Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.7339879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9926 >>0066

MASS SHOOTING IN CHICAGO! 7 Shot in Douglas Park in Drive-by Shooting at 1:20 AM — Ignored by Media


On Saturday, early Sunday there were two horrific mass shootings at an El Paso Walmart and a Dayton, Ohio club district.


At least 29 people were murdered in the two mass shootings.


MASS SHOOTING IN CHICAGO! 7 Shot in Douglas Park in Drive-by Shooting at 1:20 AM — Ignored by Media

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft August 4, 2019 75 Comments


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On Saturday, early Sunday there were two horrific mass shootings at an El Paso Walmart and a Dayton, Ohio club district.


At least 29 people were murdered in the two mass shootings.


There was also a mass shooting late Saturday, early Sunday morning in Chicago.


At least seven people were injured in a shooting near Douglas Park in Chicago.


The media mostly ignored this latest mass shooting for some reason?


The shots were fired from a black Camero.


Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.7339890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9904 >>0014 >>0394 >>0576

US to the UK: “Scrap tax on tech giants or no post-Brexit free trade agreement”


Last month the UK government revealed its plan to levy a two percent tax on the revenues of tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. The Trump administration, in response to the plan, is reportedly ready to walk away from an agreement that newly inaugurated Prime Minister Boris Johnson is relying on heavily with a no-deal Brexit fast approaching.


According to the Telegraph, the White House has demanded that the British government drops its so-called digital service tax on US tech companies, threatening that it would tear up the would-be free trade agreement between the two countries.


Sources told the UK news outlet, “the threat has been communicated to the UK Government ‘at multiple levels’”. Apparently, aside from implicit warnings from inside the Trump administration, key US lawmakers have also publicly indicated that they could halt negotiations about a free trade deal.


Ron Wyden, key Democrat on the Senate finance committee, told Bloomberg News had warned officials in the UK that imposing the tax would end the possibility of a post-Brexit trade agreement.


“I met with the UK officials earlier, and said ‘You expect a trade agreement with the United States and the UK It will not happen with your digital services tax. Period. Full stop’”, the west coast lawmaker said.


Kevin Brady, a Republican congressman from Texas echoed similar sentiments, asserting that the tax would hamper free-trade agreement negotiations.


“It’s not the way to start this discussion,” Brady said.


UK Prime Minister Johnson had this to say when asked about the proposed digital tax: “I think it’s deeply unfair that high street businesses are paying tax through the nose, whereas the internet giants, the Faangs – Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google – are paying virtually nothing. We’ve got to find a way of taxing the internet giants on their income, because at the moment it is simply unfair”


The French government has also initiated a plan to tax US tech giants. Earlier last month, the tax proposal was adopted by France’s lower house of parliament – the National Assembly. The so-called GAFA tax – an acronym for Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon – would levy a 3 percent digital services tax on multinational tech companies’ sales generated in France. The tax targets 30 companies, most of which are from the US.


After catching word of the proposed tax, Trump lashed out at the President “Macron’s foolishness”, and hinted that countermeasures would be taken against French wine coming into the US.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.7339893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0394 >>0576

Genocide of Nigeria’s Christians a ‘Global Security Nightmare’


The ongoing slaughter of Nigerian Christians by Muslim herders and terrorists is a powder keg waiting to explode, according to an essay Sunday by Christian persecution expert John L. Allen.


A recent report asserted that 52 lethal, anti-Christian attacks took place in Nigeria during the first six months of 2019, notes Mr. Allen, the author of the 2013 bestseller The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution.


Meanwhile, the Nigerian-based International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law declared that some 2,400 Christians were killed by the Fulani in 2018 alone. And Nigeria’s Daily Post reported last year that from June 2015 to June 2018, Fulani militants “killed 8,800 Christians and other non-Muslims,” torching “not less than 1,000″ churches and other places of worship during the same period.


While mainstream media have insisted that the anti-Christian violence by Muslim herdsmen is not religiously motivated, that is not the experience of people on the ground, Allen notes.


“It’s tough to tell Nigerian Christians this isn’t a religious conflict since what they see are Fulani fighters clad entirely in black, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and screaming ‘Death to Christians!’, Sister Monica Chikwe of the Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy told Allen at a recent Rome conference on anti-Christian persecution.


The media have largely downplayed the religious nature of the Fulani killings, preferring to attribute the violence to “ethnic tensions,” a “battle for land and resources,” or even “climate change.”


Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, who is himself of the Fulani ethnic group, has encouraged this narrative, minimizing the importance of religion in the conflict.


Two local Catholic bishops, however, along with other Christian leaders, have insisted that the violence represents a “clear agenda for Islamizing the Nigerian Middle Belt” by using armed Fulani jihadists.


One of the bishops, Matthew Ishaya Audu of Lafia, said in 2018 that the ongoing attacks are not random or economically motivated, but purposefully target Christians.


“They want to strike Christians,” Bishop Audu said, “and the government does nothing to stop them, because President Buhari is also of the Fulani ethnic group.”


Allen, who visited Nigeria while researching his book on Christian persecution, concurs.


“Sooner or later, the international community will be forced to recognize that the fate of Nigeria’s Christian population isn’t just a human rights issue,” Allen wrote Sunday, “but also a major global security concern.”


A recent report filed by the Jubilee Campaign, which advocates for religious freedom worldwide, to the International Criminal Court, claims that Fulani massacres of Christians in Nigeria meet the international standard for a “genocide.”


Such a situation presents a serious problem for the international community, Allen declared Sunday.


“So far, Nigeria largely has been spared a larger eruption in part because of the leadership of Christian clergy, who generally preach non-violent resistance,” Allen said.


“It’s unclear, however, how much longer that philosophy can hold up if the violence continues unabated and the perception is that government authorities are unable, or unwilling, to do anything about it,” he added.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.7339896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9928

And Here It Is: AOC's Just-Resigned Chief Of Staff Under Federal Investigation


It looks like we have an answer for why Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief-of-staff abruptly resigned on Friday; he's under federal investigation.


According to the New York Post, Saikat Chakrabarti - the architect behind AOC's meteoric rise from bartender to ball-buster, is being investigated in connection with two political action committees he founded.


The two PACs being probed, Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, were both set up by Chakrabarti to support progressive candidates across the country.


But they funneled more than $1 million in political donations into two private companies that Chakrabarti also incorporated and controlled, according to Federal Election Commission filings and a complaint filed in March with the regulatory agency.


In 2016 and 2017, the PACs raised about $3.3 million, mostly from small donors. A third of the cash was transferred to two private companies whose names are similar to one of the PACs — Brand New Congress LLC and Brand New Campaign LLC — federal campaign filings show. -New York Post


As the Post notes, PACs are required to adhere to stringent disclosure rules, while the private companies Chakrabarti funneled money into are not.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.7339915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arrest Reports From Kamala Harris Years Disappear From California DOC Website


California’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website has removed public access to several key incarceration reports as a part of a site redesign.


The move, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, comes as its former attorney general, Kamala Harris, is drawing scrutiny from fellow Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard and others for her arrest record while in the post.


From the report:


Twice a year, the CDCR releases information about the number of new individuals incarcerated in the California prison system as part of its “Offender Data Points” series. These reports provide important information on demographics, sentence length, offense type, and other figures relevant to criminal justice and incarceration.


Until recently, these reports were publicly available at the CDCR’s website. A search using’s Wayback Machine reveals that as of April 25, 2019—the most recent indexed date—ODP reports were available dating back to the spring of 2009. As of August 2019, the same web page now serves only a single ODP report, the one for Spring 2019. The pre-2019 reports have been removed.


Harris, who served as the state’s top cop from 2011 to 2017, was harshly criticized by Gabbard, who demanded she apologize to the “people who suffered under [her] reign as prosecutor” during Wednesday night’s Democratic debate.


“I want to bring the conversation back to the criminal justice system that is disproportionately, negatively affecting black and brown people today,” the Hawaiian congresswoman said Wednesday. “Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record of Senator Harris’.”

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.7339924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0394 >>0576

Swedish talk show shut down by Youtube – pressures from Government suspected


For several years, the increasingly popular show SwebbTv has been up and running. Now all of a sudden, the show is shut down by Youtube, which SwebbTV has used as a platform for distribution. All SwebbTv’s programs have been deleted without any further explanation.


“We have criticised politics in questions that involve climate alarms, mass immigration, family and gender issues. We have never received any significant criticism against our programs and we have been reaching out to as many as 1,000,000 of Swedes”, says Mikael Willgert, editor in chief, in a statement.


Government had meetings with Facebook and Google

In April last year, home minister Morgan Johansson, social democrat, called the internet giants Facebook and Youtube-owned Google to a meeting, demanding them to actively remove all sorts of “illegal content” from their platforms.


If the platforms would not comply to the Government’s demands, Johansson threatened them with legislation.

The meeting was followed by a debate in Swedish MSM where traditional media representatives stated the necessary for censorship of opinions and to avoid spreading of fake news.


Social media users warned and criticised this further step to dismiss freedom of speech. After Johansson’s meeting, alternative news sites had their business opportunities diminished due to the strangling of advertisements on their ad pages.


Never been blamed

SwebbTv has never been blamed, criticised or reported for promoting hate speech or other criminal behaviour. Instead, the show has been known for a quiet tone of voice. The invited guests to the programs were interviewed by editor Mikael Willgert for the one-hour long talks where social, economic, cultural and political issues were addressed.


“SwebbTv has a Publication Licence to protect us from meddlesome rulers. Probably our criticism has raised concerns among people in power. The Government has also expressed a desire to stop free speech”, Willgert says.


A letter from Youtube

It was Friday afternoon SwebbTV received a letter stating that the popular show is breaking the Youtube’s rules, thus the channel was instantly shut down and all years of work vanished from the internet. There were no further explanation. SwebbTv is now investigating other potential platforms to reach out to its viewers and how all closed programs will be reinstalled, on the SwebbTv web page or elsewhere.


“Google has abused its dominating position and I believe they are making a mistake”, Mikael Willgert states.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.7339932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cop Allowed to Quietly Resign After Video Showed Him Smash Woman’s Head in Over License Plate Sticker


Nashville, TN — Like so many officers are allowed to do to escape accountability, Nashville Police Department officer Barrett Teague resigned before an investigation into possible police brutality could be completed. Now, his sadistic act of brutality against a woman over an expired sticker will like go unpunished.


On July 3rd, Teague initiated a traffic stop against Adreneyonia Ensley (21) for having an expired license plate. The stop quickly escalated into Teague slamming Ensley onto several cars including her own and that of another motorist.


The traffic stop took place at a gas station on Dickerson Pike. Everything seemed to be routine until Ensley got out of her car to see for herself if her license plate was actually expired. That’s when Teague apparently began yelling at her. It’s unclear exactly how it unfolded because the video uploaded by Ensley has no audio but it seems as though a verbal argument quickly escalated into a physical one.


Teague can be seen slamming the young woman through the sharp angled door jam onto her own hood and then onto the rear passenger door of a car parked alongside Ensley’s. The video appeared to show the officer using such force that the back of Ensley’s head slammed into the top of the other vehicle.


“The administration of the MNPD and Officer Teague’s supervisors at the East Precinct are very concerned with what the video shows,” police said in a statement earlier in July.


The passenger riding with Ensley got out of the car and came over to the driver’s side where the pushing and shoving was taking place. After Teague slammed Ensley’s head on the other vehicle the officer can be seen pushing back the passenger who appears to have tried to push back against the officer who was beating the woman.


Fortunately for the two motorists, Teague was not trigger-happy or the two would likely have been shot and possibly killed, all for not paying state-sponsored extortion fees in the form of a license plagte tag.


On Thursday July 4th, Teague was assigned desk duty. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department issued the following statement:


The MNPD on Thursday afternoon was made aware of the video showing Officer Teague’s interaction with Ms. Ensley. The administration of the MNPD and Officer Teague’s supervisors at the East Precinct are very concerned with what the video shows. Officer Teague was decommissioned Thursday afternoon (police authority removed). He has been assigned to plain clothes desk duty at another precinct. The Office of Professional Accountability has begun an investigation of this interaction. An Office of Professional Accountability detective has reached out to Ms. Ensley and is awaiting a return call.”


As we’ve documented over the years, such allegations of police brutality usually lead to an investigation of the officer in question. Such an officer is usually placed on administrative leave — which can take years in extreme cases and is considered a paid vacation by police accountability activists.


However, Teague did not wait until the investigation was completed and preemptively resigned on Wednesday. Teague’s resignation ended the internal investigation but a criminal one is still pending according to local news reports. Hopefully, justice is served, but if history is any indicator, this will not be the case.

Anonymous ID: ac5bc1 Aug. 4, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.7339956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9967 >>0394 >>0576

Google 'Very Biased At Every Level' And 'Will Attempt To Influence 2020 Election': Former Engineer


A former Google engineer told Fox News's Tucker Carlson on Friday that Google has "very biased people running every level of the company," and is a "major threat" to President Trump in the 2020 US election.


"Do you think that Google will attempt to influence the election outcome, attempt to prevent Trump from being reelected?" Carlson asked former Google engineer, Kevin Cernekee.


"I do believe so,"replied Cernekee. "I think that’s a major threat. They have openly stated that they think 2016 was a mistake. They thought Trump should have lost in 2016. They really want Trump to lose in 2020. That’s their agenda."