=Trump is done. They've forced his hand. Gun control measures tomorrow==
Shit - got me. Now back to Comey going free and the deep state skull fucking Trump into gun control submission
The plan went South
Been here since the beginning you fucknon
Fucking two-fer win:
Dems called back to congress so can't be arrested
Trump forced (again) to submit to gun control
Let's reexamine statements in their actual context:
"Trust Sessions" .. to do everything to protect the cabal
"Trust Wray" …to protect the deep state stormtroopers
"Trust Huber" …to do absolutely nothing
"Nothing can stop what's coming" - The New World Order cannot be stopped. It will be successful
"Elections are safe" …from Republicans. Democrats will win the house
"August is hot…as we will be carrying out mass executions to drive the New Order forward
"Ratcliffe good"…so we're going to get him out
"Guns are safe"…when they are confiscated once and for all
"Guns are safe" when they're confiscated and nobody can shoot them
Hopefully Trump will just declare martial law instead of banning semi-automatic weapons…but who's holding their breath here?
Graham: "Can an american citizen be arrested as an enemy combatant overseas if they conspired with an enemy?"
Kavanaugh: "Yes"
Plot twist -
Q and gang are staging the FFs to trigger martial law.
Antifa was/is NOT declared a terrorist organization - this board has been.
Oh you mean like make moar memes?
Sounds to me like the real patriots are ready to go hot while you tardnons paint your balls with nailpolish
Ok wrap it up boys - this place is clean
Trump's next misspelling will reveal all the answers
How tf do you think he's going to answer? kek
"Thank you for asking"…
then a big red button will float out of the sky and when he pushes it the ground opens up and the NG and Marines pour out and arrest everyone?
That would be the only saving grace. That or POTUS declares civil war/national emergency/martial law or something along those lines.