Anonymous ID: 16b825 Aug. 4, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.7340974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1022 >>1030 >>1075 >>1275 >>1350

"Very Dangerous Situation": Hong Kong Government Issues Warning As Protests Become Increasingly Violent


The government of Hong Kong has warned that the ongoing protests could devolve into a "very dangerous situation" after demonstrators filled the streets, squaring off with riot police as traffic came to a complete standstill.


🇭🇰 HAPPENING NOW: Riot police fire tear gas in Hong Kong's Causeway Bay district on the 9th consecutive weekend of #HongKongProtests #香港 #反送中

— Bloomberg TicToc (@tictoc) August 4, 2019


Sunday marked the third consecutive day of demonstrations out of a nine-week protest which began with outrage over a controversial bill which would have allowed suspects to face extradition to mainland China - a measure which has been paused but not taken off the table. Since then, demonstrators have demanded that arrested protesters be exonerated, along with the implementation of universal suffrage.


Protesters staged two massive rallies on opposite sides of the city, according to the Wall Street Journal.


Thousands marched in the largely residential area of Tseung Kwan O while more rallied in Kennedy Town on the west side of Hong Kong Island.


In the city’s Western district, police fired tear gas to disperse protesters who deviated from the approved rally location. Later, many suddenly decided to head to Causeway Bay, a popular shopping and entertainment district, occupying a busy thoroughfare. Sirens blared across the city as a group of protesters blocked the entrance to the cross-harbor tunnel, causing a massive traffic jam. -WSJ

Anonymous ID: 16b825 Aug. 4, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.7341057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All 40 top Likud candidates pledge loyalty to Netanyahu


"Without regard to the results of the election, Netanyahu is the Likud's only candidate for prime minister, and there will be no other candidate.


All 40 of the Likud's top Knesset candidates signed a petition on Sunday reiterating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and only Netanyahu, is the party's candidate to form the next government.


The petition came after Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman said on Channel 12's Meet the Press program on Saturday evening that he would like to see a prime minister from Likud who is not Netanyahu and suggested Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein.

"We the undersigned candidates on the Likud list for the 22nd Knesset underscore that we will not receive any dictation from any other party," the petition says. "Without regard to the results of the election, Netanyahu is the Likud's only candidate for prime minister, and there will be no other candidate.


The petition drive was initiated by MK David Bitan and immediately endorsed by Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, among other Netanyahu loyalists. Even MKs Gideon Sa'ar and Michal Shir, who are considered less automatic to back Netanyahu than other MKs, signed the petition.


Netanyahu wrote on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, "Thanks to the Likud members for their unequivocal support. We are always united!"


The Democratic Union's number two candidate, former MK Stav Shaffir, wrote on Twitter that the petition showed that the Likud is "committing suicide." Former prime minister Ehud Barak (Democratic Union) tweeted that [the Likud's ideological mentor Ze'ev] "Jabotinsky is turning over in his grave."


The official response of Blue and White was that "the Likud is preparing for the post-Netanyahu era" and that "no document can stop the contacts and talks between figures in Blue and White and Likud."


Blue and White candidate Moshe Ya’alon compared the Likud petition to the regime in North Korea, where people “take a deep bow even to statues” of their leader. Blue and White number two Yair Lapid tweeted an endorsement of Liberman's comments on Sunday.


"Bibi is right," Lapid wrote. "Behind his back, everyone in Likud is already searching for his successor and talking about nothing but that. Right now they are whispering, but not for much longer."


Netanyahu's spokesman Yonatan Urich mocked Lapid's reaction to the petition by saying that Blue and White is considering stopping its four leaders attacking each other for a day.


"Gantz and Lapid, who head a dictatorial party and have elected themselves and their members, are the last who should be preaching morality to Likud - the largest and most powerful democratic party in Israel," the Likud said in a statement. "Lapid and Gantz, who are constantly working against each other, and Labor which changes chairmen every two weeks, can only envy Likud members who stand behind the party chairman. Their frustration is understandable: the plot to replace Netanyahu after the election finally collapsed today."


This petition was revealed first by the Ynet website.

Anonymous ID: 16b825 Aug. 4, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7341078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1179

McConnell and Burr Led the Charge Against Ratcliffe After Trump Chose Him to Replace Coats – Blew Off His Phone Calls


Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo said on Sunday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr led the charge against Trump’s choice for DNI, GOP Rep. John Ratcliffe.


Maria Bartiromo told former Congressman Trey Gowdy on Sunday that her sources told her that McConnell and Burr blew off Ratcliffe after Trump nominated him to be the next Director of National Intelligence.


“Here’s what my sources are telling me — I am hearing that Mitch McConnell and Richard Burr basically blew him off. He called them to have a meeting with them and he said ‘oh no no no we’re busy, we have the budget, we can’t do it.” Bartiromo told Gowdy on “Sunday Morning Futures.”


Bartiromo the said that the GOP leaders felt they couldn’t get RINO Senator Susan Collins (ME) on board.


“Susan Collins said that Ratcliffe was ‘awfully rough on Mueller'” Bartiromo said.


The truth is that Trump chose John Ratcliffe to replace Dan Coats before the Mueller hearing.


Furthermore, Ratcliffe was doing his job when he grilled Mueller and blasted him for turning the Constitution upside down by smearing Trump, an innocent man who has never been convicted of a crime.


It was all hands on deck after Trump announced he would be nominating Ratcliffe to replace Coats — the Democrat-media complex immediately went into overdrive to attack Ratcliffe, a former US Attorney who served in the House on several Committees for years.


Trump and Ratcliffe decided together to withdraw his name from consideration on Friday and the Deep Staters immediately came out and called Trump to nominate Brennan’s BFF Sue Gordon to take over for Coats.

Anonymous ID: 16b825 Aug. 4, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.7341331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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