Thinking about how they project what they actually do, to accuse others of the things they have been doing. Q said they have been programming and controlling mass shooters.
Imagine if they create a bunch of mass shootings framed on white guys and the chans, and run talking points like:
'Those boards are not only dark places of lies and conspiracy theories, but the boards are used as brainwashing tools by America's enemies to program people to commit shootings. The most vulnerable to this brainwashing are weak-minded people who believe in outdated debunked concepts like gun rights, patriotism, Christianity, and being proud of their race and American history. Boards that allow anonymity, by definition, allow anything that goes on there to fly under the radar of our trustworthy and fair systems of monitoring. It must be shut down, and any online discussion must be done through proper platforms that can be accountable to moderation and law enforcement.'
>Define projection
>D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)
>they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.
>This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable