Anonymous ID: 61db02 Aug. 4, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.7336968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

laggy site….laggggs that dragggs


we are in a cold civil war.


"modern American liberalism, under pressures both fiscal and philosophical, would either go out of business or be forced to radicalize. If it chose the latter, I predicted, it could radicalize along two lines: towards socialism or towards an increasingly post-modern form of leadership. Today it is doing both."


Combined with the mental illness that is identity politics.


identity politics

Anonymous ID: 61db02 Aug. 4, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.7337096   🗄️.is 🔗kun


she has no jurisdiction in Texas.


Oh no you didn't? Who is Willie Brown, Kamala?


Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.


Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power. Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”


She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.


Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California’s Attorney General in 2010. “Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes,” reports Daily Caller.


At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That’s when thousands of Cooley’s votes just disappeared.


Kamala Harris’ path to power is strewn with illicit affairs and fraudulent elections, and in desperation, she paid Maxine Waters’ daughter Karen $63,000 dollars to appear on mailers with Auntie Maxine. Washington Free Beacon reports, “The payments were made from Harris’s campaign committee and transferred to Waters’s campaign committee through a lucrative ‘slate mailer’ operation run by Waters’s daughter, a program that has proved profitable for both her daughter and the campaign.”

Anonymous ID: 61db02 Aug. 4, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.7337549   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i dont shave and I have no piercings or tats.


I think tats are ugly. PERIOD.


fashion is for idiots. I make my own clothing.


I stopped processing my hair and putting chemicals on my face.


I've been up all night on nite and graveyard shifts. Shadilay anons. Stay focused on facts and not vanity.