Democrats are going about this very sneaky to take the guns.
With all this background check talk and mental illness talks about guns isn't making any of you realize what the true agenda of this is.
50% psychologist would say people who believe in God are mentality ill
That's enough to get their foot in the door as they are getting you weak fearful faggots to give up rights for licenses.
How about having to go to talk to a psychologist to buy a gun first.
Having to talk to a psychologist to renew your sanity every year so you can keep your gun.
Prove your sanity or you cant get a gun to protect yourself.(prove your sanity to someone who is insane)
This is coming to a local treasonous incorporated municipal power near you.
Have you ever made an off the wall social media post that doesn't favor the democrats or their mentality, if so you have to go to a psycoloist or you have to turn your guns in.
The constitution might say one thing but with all the local treason going on they say one thing but do another.
Americants already gave their gun rights away in the form of infringements with permits and other bkground checks long ago.
It's just a matter of time before you fully capitulate and sink into the abyss of hell along with the other degenerates trying to capitulate to a form of devolving compromise, mental weakness, and paralyzing fragility.
Americans have given the democrats more and more gun rights away over time like - American made AK-47s, silencers, bumpstocks, large capacity mags.
Criminals or the insane don't give a fuck about you or your laws for mental security.
All Laws do are hurt the good and honest American.
Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy us when they steal the power back.
I'm ready for DECLAS, how about you!
keeping America great patriots!
I'm ready!
I want my America back!