in the last bread someone spitballed an idea about a SECRET SHOOTER DRILL that is twisted on its head and turned to frame the dill participants, this is a VERY interesting idea, limited people are aware tihs is FAKE, and the participants would be fooled into thinking they are working with th GOOD GUYS
agreed, but even so, the dead would be dead. if a CC shot a bad guy OR a participant, they would need to determine that after going thru survivor stories, learn about the CC and investigate, your sweep ensures that. but how do you preform a sweep n not record it on cctv?
agreed, pray for the victims, all anon's do!
these notions are all possible, and give maximum effect, so would be done.
>>7338519 missing H
we know [they] are talking in comms that are unknown… might it be possible that we are being given [THEIR] direct comms, to see if an independandt entitiy (anons) can crack it?