Real deaths. Actors put in place to push narrative from CNN outward.
Q/team, NSA etc aren't God. They can't see and hear everything. And there are strict laws against SPYING on American citizens!!
They KNOW evil deep state exists and they've groomed mind-controlled evil-doers for decades (see William Cooper's writings) and they know they will do anything to shift the collective focus onto ANYTHING BUT what's coming. THEY know what's coming… the truth about thier corruption and lies and deceipt.
They control/blackmail/pay off local officials to help cover up the inconsistancies and stuff they don't want people to see. Like the multiple eyewitness accounts of people saying there was more than one shooter, why the shooter apparently changed pants, why Parkland shooting parents are at the same Walmart in El Paso that the shooter is at, at the exact same time - (bazillion to one odds??) and so on.
Because you (shill?) would use anything Q posts to push the constant "QAnon Bad" narrative. GTFO with that.
And you're dillusional if you think there is a small list of participants in this "network of mentally ill people and cooperative octors working for them" you speak of… that the NSA can simply follow around all day.
Simple minded nonsense. This (as you know if you're a shill) is of porportions not within your grasp.
Dude's old, fell and broke a bone. Come on now… those aren't lightning strike odds!