Anonymous ID: 7f94fe Aug. 3, 2019, 8:28 p.m. No.7331473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So the "free media" did't bother to report on it.


I guess it screws up their whole 3 years of fomenting "Russia" hysteria.

Think of it: The only come-back they have is to simulate another mass shooting!

Anonymous ID: 7f94fe Aug. 3, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.7331861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, they left the alleged bodies in the school which had been abandoned, for quite some time.

Can't remember how long.

Can you imagine that?

"The evidence thus demonstrates that (1) proof of death was suppressed, (2) emergency protocols were not followed, (3) drill protocols were followed instead, (4) there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) there was confusion over the weapons supposedly used, (6) Adam Lanza cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) strange and inappropriate behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses, and relatives, (8) many odd photos of the participants and premises were released, (9) the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy, and (10) as many as nine of the children who were supposedly murdered appeared on television singing at the Super Bowl seven weeks later.With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all these features yield a low probability that Sandy Hook was a massacre but a high probability that it was a staged psy-op tied to a drill.75"

"According to State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky, Lanza killed his 26 victims with the Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle and then killed himself with his Glock 10mm handgun.42 Lanza was also allegedly carrying three 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster as well as a Sig Sauer 9mm handgun (see above). The victims were supposedly shot multiple times each in a fusillade of bullets from these military-style weapons. In order to wreak this havoc, he fired more than 150 rounds, and he carried more rounds in addition. Lanza was reportedly found dead wearing a bulletproof vest and military-style clothing (AP).As Mike Powers, a professional military investigator and ballistics expert, has observed, this young man of slight build could not have carried all these heavy, bulky weapons and ammunition on his person. Furthermore, since first responders were supposedly inside the school within seven minutes, there was not enough time for Lanza to have carried out the shooting as reported. In an interview with Joyce Riley, Powers states that Lanza could not have fired so many times continuously without destabilizing himself from the intense noise from the Bushmaster. As a novice, he could not have shot an AR–15 with such speed and accuracy, supposedly changing magazines 4–5 times without a stoppage.43 For a real person shooting an AR–15 and what it entails, see Redsilverj’s “Sandy Hook Hoax Ultimate Case Closed” (Figure 21):Figure 20. A young Adam Lanza, who supposedly “fell off the face of the earth” around 2009, with no record of his activities since that time (CNN)."