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Happy Nov the Qth anons!
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We are live.
Alexander Downer Tweet
Leon Missen @leon_missen
Can you guarantee you didn’t Spy on the Trump campaign for the Clintons
Yes. Of course I didn’t. It’s complete rubbish. I’m not Left wing. I was the Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia. That’s the Australian Conservative party. I have fought against the Left all my adult life! With great success I might say.
George Papadopoulos' response
Yeah whatever you say, buddy. We got the tapes.
JESUS is the way the life and the truth
He Reigns!
FF clearnet test. Captcha solved.
I'm Alive.
Kanye (Ye) now openly responding to a higher loyalty.
The best way to remove a liability is to convert it into an asset.
What's up Patriots
oops, my finger slipped and i saved it
Wazzup ?
Missed out on posting these tweets during the interruption. Posting them into the record now, before Spygate explodes.
George Papadopoulos Tweets
I always win, @AlexanderDowner. Always.
Alexander Downer is breaking. He knows he’s next.
US President Donald Trump demands Australia’s role in “Russia hoax” be examined
‘I hope he looks at Australia’: President Trump drags Australia into FBI probe
The common term for the “Russia probe” is a witch hunt. However, in reality, it was the five eye’s greatest counter intelligence failure in history. The methods and sources that went into framing a president and his team are just now being exposed. The truth will change history.
This is the biggest bombshell of the last two years. The truth about why the UK and Australia was involved in my case is going to be revealed. Hint, it’s not about Russia. Let’s get these document out!
GOP lawmaker shares 'tip' about 'illegal coup' against Trump
I also want the American people to see what happened. Being spied on by the FBI/CIA, UK, Australia and Italy is no joke, especially when the purpose was to attempt a coup and interfere in the democratic process in America. Will be telling it for the first time. Through my eyes.
Mifsud was the first I exposed. Alexander Downer is next.
I played Alexander Downer for a fool. Not only did he get reported to the FBI, and Mueller, who admitted Downer was recording my conversation, I testified against him to congress to launch the new investigations. He will be remembered as the Clinton errand boy.
Out of all the spies who came after me. Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper were the two biggest idiots I made within minutes. Then the wannabe honeypots, Azra Turk and Erika Thompson, just put the icing on the cake of the clown show.
Follow the pipeline deals I was involved in and you will understand why the UK, Australia, Turkey and Italy were involved in the spying operation against me, and ultimately, President Trump.
So is Klobuchar, like Marie Yanokovich, Victoria "fuck the EU" Nudleman Nuland (and her husband Richard Kagan) also an ethnic Ukranian ethnic jew?
What about Samantha "unmask them all" Powers' husband Cass Sunstein?
Is there a pattern here we're not supposed to recognize?
Am not watching yet another hearing on the nonsense of “Russia collusion”, but it’s my understanding that my name keeps coming up. Haven’t I exposed the UK, Brennan CIA, Turkey, Italy and Australia enough for their spy plot against me and Trump? Guess not. My testimony will soon.
With the Australian leader coming to visit DC tomorrow, and declassification underway, it’s imperative that the President confronts Australia about their spying on the 2016 campaign. Namely Alexander Downer and Erika Thompson, and reveal to the American public how they interfered
Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper were both recording my conversations about my energy business work in Cyprus. Biden was there extorting officials and threatening them with Turkey. This is as much about geopolitics as it is corruption. The onion is being peeled back slowly!
John Brennan doesn’t understand that the foreign assets he weopanized against us, that I dealt with personally, (Mifsud, Downer, Turk, Halper and more) are being exposed by the same governments he previously exploited to interfere in the 2016 election. Italy was the first dominio
That’s what happens when I exposed Mifsud’s connections to Italian intelligence and Downer’s bizarre recording of my conversation about everything BUT Russia!
Bye bye Downer.
Breaking News: President Trump pushed Australia's prime minister to help Attorney General William Barr in an investigation intended to rebut the Mueller inquiry
Downer was a fool. I played him the entire meeting that I knew was designed to spy on my energy related work and then to ask a bizarre last minute question about Clinton-Russia. The transcripts will prove it all, folks. They exist. The Australians already flipped on him.
I have been right about Downer from the beginning. A wannabe spy and Clinton errand boy who is about to get exposed on the world stage. Great reporting, NYTs! Mifsud is next.
First, I testified against both Downer and Mifsud a year ago to help launch Durham’s investigation. Now, the fruit of that accurate testimony is exposing the global nature of the attempt to set up the 2016 campaign and interfere in the democratic process. Was my patriotic duty!
Will be speaking directly to Australia. Very soon.
If the President and the department of Justice want the transcript of my meeting with Downer, they will get it. In its entirety.
To understand why four different countries sent spies at me in 2016-2017, you need to follow the energy game I was involved in and advising on. Downer, Mifsud, Halper (paid me for an energy report). Stay focused. Cancel out the white noise.
Trump adviser Papadopoulos touted as energy convoy successor
From August
Gas Fields – Incentives to Form Relations with Neighboring Countries | Israel Defense
This conference is now under scrutiny for me under illicit surveillance from 2016 representing the campaign in Israel. Doesn’t stop at UK/Australia/Italy.
We will soon find out who directed Alexander Downer to spy on me. The Australians don’t freelance without our rubber-stamp, this came from the top of the CIA.
The world is certainly watching