Anonymous ID: 41ca8d Aug. 4, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.7337132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7139 >>7319 >>7368 >>7428 >>7431 >>7469 >>7489 >>7531 >>7533



  1. How many cameras are in a Wal Mart? Why, if this shooting lasted for 20 minutes, is there not at least 10 consecutive hours of shooting video from 30 cameras? There's more than 30 in a Wal Mart, but let's guess 30 caught it REAL GOOD. Where is that video?


  1. How in the * did this shooting continue for 20 minutes? How long does it take for people to bail from a Wal Mart? What would be the reaction of people hearing gunshots in a Wal Mart? My guess is that all opportunities to nail people would be totally over in 1:30 yet it continues for TWENTY DAMN MINUTES. Not believable.


  1. Let's say this shooting really DID continue for 20 minutes - WHY THEN, did this shooter not get a can of cream of mushroom soup in his left ear at 57MPH from weak throw willie? I'd have probably delivered one at about 81 MPH. SHOOTING OVER. Ha, they claim Wal Mart had no guns on site, so the shooting continued and continued and continued . . . . when the store was full of places to hide from the shooter and throw something back at him, like, you know, perhaps a cordless drill? A can of spray paint? How about a small exercise weight?


No, that did not happen, instead, everyone went back to the toilet paper aisle rather than run out the door and waited THERE, in the paper aisle because there was enough paper towel and nearby cat litter in that section to clean up the BIGGEST blood spill. They knew someone needed a story, and were polite about getting it done.


20 minutes? People were there for 20 DAMN MINUTES? Yeah right, this story is STUPID folks.


I have successfully, in a hurry with Claudia waiting, parked over 100 feet from the door, gone in, got something, hit express checkout and got back to the car in under 3 minutes. That's quick for a Wal Mart, but it is possible, and an ENTIRE SHOPPING PROCESS. I PROMISE, IF THIS SHOOTING WAS REAL, THAT NO ONE WOULD HAVE HIT EVEN THE EXPRESS CHECKOUT. The store should have been empty in absolutely NO MORE than 1:30, thus leaving the shooter with no one to hit.


SHOOTING IN AISLE 5. REPEAT: SHOOTING IN AISLE 5. Ha, that's great, I am in aisle 43, I'll get those Ramen noodles . . . . . and you can't say the shooter had them cornered, there are two widely spaced exits plus emergency exits in a Wal Mart.


  1. So he killed 20 and injured that many more. By himself. That's a lot of bullets for a 30 round clip. IS THAT WHY WE GET NO WAL MART VIDEO? BECAUSE THERE'S NO MAGAZINE CHANGES? Look folks, THEY GOT THE REQUIRED EVENTS FOR THIS SHOOTING TO BE REAL, ON VIDEO, IT'S A WAL MART. Let's see video of a magazine swap! If we don't have that the day after, well, that can be deep faked now, it DID NOT HAPPEN, that's a PRIME moment they would have released already.


  1. Why, in ALL the CNN videos (and I watched quite a few) is there only ONE ambulance and ONE stretcher showing up? Hell, they had at least 40 people needing ambulances. Where was the overwhelming paramedic support? I have seen a few tards post that "if they are dead, they don't move them". That is true, IF and ONLY IF the body is so dead it has riga. All these were fresh. They should have all been pronounced dead at the hospital. Why ONLY ONE DAMN AMBULANCE?


You can see in the videos the BORDER PATROL, FBI, and regular cops were there, plus ONE fire truck and ONE ambulance. That's a repeat we see at these shootings- totally underwhelming EMT support. And I'll tell you why: EMT's are GOOD PEOPLE, and they could not get 165 of them who were corrupt pieces of shit to front this lie. But they could find five. (including driver). The FBI and border patrol would be EASY to pull enough dirt bags from, but the local police presence was weak too.


I could go on and on with this but I have probably said enough. BOTTOM LINE: They can't do one of these false flags, because they have SJW'ed unqualified people onto the scenario planning teams. Harpreet, who was in the Indian military, said you can't get that high a casualty count with people trying to avoid you in a short time, so the shooting had to be a long one, and Polly gave the go ahead for it to be TWENTY DAMN MINUTES LONG without considering the fact that the place had doors. That's an EMERGENCY GAFFE, and I mean, an F-5 cow throwing gaffe, a product of sheer stupidity and poor planning. That alone kills the story, on the outside edge I might believe 3-5 minutes because Aunt Edna had the electric cart and got lost in the clothing section on the way out . . . . and then only she would have been dead, the casualty count would not have been that high with so many places to hide, in Wal Mart you would never get a clear shot at ANYONE who was not handicapped after the first few seconds.

Anonymous ID: 41ca8d Aug. 4, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.7337139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7469 >>7531


The original newsletter was going to be on this topic, but I got distracted by Trump's DNA testing at the border, and I had LOTS of decent work already done on the slaves.


The original outline for the newsletter I had originally planned was this:




Prepare for an endless barrage of absolutely horrific false flags, some of which will involve actual deaths


For it, I had everything gathered but it is not put together yet. The topics were:


Swamp critters finally getting arrested.


The FBI labeling investigators as terrorists, AFTER the NY fire departments officially stated that the know the government lied about 911, and that they know explosives were used, and that explosives brought the buidings down, and they subsequently demanded the investigations be re-done AFTER Trump got people in that might actually do it for real. The FBI panicked, and now needs an enormous pile of terror attacks pinned on the public to justify shutting everyone up. WHO SHOWED UP AT THIS LATEST SHOOTING? THE FBI. WHILE IT WAS HOT. GO FIGURE.,


The "conspiracy theories are terror" line is only to cover for those who fear being executed for treason, STARTING WITH THE FBI


Trump likely did in fact accomplish a successful game of 7D chess, and has the deep state squirming like a stabbed worm. That makes the deep state dangrous, there will be HORRIBLE false flags.


The deep state woes are so bad that Ocasio's staff quit. It would be convenient to say they hated her, but what if they really quit to distance themselves from whatever explosions are going to happen soon? What if they saw her kill a kid? Her staff quitting needs some real explaining, Ocasio should have been backed by people who were so into the American takeover they'd do it for religious purposes and NEVER QUIT.


Mueller's testimony was a disaster, thus ramping up the heat.