I has taken me some time to even begin to figure out what I think is really going on. I've never been part of the military in my life and understanding the Q drops plus looking at all the other evidence has been difficult but worth the effort.
I think we are in an actual "civil war"-type scenario though obviously without massive armies and blood shed as in the 1860's. I do consider Trump and his team "legitimate" and Obama and DS as "coup" or insurgents. Trump seems to adhere to the Constitution and respect the legal functions of government.
The C_A's usefulness as an intelligence agency is gone. NSA is what we have and they "have it all". A house cleaning HAS occurred at the FBI and it seems to me they are or will be pretty much 'white hats'. However, ALL our agencies seem to have been deliberately and perniciously comp'ed during the Obama years. Plus the C_A like a cancer continues to explore metastatic actions to preserve its own existence
(like another rogue agency frequently discussed here). MKUltra infiltrated many, many US institutions and professions. I'd guess that conventional psychiatry is pretty much MKUltra for the masses, reliably used to generate depressed and potentially violent subjects to launder into domestic terrorists. Cleaning up this mess could take YEARS and will require helping the majority of Americans to understand that their doctors, pharmacists, and likely even some nurses were weaponized to produce a debilitated and easily controlled "herd". Vaccines and horribly contaminated food, plus household chemicals (which Q called out) start the process from the earliest moments of life.
I don't know exactly what happened in El Paso or Dayton, however, a pattern has emerged that some if not all people can understand. First, the actions of one or two people, even if crazy violent should not guide polices for everyone or lead, inevitably to the charge that Trump or Q or 8 chan caused the carnage. The guilt belongs to those who pulled the trigger and perhaps those using mind-control techniques on vulnerable people. It should be determined whether either shooter had contact with processes or people who seem to consistently be associated with the development of social pathologies such as CPS involvement, contact with psychiatrists and "therapists" or psychiatric drugging. With such a high percentage of our population on psych drugging I'd like to ask how medication use correlates with violent behavior. Why is is that many acquaintances of mine from rural areas grew up around guns but NEVER experienced a mass shooting? Why do mass killing events INVARIABLY occur in settings where people are known to be disarmed or where firearms are NOT permitted? How does the media play into all of this? Does the media facilitate the sending of messages or highlight behaviors so as to foster more of the same?
My 2 cents.