Last week some friends and me were watching on TV an official video of an appolo mission on the moon (N°17 but not sure). At one moment the cosmonaut was planting a stake in the moon ground with a hammer. Each time the hammer was hurting the stake there was a "bong", same noise as on earth. I stayed quite suprised a few seconds and asked my friend : "don't you think it's strange to hear the noise of the hammer on the stake picked up by the cam ? Them : "well, nothing special normal to have noise when you hurt something with a hammer", : "but there's no air on the moon how can the sound goes from the hammer to the cam's mic?" Them : " oh shut up with your conspiracy theories".
an other question :
Why are they imposing their decisions to governments when they have absolutely no deocratic legitimacy ?
How many of them are in our governments without people be aware of it ?
Why do they get elected hidden behing a conventional political status, and never as mason ?