baker taking over
anons have notables list? I am going to get on putting things together, need help this is an ENRICHED bread want as much flavor packed in as we can get.
Thanks to all you anons for the help!
fine you bake then bitch.
kek that would be the one, in a Jeep right?
that is the part that fucks me up. The terror that little one and the rest had to go through. As a child all you want and need is protection from bad.
It seriously pains my heart to think about.
car wreck within 1 month.
that is all the FF's. Vegas was heavy, the shooting in Texas at that Biker bar a few years back, anyone who sees anything around the DS usually get wacked in these ways. Head on collisions, or "freak 1 car" wrecks that kill the person.
are them son of a bitches literally posting their talking points here??? Know Q said they did on halfchan.
shill label for shilly things. What you said is absolute garbage. FUCK OFF.
if it is any consolation there is close to 500 million in the US and more with tourists and all.. so % wise w are good. kek
Still talking antifa, we don't do that shit here..