Anonymous ID: 450fba Dec. 10, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.7472224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4200


"It also found no evidence of political bias in the investigation but it did find ‘serious performance failures’ in the surveillance of a Trump aide".


No political bias if one is deaf, dumb and blind as a fucking bat!!


“That so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, hand-picked teams on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations that was briefed to the highest levels within the FBI".


There were no errors. No mistakes. Every action taken was deliberate, willful and "knowingly". Planned. Highest levels of the FBI? WRONG. This went all the way to [Hussein].


"The report confirms that the Russia investigation started in July 2016 after Mr Downer told the US about his meeting with a then foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign George Papadopoulos in a London wine bar in May 2016".


"In a statement to the US embassy in London in July 2016 Mr Downer wrote that Mr Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Mrs Clinton (and President Obama)’’.


WRONG……………….George PappaD NEVER told Downer JACK SHIT and while the official investigation is given a start date in July 2016 preparations for the setting up and framing of Presidential Candidate Trump were in the works as early as 2015 with the "Steele Dossier" having been written by Glenn Simpson back as 2008 to be used against [NoName].


Anon's……………….This treasonous cabal of traitors sought to push false information into the Trump campaign by way of Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud to PappaD and then extract shortly thereafter (Downer) to use as supporting evidence to investigate POTUS. PappaD did not bite.


The FBI also tried to setup PappaD by giving him $10,000.00 dollars in Greece that they thought he would bring back with him here to the states and explains why the FBI was waiting on Pappadopolis at KIAD when he got off of the airplane. PappaD DID NOT have the $100,000.00 which is why the FBI had to hold PappaD at Dulles on a "Probable Cause" suspicion until they could scramble to get a warrant over to Dulles. On the Federal level a "Probable Cause" warrant is never used. Per Dan Bongino, when the Feds show up to bust your ass the warrant, grand jury and indictments have long happened and your ass is had.


The initial FISA warrant was taken out on Carter Page who had previously helped the FBI in a Russian sting operation here domestically and the FBI needed a connection to something Russian. Carter Page was IT. They literally threw his ass under the bus and sacrificed him to illegally obtain the first FISA warrant. Using the "Two Step" rule they could now surveil damn near everyone in the Trump orbit.


This operation was nothing less than an effort to set up and frame a Presidential Candidate and turned into a coup d' etat after the election to remove a sitting, duly elected President of the United States of America. By definition, Treason was committed and those that conspired and participated in this coup d' etat should be indicted and tried in the USMCJ system at Guantanamo Bay, found guilty and hung by the neck until death. Anything less than this and the left will have succeeded in destroying the Constitution and the rule of law of this Republic.