Q told us to TRUST THE PLAN because we were watching the “systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD” and 60% must be kept private “for humanity’s sake”.
Well, I’m sorry: I DONT trust the plan anymore. At all.
HRC et al. should have been arrested IMMEDIATELY. As soon as POTUS was elected, he should have thrown her fucking ass in prison on any of the LAUNDRY LIST of criminal acts she’s committed.
Instead we get a “chess game” where the entire movement is generally looked at as some elaborate joke. In the meantime, let the enemy get their bearings. Let them concoct the narrative. Let them take innocent lives because “timing is important”.
FUCK THAT! The negative impact of a slow pace of the Great awakening is WORSE than the negative impact of pulling the trigger on the GOD DAMN TRAITORS!
The truth is they are abducting, sexually abusing, murdering, then consuming children. And what POTUS and co wants to do is run this by the book. “Cut deals” for people like James Comey, who violated law AND showed POTUS a level of disrespect that permeated throughout the country.
In what way is holding 60% back “saving humanity” when our enemy can activate an asset, take innocent lives, THEN make it look like the fighters for good are at fault?
I believe everything Q said, I understand the need for structural integrity, but I wholeheartedly disagree on the way this is all being conducted.
Arrest the 8-10,000 members of the DS, deploy military to counter any response, serve and protect the people for god sake!
And if the slow walk was designed to ensure POTUS gets a 2nd term, he’s no better than them.
Msm: QAnon = radical right wing extremism.
When it should have been msm: QAnon = no bullshit swamp draining force of nature.