you are watching a movie
masonic kill room.
initially last year frazzledrip when searched over tor yeilded little results. Considering the year delta and hype around it i would venture to say it may be findable easily via a tor search engine like candle or notevil
there is a shot of the malignant worldcorpo video which worldcorpo is the cult video page that released fatherhood.webm the skippy video. they have claimed the worldcorpo videos are frazzledrip. There is one of a woman going "whooooahhh" sounds like witch blood drunk hillary and the video is of a bathtub w/ bloood in it. Worldcorpo frazzledriip connection seems forced until you consider it may be related if they did in fact record podesta in the skippy video.
The video im sure exists. It seems like a snuff enviornment the red wall the soft bed. On voat they had a clip of a snuff film on youtube same thing. Man in animal mask. Child laying on white linen bed. That was all the clip showed but the implication is of course the child was murdered.
i agree whoever is supposed to be in charge of releasing that go for it. Simply censor the fucking video the sounds are gonna be telling enough im sure. This can be done by simply keyframing the blur tool on any non linear video editor.
fuck that keyframe the fucking punisher logo over the entire child. PAIN
blur the entire child. render. Keyframe the punisher logo over the blurred child.
one more idea. just have the punisher logo like tv channels do in the lower righthand corner. Ok enough daydreaming of the hrc snuff film being released. Hopefully we do get to know its real though.