Anonymous ID: c7a37b Nov. 27, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.7382834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4691


Seen a lot of Ausanon activity on Twitter and YT comments which is where I’ve been hanging out trying to keep in touch with news. Do not comment a lot myself, just occasionally. Have been back on boards for a coupla days now using Brave which works well. Found it on Justinformed YT channel.


Accordingly, I know little about Ausanon status here in general. I know we are a force though. Yellow Vests began here this year and appeared on the ballot at Federal elections. YV here are fighting for transparency. Media is all controlled same as US. Our living standards are being slowly shredded by engineered rising energy costs and other increases in cost of living. It’s getting pretty bad. Crime is high and getting higher. The judiciary is unabashedly for the offender who goes out and reoffends. Lip service is paid promising this and that and not delivering. Infrastructure works are massive in Melbourne where I live and ‘outgoings’ are going out if you get my meaning. Port of Melbourne recently leased for 99 years for $9b. I could not believe it. Haven’t got a fucking clue who leased it but you can bet it was one of [them] who will weaponise the port for their peccadillos.


Tony Podesta was reported to be living in Melbourne but I only heard that once and that was around the time of Christchurch ‘shooting’.


As for Scott Morrison, for me the jury is still out. Watching, waiting but other anon makes good points. I don’t trust politicians one bit. That’s why I trust a Trump. Worked out politicians are all about the money and how to get it into their pockets. The real game is about not getting caught.


My take on status here.


Anonymous ID: c7a37b Nov. 28, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.7388090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But who controls…

Sumner Redstone ($4.6 billion)

Bob Iger ($44.9 billion)

Jeff Bewkes ($32.5 million)

Brian Roberts ($40.8 million)

Rupert Murdoch ($23.3 million)

Kazuo Hirai ($4.9 million)

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Dec. 7, 2019, 4:39 a.m. No.7445869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If we take this at face value…


Leave others alone.

Treat with respect and consideration you power tripping standover alpha male freak show excuses for human beings.


Anonymous ID: c7a37b Dec. 17, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.7533084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4252



Australian bishops’ Conference secretary: Catholics can become Freemasons ‘with no penalty’

Remnant on a Queensland priest who publicly admits to having been a Freemason for more than a decade. While that is shocking enough, the most disturbing part of this story was that the priest claims to have a letter from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, giving permission for Catholics to become Masons. This permission was said to be based on the erroneous conclusion that 'Australian' Freemasonry is somehow different from any other form of Freemasonry.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has exchanged private correspondence with officials from the Freemasons in recent years. Fr. Costigan's writings do not accurately reflect the contents of that private correspondence nor any policy of the Conference.

As will become clear, that statement might be technically true, but in no way explains the reality of the correspondence's contents.

Hiding in plain sight

Multiple phone calls and emails to archdioceses over several months rendered little fruit — only independent Catholic news sites and the Freemasons themselves seemed interested in Fr. Costigan's conflicting loyalties. However, a careless social media post led to the discovery of the letter online, along with the letter from the Freemasons which originally sparked the ACBC's response.

That letter was written by the former Grand Master of Northern Territory/South Australia, Stephen Michalak to Fr. Stephen Hackett, the ACBC Secretary, in 2016. In it, Mr. Michalak sought to clarify the Catholic Church's position on its members becoming Freemasons.

Mr. Michalak is himself a Catholic, as were the Grand Masters of Queensland and Western Australia at that time. In his letter, Mr. Michalak expounds on the supposed virtues of Masonry, while also admitting that the Church maintains its ban on Catholics being members. He speaks of his 'long-standing friendship' with a former Vicar-General of Adelaide, who advised him to contact then Vicar-General, Fr. Philip Marshall.

Fr. Marshall advised him to obtain the agreement of all of the Australian Grand Masters before contacting the Church, and suggested to Michalak that he then write to the ACBC 'seeking pastoral resolution to the present challenges as well as outlining a pathway for Catholics who are Freemasons to full participation in the sacramental life of the Church.'

Mr Michalak concluded his letter by stating his hope that Roman Catholic Freemasons will eventually be allowed to receive the sacraments without being in a state of sin.

Fr. Hackett's response

The response from Fr Hackett is dated July 2017, exactly one year after Mr Michalak sent his enquiry. This time was needed, he writes, in order to consult with the Bishops Commission for Canon Law, the Bishops Commission for Doctrine and Morals and the Bishops Conference itself.

Without any explanation other than an acknowledgement of Mr Michalak's glowing report of Masonry, Fr. Hackett expresses his satisfaction that 'Australian' Freemasonry' is not hostile to Catholicism. However, if this is truly the case, then it is reasonable to ask why this assessment has never been made public or revealed to be the official stance of the ACBC — even though, as Fr. Hackett alleges below, the Bishops Conference came to that conclusion in 1984. Surely, if a thorough investigation involving multiple apparati of the ACBC and which took a year to complete had actually taken place, then it would behoove the Secretary to publicly disclose this fact, and to allow the mysterious 1984 directive to be promulgated.

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Dec. 31, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.7678739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8751 >>3018 >>4225

From QResearch 9806


OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA: A Special Report on the Geoengineered Firestorms and Arson Fires

An Apocalyptic Geoengineering Project of Epic Proportions

Because of its relative isolation as “the Land Down Under”, the apocalyptic Australian wildfires throughout all of 2019 have received scant attention from the Mainstream Media (MSM).

That’s because the large island continent has been the victim of one of the greatest geoengineering projects in world history.

Truly, the highly combustible conditions that currently exist throughout that entire landmass are the product of years of progressively intensified geoengineering operations.

Even the hard scientific data supports the geoengineering narrative. Clearly, the steady rise in year over year temperatures reaching the 8 corners of Australia point directly to a highly premeditated conspiracy to burn down the whole nation.

Global Warming hoax

There are several reasons why the New World Order globalist cabal ordered the geoengineers and arsonists to torch that resource-rich country.

First and foremost, however, is the desperate need for the Global Warming hoaxsters to run with a flaming advertisement for their fake CO2-driven Global Climate Change narrative. The false foundation of this fictitious fable, which incorrectly posits that human activity is the primary cause of climate change, is that humanity alone is fully responsible for the unparalleled atmospheric flux.

In point of fact, there are several reasons why the current Global Climate Change is wracking planet Earth. Chief among these are the chemical geoengineering programs and HAARP-like frequency technologies that are utilized in tandem to effectuate rapid weather modification as well as slow-motion climate engineering.

Because the original NWO deception known as Global Warming has been repeatedly debunked, the globalists are doubling down on the Land Down Under so as to hold it up high for the worldwide audience to see … … … and be afraid—VERY AFRAID that the same can happen in their back yard. See: Geoengineers Determined to CONvince the World of Global Warming with Aussie Oven Temps

Be afraid of what exactly.

How about this:


Anonymous ID: c7a37b Dec. 31, 2019, 5:34 p.m. No.7678751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225


From QResearc 9806 cont.


Why Australia?

Australia has long been one of the most easily controlled nations for the New World Order cabal.

The globalists totally locked down the whole place right after they staged the false flag mass casualty event widely known as the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

When The Powers That Be saw how easy it was to take away the guns from the Aussies, they decided to put their NWO agenda on steroids there, sort of as an experiment to see how much they could get away with.

For reasons that are well beyond the scope of this article, it is still significant to point out that the Aussies in general are always quick “to go along to get along” … to the great detriment of the body politic. Very few there really understand like the brilliant Australian conspiracy realist Max Igan. As follows:

An Australian explains in excruciating detail Operation Torch Australia (Videos)


Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 3, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.7700684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0689

4 articles that show the Australian Greens Party's opposition to hazard reduction burning exacerbates bushfires.

These current fires were not caused by a "catastrophic climate change crisis" but a bunch of Leftist deep state ratbags.

Please share

  1. Opposition to backburning has 'exacerbated' fires (Video

  2. 12 min)

Member for New England Barnaby Joyce says conservation policies have “exacerbated” bushfires currently devastating Australia’s east.

The former deputy prime minister told Sky News The Greens' opposition to land clearing “needs to be changed”.

“It’s not burning because they burnt off, it’s burning because they didn’t burn off,” he said.

  1. Green Tape Prevents Volunteer Rural Firefighters from Reducing Bushfire Risk

The Volunteer Firefighters Association (VFFA), the body representing the Voice of Volunteer Rural Firefighters in NSW refutes the claim by green alarmists that climate change is the cause of the recent bushfires in New South Wales.

It’s ridiculous to blame climate change when we know there has been far worse bushfires stretching back to the earliest days of European settlement in Australia including the Black Saturday Victoria 2009, NSW Bushfires 1994, Ash Wednesday Victoria 1983, Blue Mountains NSW 1968, Black Tuesday Hobart 1967 and Black Friday Victoria 1939, said Peter Cannon, President of the VFFA.

  1. Let's tell the burning truth about bushfires and the ALP-Greens coalition

Now is the time to point out, perhaps, that a fire which begins in a national park carrying negligently heavy loads of ground fuel can become an unstoppable inferno which will eventually burst out into the Canberra suburbs and kill four people and consume 500 homes.

Now is the time for people who understand the bush to tell the rest of Australia what fools we are.

"Fuel reduction burns make it possible to fight and control a fire; what happened here was uncontrollable," Dunalley farmer Leigh Arnold told The Australian.

4.Green ideas must take blame for deaths

By Miranda Devine

It wasn't climate change which killed as many as 300 people in Victoria last weekend. It wasn't arsonists. It was the unstoppable intensity of a bushfire, turbo-charged by huge quantities of ground fuel which had been allowed to accumulate over years of drought. It was the power of green ideology over government to oppose attempts to reduce fuel hazards before a megafire erupts, and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation to protect themselves.

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 3, 2020, 2 p.m. No.7705383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225

From QResearch 9858

Environmentalists Made Australia’s Bush Fires Worse

Australia is on fire, at least 17 people have been killed, hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and an estimated half-billion animals — both livestock and wildlife — have been burned alive. The area burned in the bush fires so far is considerably bigger than the area burned either in last year’s Amazon rainforest fires or the fires in California.

The stories and images that have emerged from Australia are vivid and dramatic…

But let us not allow the heartbreak and the emotion to distract us from the truth about this natural disaster: it has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘climate change’.


Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 13, 2020, 3:35 a.m. No.7799563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4260

From General Research 9982


Liberal National Club president dies after protesting at Brisbane library

The young man at the centre of a controversial Liberal National Club protest against drag queens reading to children has been found dead.

A young man who was filmed protesting against a drag queen reading program in Brisbane has died after the controversial footage was shared.

Wilson Gavin, 21 — president of the University of Queensland Liberal National Club, which organised the protest — was found dead in the inner suburb of Chelmer this morning.

Queensland Police confirmed they were called to a situation involving a 21-year-old male at 7am.

Queensland Ambulance Service told that they arrived at the scene at 7.07am with multiple crews, including a critical care paramedic.

Tributes have begun to appear online, with Queensland Liberal National party MP Dr Mark Robinson saying on Twitter he was “deeply saddened” to hear of Mr Gavin’s death.

Friend Drew Pavlou wrote on Facebook Mr Gavin was “a very decent and kind person that cared for others”.

“He was hilarious and a riot to be around, his fame will always remain legendary,” he wrote.

“He had his struggles and made mistakes, and it is a tragedy for us all that he ultimately succumbed to his suffering and pain.”

The news comes less than 24 hours after video footage showed Mr Gavin storming the Drag Queen Storytime event at Brisbane Square Library.

The footage from the event showed protesters, including Mr Gavin, chanting “drag queens are not for kids”.

The event was organised by Rainbow Families Queensland, an organisation that celebrates diverse families.

The Veronicas’ Jess Origliasso posted the footage to Instagram on Sunday night where the protesters received criticism for their actions.

It emerged that the UQ Liberal National Club has been disaffiliated from the Liberal National Party in December last year but continued to operate.

Liberal National LNP MP Trevor Evans was one of many to criticise the group for their actions.

UQ’s Liberal National Club said on its Facebook Page it was making “a stand to defend LNP values against a corrosive gender ideology”.

In a subsequent post, the group said: “What people do behind the closed doors of a nightclub is their business, but this event is designed to indoctrinate and sexualise young children. Our kids deserve better than this!”

The LNP has sought to distance itself from the group, with a spokesman saying: “Late last year, the LNP state executive resolved to disaffiliate the UQ LNP club and asked the club to desist from using the party’s name and colours.”

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 13, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.7799930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9936 >>4260

2 21yo models falling to their deaths same day different countries..

Young British model falls to death from cliff while with friends in Sydney’s east.

Family and friends today paid tribute to Madalyn Davis, 21, who fell to her death at Diamond Bay Reserve in the affluent suburb of Vaucluse about 6.30am on Sunday.

Such a beautiful soul, you just loved living life to the fullest, you was one of the nicest people, the most beautiful! you’ll be missed soo much, you really was taken too soon.”

Hannah Screaton, on Instagram, said: “Words cannot describe how much this hurts right now. Love you and thinking of you Rebecca Smith (Madalyn’s mother) my heart is broken.”


A Russian model is fighting for life after “falling almost naked from a window” at her boyfriend’s flat in Moscow.

Ksenia Puntus, 21, was found in bushes by a street cleaner after lying on the pavement for “some hours” in temperatures of -5C.

The model – who has posed for Russian Vogue and Tatler – suffered head and chest injuries as well as broken ribs, legs and pelvis

A criminal probe has been launched amid claims of a cover-up over what happened to her.

Her friend, model Alesya Kafelnikova, said Puntus “was found undressed in the bushes” not far from the block of flats where she allegedly fell.

“It is incredibly sad, we are praying for her. She remembers nothing except her name.”

Kafenikova, 21, said she suspected a cover-up over how Ksenia became injured after a night out

She was reportedly in the third floor flat of her boyfriend, the grandson of famous film director Nikita Mikhalkov, when the horror unfolded.


First pic is Madalyn.

Second pic is Ksenia.

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 17, 2020, 3:29 a.m. No.7837465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4260

From General 10012


Government used sporting grants as slush fund for re-election campaign

The Morrison government used a $100 million community sports program as a slush fund for its re-election campaign, overlooking projects approved by an independent panel in favour of splashing cash in marginal seats.

A scathing report from the Australian National Audit Office has found Nationals deputy leader Bridget McKenzie, who oversaw the program as sports minister, ignored merit-based recommendations by Sport Australia for almost half the successful projects in favour of seats critical to the government's re-election hopes.

It is the second time the federal government has been warned to lift its performance on the use of taxpayer funds in three months, after a review in November found a $220 million jobs scheme has suffered from conflicts of interest and personal intervention by ministers.

The auditor then savaged the government's management of the sweeping policy to create "jobs and growth" in 10 regions as part of its promise at the 2016 election, with some decisions skewed in favour of Coalition seats.

The review into the Community Sports Infrastructure Grant, released on Wednesday, revealed 41 per cent of projects awarded funding were not recommended by Sport Australia based on assessment against the programs's published criteria.

Anonymous ID: c7a37b Jan. 22, 2020, 5:40 a.m. No.7874430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4272

Big Brother Australia aims to ban cash spending

Australia’s revenue chiefs are bidding to ban large cash payments to hobble drug dealers and other criminal syndicates, but critics see a more sinister agenda that will allow banks and bureaucrats to manipulate ordinary citizens’ spending habits.

A bill outlawing cash transactions of A$10,000 (US$6,900) or more has been passed by the lower house of parliament and is now being considered by the Senate. Anyone caught breaking the law could be jailed for two years if the legislation becomes law.

Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar says the legislation, expected to be enacted in February, is aimed at criminal gangs that make cash purchases of cars, houses and jewelry to launder their profits from illegal activities.

“As cash is largely untraceable, this makes it difficult for law enforcement agencies to trace these activities,” he said, according to media reports.

“The government is sending a strong message to the community that using cash to avoid obligations and potentially engage in criminal activity is a serious matter that requires a sufficient level of deterrence.”

Drug dealers are the main target of the legislation. The Reserve Bank has calculated that they have as much as A$1 billion ($690 million) of cash stashed away at any one time for use in transactions, or 1% of all the notes in circulation.

Australians spend an estimated A$13.5 billion ($9.3 billion) on illicit drugs each year, according to the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, with methamphetamines accounting for about 50% of the value.

The narcotics trade is part of a black economy worth as much as A$6 billion (US$4.1 billion), equivalent to 3% of gross domestic product (GDP), that has two components: people concealing legal activities to avoid paying tax and those involved in illegal practices who want to avoid detection.

Both will be pursued under the planned cash law, which will require banks and businesses to report any amounts of A$10,000 or more but still allow private deals involving two parties, such as the sale of an automobile.