>>7334867 I second that Motion…DELETE
>>7334934 @MollyR247Now
>>7334968 Shill? Check Your Sources. When was the last earthquake on the New Madrid fault?
Magnitude ~7.5. The third principal earthquake of the 1811-1812 series. Several destructive shocks occurred on February 7, the last of which equaled or surpassed the magnitude of any previous event. The town of New Madrid was destroyed.
>>7334985 SHILL ALERT!
>>7335005 There has been no new earthquake on the New Madrid fault.
>>7335018 Learn to clip the ID Tag dumbazz
>>7335025 Every Fault has tremors…duh. Most on a daily basis. NOT NEWS
>>7335045 When Q says to be vigilant, the last thing ya wanna do is shop in a crowded big city. Not Q's fault El Paso or any other ANTIFA FF. Get a grip.
>>7335084 Another SHILL ALERT!…Seriously use some logic when trying to spread negative comments.
>>7335130 Anyone taking these false flags to heart and chanting anti-gun shit is doing exactly what the Cabal wants you to do. Pull your panties off your head and wipe your upper lip shill.
>>7335144 If this is true Iowa would be where they need to go…but Anti-Gun mantra loses there ALWAYS!
As of August 4th, 2019, 251 mass shootings have occurred in 2019 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article, resulting in 1,032 people being shot. Of those people, 180 have died. This averages out to 1.2 shootings per day.
>>7335213 If the US ever declared Marshal law, that is what they would do.