Please read carefully Anons
Dr. Jøhn Cø|eman former M_6 operative talked quite a bit about mind control and media 'polling'. His many works to expose the Cabal were based on scientific principles and mass social psychology.
For example, he specifically linked the present modus operandi that we are seeing now in the media's campaign to own public opinion, long before the C_A came into existence. Dr. Cø|eman did indeed link the origins of the C_A to the OSS and their carpet bombing campaign against the Germans at the end of WWII that became the death blow to the Nazis. Specifically American-German psychologist of Tavistock Institute, Kurt Lewin studied the devastating effect on morale that resulted from the brutal bombings on the Dresden German Worker housing in what Kurt Lewin coined the "Strategy of Terror" as written in his book "Resolving Social Conflicts". I'll paste the relevant text from that below on the bottom of this post. What is important to note about these media attacks is their origin in ACTUAL AERIAL BOMBING CAMPAIGNS. Kurt Lewin found that breaking morale could be done PSYCHOLOGICALLY by BOMBARDING THE MASSES WITH CONFLICTING INFORMATION in the same way that bombing the WORKFORCE (note, not the military) at their homes. So basically today's media campaigns have their origins in attacking civilian targets using a "strategy of terror" as Lewin dubbed it.
This is how the public morale is being broken down. We are the military (information, intelligence), but the media is turning the public through a "strategy of terror" against its own good.
I believe that the media has used the Mueller Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollett Hoax, Nicholas Sandmann (Covington kids), more recently Erica Thomas "Go back to where you came from", and many other hoaxes and half truths, etc. to gauge the public reaction around false narratives and poll the effectiveness of their media carpet bombing campaigns.
The clowns would measure (poll) to know if they could be fairly confident that despite the stories and narratives being proven false and hoaxes, that the public would adopt and accept the false narratives.
This is where I believe that we find ourselves on this very 4th day of August, 2019. The attacks from MSNBC in particular have been extremely harsh and have created such morale breaking confusion to the normies and regular public, particularly most influentially via loud Neocons (shills and controlled opposition). Worse, the narratives have effectively trickled down into the mid-level ranks where some lesser rooted Patriots who have wide Social Media influence are being overwhelmed by brute force (information, bots, paid shills, etc.)
I wanted to point this out today not to raise any level of concern, but to remind Anons in this particular thick moment that this is a lengthy war of attrition, the DS is deep, and we must maintain our firm resolve and remember that this war is being fought on the information battlefield for literally the soul of mankind. Attacks are about to get for worse the likes of which we've never know or have seen before (in POTUS parlance). We must stand our ground and knock evil back never to show its face for a 1000 years.
Relevant text from Resolving Social Conflicts (1948)
''“One of the main techniques for breaking morale
through a ‘strategy of terror’ consists in exactly this
tactic—keep the person hazy as to where he stands and
just what he may expect. If, in addition, frequent vacillations
between severe disciplinary measures and promises
of good treatment, together with the spreading of
contradictory news, make the cognitive structure of this
situation utterly unclear, then the individual may cease
to know when a particular plan would lead toward or
away from his goal. Under these conditions, even those
individuals who have definite goals and are ready to
take risks will be paralyzed with severe inner conflicts
in regard to what to do.”''