> #MissingTypes
For those of you, like, me took way too long to figure out the missing letters were blood types… here you go:
Join the Missing Types Movement: Donate Blood
The letters you see missing here may not seem like a big deal. But the letters A, B and O make up our main blood groups. And for a patient in the hospital needing blood, it's everything.
Only 3 out of 100 people in the U.S. donate blood, yet every two seconds someone needs it. Fewer people are donating blood to help patients. You can change that by joining the Missing Types movement and fill in the missing blood types.
By donating blood you’ll help kids battling cancer, accident victims, and patients fighting life-threatening conditions. You’ll also partner alongside celebrities, iconic brands, donors, volunteers, and families raising awareness about why blood donations are crucial. No matter your blood type, we need you. Together, we can fill the missing types.
I feel stupid for typing this and I am blaming it on not having finished my AM coffee.