Nope I think I'm on target, Patriots like yourself will no question the ultimate authority and reasoning of Q / POTUS
Let me guess: ex law enforcement or military?
TRUMP's positions on many things are ignorant. I love him and respect him enough to tell them. Death Penalty for Drugs? WTF Make America Communist SE Asian Mongoloid Shithole Nation again?
BTW Cussing is a sign of intelligence faggot.
TRUMP's comments on eliminating due process from the 2nd amendment border on treason IMO. He back peddalled that jackoff statement faster than 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. Now Q tells us to not pay attention to fake news and it's safe?
The laws they made in FL are exactly what trump said and they even reference that they are in line with TRUMPs statements, Real Statements Real Trajedy, People will loose their lives as a result of this legislation, blood on POTUS's hands. I'm still waiting for POTUS to prove he's a big enough man to admit when he is wrong.
I for one will defend POTUS with my life, doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he's about nor vice versa