Anonymous ID: a3422d Aug. 4, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.7336844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6886

Where's the DECLAS?….Where are the arrests?…..The Deep State and Swamp must be laughing into their andrenochrome cocktails every night at how soft and incompetent Trump and his team of White Hats are. They can't believe that none of them have been brought to justice yet. They see weakness.

They see mercy. 2 things that this group of people will never show to us….and this is why we will ultimately lose to them. Sad.

Anonymous ID: a3422d Aug. 4, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.7336938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7228

How many more False Flags and dead innocents until the gloves are taken off? I'm tired of waiting and I know many others who are too. If shit doesn't hit the fan by the election next year and I don't see swamp rats in handcuffs, then Trump will not be re-elected….."DRAIN THE SWAMP" was the #1 promise made to us and it hasn't been kept. The economy doesn't mean shit if these evil cunts aren't taken down for once and for all and the masses are red pilled and woken up. They'll just get another puppet in there after Trump and everything he's done will be reversed in the blink of the eye. It will be like this whole revolution never happened. In the history if the cabal, it will just be looked at as a small bump in the road to their ultimate agenda. I despair.