corn in Kansas, big ears that hear everything.


Have no fear, anon. All those involved will be identified by Q+, brought to trial, and either sent to prison or hanged ("No Deals" – Q)