they can not confiscate the guns. Beyond that considering if its real not stagecraft. Then there is secret societies directly responsible for framing the el paso shooting. Masons have their hands in this. Blood on their hands.
gonna start meming "why are masons shooting people" Good idea somewhere in that
attention masons. Please cut the shit and stop framing anonymous as domestic terrorists by coordinating and or staging these horrible attacks against the people you claim to be elders of. The lodge is closed.
seriously i think a mass walkout of masonry by masons can maybe be the only thing to really halt this shit for a while until they are completley destroyed unable to parade down the street anymore. some lodge beat the shit out of that el paso aspie and put a gun in his hand with hopes of escaping the blood ritual torment. He may had been on the slab ready to be sacrificed begging to do anything ANYTHING to live. So they drove him to walmart. Masons did this its how they do it. Not exactly im sure but its how its done.
because they stab vics all over their body and also revive them. They sacrifice people for up to 2 weeks constant torture. pagers going off masons rotating in and out of kill rooms. They kill kids over the course of days. Torture them literally for days giving them amphetamines to increase the pain to increast the adrenochrome by a few fluid ounces per sacrificial human to be trafficked throughout the drop buildings sometimes lodges. Masons kill kids in every city in america. Masons kill kids in every city in this nation. Stab them like i described. And its much worse im sure. That is how they can get people to do anything they torture them for a day or 2.
~10 years digging.
Peter scully england. Suffocated boys then resesucated them. I was explaining the basis of a meme that theory is defiantly my hypothesis and for now that is all it is though i can sauce every particularity almost in that statement.