Positive change comes one step at a time by those who are aware
Condensed / Easy-To-Read version of why Hate Will Continue & Why Mass Shootings Will Continue.
#YouAreTheProblem not the gun.
(By “you” I am referring to the virtue-signaling anti-gun / anti-Trump haters out there)
Rev. Scott Anthony ❌ @ScottAnthonyUSA 3h
“Us versus Them” mentality… it’s everywhere.
Social Media
The news
If you can’t see this as a problem, then you are MISSING the root cause of HATE.
And more shootings will happen."
"“Hate” is a learned behavior, and is not normal generally.
YES —parents, family members, school teachers and professors, and news media, what you TEACH our kids, determines if they HATE.
If they hate, then mass killings will continue.
#BreakTheCycle It starts with YOU."
6 minute read