>>7341259 (lb)
that hideous schnoz is what gave her voice the timbre to make it distinctive. too bad she is such a fucking asshole , makes cher look cool...
>>7341259 (lb)
that hideous schnoz is what gave her voice the timbre to make it distinctive. too bad she is such a fucking asshole , makes cher look cool...
are you the bar exam taking new lawfag?
That shit is aggravating. yeesh. An armed society is a polite society; proof positive right there. But there was an anon last week that took the bar and was getting into law for 2A purposes like this. I hope he/she passed and God blesses the work.
Hive mind. Recently, out of nowhere, was thinking how all these things had rumors of multiple shooters in early reporting all the way back to the joker movie kid in colorado, who was not mentioned in the bread at all …and yet right above my post was a picture of him in court with the still red hair and doped out look on his face. Hive mind activated!
I still have auto-reflexive-top-of-bread-scroll syndrome cuz uv u…. but breads always have heals and some heals taste better than other….
flagging myself. HEEL.
they really think the AR stands for assault rifle. True story Don Lemon probably told them that.
and perhaps not?
how the fuck is 8chan….oh never mind…..Norms are stupid enough to just believe what someone else tells them then take the time to find out themselves. Any journalist with half a mind could go back and read all the breads and see the shills are easily identifiable and the source of all the shit news they are looking for. But there are zero real journalists in the Norm's paradigm.