Anon ID: ded9e0 Endgame pi Aug. 4, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.7342138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don't know if any other Christians have noticed " themes" or direct biblical references. Can't place my finger on it, ( good or bad) but there is something there.


Age of Ultron - the AI robot sits on a church throne in the middle of a city.


Age of Ultron - Vision ( a man made creation ) upon waking up for first time says , " I am".


Civil War - US ( Steve Rogers ) beats arrogant big tech. In final battle.


Captain America - Steve Rogers starts it ALL.


The more I look, the more I am seeing. Numbers, gematria, etc.


Predictive programming? Or maybe the Lord was working through Stan Lee? He is old school.