how the fuck is it an 8chan shooting? Surely these same folks also were on twitter and Facebook. This is so transparently orchestrated only a norm (pictured) would fall for it.
don't I know it. this is why i dropped out of society for the most part….other than you glorious faggots… all of it brings this song to mind
naturally inferior? in what way? certainly not physically. higher IQ is a canard. how can one be semetic with only european mitochondria dna? just by speaking hebrew? it is all pretty fucked up if you ask me
yes…he loved saying that….he is a very strange bugger. they said he used to confront lawmakers in the club house common showers yelling at people totally naked….
just carry on…. one song .
Keks in Eye-Gore
'educated' Norms have an insatiable desire to belong and as long as the media is the way it is they will; believe nothing that is actually happening and will still vote Dem. These are the main enemy….not the illegals, minorities and LBGTQWERTYs combined…..
Paul Williams actually wrote the words (doesn't mean it aint pedo…check out good bye yellow brick road by bernie taipan). Babbs just did the composition. I was putting it out there during the "evergreen" breads a few weeks ago….she loved her some slick willie from the old days too…so….