Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 16, 2019, 11:14 p.m. No.7356599   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6763 >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7197 >>7216

>>7356406 /pb



>Rebellion or Empire?



How to introduce EVIDENtly to Justice?

occasionally with out INCIDENtly;


INNOCENTtly until Qproof(s), QOINCIDENtly @#QitMO.


b4 the dark days of Oct. 31

SWORDanon in FollowThePEN pointing to LIGHTtheWAYs WWG1WGA


"Executive Order 13896 of October 28, 2019

Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice"

  • submitted by

THE WHITE HOUSE, October 28, 2019. Filed 10-31-19; 8:45 am] [FR Doc. 2019-24040


{noting TStamp :#45, FR Doc. -#24040}


"Sec. 2. Establishment.

(a) The Attorney General shall establish a Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Commission),

and designate an individual to chair the Commission.


Designate Gowdy perhaps as: LEAJCommissionOR?

STEALTHly BOOMbers #iNitToWINit with a 40,000ft+ VIEW of GRANDjury #INCOMingREPORTS #ofQindictments{2019]


[5] Days Later, another SECURE WALL is #BeingBUILT

FBI TWATr PressRelease #TStamp 6:02 AM - 6 Nov 2019

  • PRESSed on November 5, 2019:

"Joint Statement from DOJ, DOD, DHS, DNI, FBI, NSA, and CISA on Ensuring Security โ€ฆ"


{noting from last line


"In past election cycles, reporting by Americans about suspicious activity provided valuable insight

that has made our elections more secure.

The greatest means to combat these threats is a [whole-of-society effort.]" {WWG1WG[A], for A_larp?}


daOTHERwall, on your 6, to TheNORTH #SafetyHouseBuild #C_Aeverywhere


[Y]e Broke FAITH of AMERicaPATRIOT(s) #iSPYtoENslaveALL

QPost# 1646



Q !CbboFOtcZs 30 Jun 2018 - 2:36:13 PM

You have a choice.

The choice has always been yours.























[TRUST WRAY] meets with CFR

#FBI Director Wray joined Dr. Richard Haass, president of the @CFR_org


#1 #TStamp 12:00 PM - 15 Nov 2019

noting HAND SIGnals ?:?}

#2 #TStamp 12:02 PM - 15 Nov 2019

{noting HAND SIGnals 5:5}

#3 #TStamp 12:03 PM - 15 Nov 2019


hashTAGS# PaleyIC >[Y]_MSMsymbolism_MIA from 66[5+] sQuads image noted >>7356406

#MAgICwand #[I]nvisible #[I]nviteONLY


QPost# 3601(=10=5:5)

`represent' N RAPPin[TARGET] when WE want them to KNOW {LIGHT A FIRE โ€ฆ} PLAyA nDROP


OPTOmistically lQQking: 12/11/2019 MIRRor 9102/11/21(=[17{1+7=8}~8Kun~Tock-Tick?}]={9+1+0+2+1+1+2+1}

Semper Fi o7 QArmyGYBack o7


ThankYOU Creator+Son for AnsweredPRAYERS! #PromisesMADE_&_KEPT

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 16, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.7356602   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6616 >>6763 >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321


Interesting as fuck. We all knew about this already; but itโ€™s neat to see proof.




Ps. I love our new comfy bunker; the shill count hasnโ€™t caught up to the anon count (except for the obligatory mah Jew shills that shit everything up.)

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 16, 2019, 11:59 p.m. No.7356604   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun











Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 12:06 a.m. No.7356605   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6612 >>6777

Copypasta for Keks Clearnet Test


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little sheep? Iโ€™ll have you know I graduated top of my class from Deep State law school and am a 33-degree Master Mason with over 3,333 confirmed activated sleeper cells. I am highly trained in the illegal use of FISA surveillance and still think I run the FBI on behalf of the Cabal. You are nothing to them but another target. We will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying shit about MY FBI? Think again, fucker. As we speak this Deep State signal is contacting its secret network of blackhats across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youโ€™re fucking dead, kid. My loyalty to the Cabal is so high, I could attempt to fuck over a sitting U.S. president anytime, anywhere, and still believe I'd get away with it. Not only am I extensively trained in lying during dramatic press conferences before elections, but have access to the entire arsenals of DOJ and Five Eyes, and will use them to the fullest extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the free world, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little โ€œcleverโ€ comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnโ€™t, you didnโ€™t, and now youโ€™re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. This will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youโ€™re fucking dead, kiddo. Unless you buy my book.



Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.7356613   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

appears things are still not running at full speed. However the catalog site looks the best it has since i been watching sites attempt to come back up. :/ wish we'd get it rolling back here again I do miss it. test post

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.7356616   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6636 >>6763 >>6789 >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7197 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321


Did you notice what's on one of the other ledgers? At the very bottom of pic attached. NARDELLO AND CO. Guess who works for them? Bill Priestap's wife!


"Priestap is married to Sabina Menschel, who heads a Washington private investigative agency and is a former special adviser to the FBI, according to her biography. Her father is Richard Menschel, Goldman Sachs investment banker, philanthropist, and a donor to the Democratic Party."

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 1:22 a.m. No.7356632   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6715

Bug listโ€ฆ.

Page doesn't auto refresh after comment posts

Bread doesn't auto update posts.

Posting images gets flood detected

Url icon missing from new domain

Clearnet uses same id for all posts.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:10 a.m. No.7356673   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6674 >>6678



Flight MH17 was shot down on the 17th of July 2017


First flight recorded: 17/07/1997

Last flight recorded: 17/07/2014


Exactly 17 year delta.

That's a lot of 17's.


Who shot down flight MH17?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:23 a.m. No.7356680   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Everyone is coming up same ID and same (67).


Long delay when the post actually shows up after it says it's posted. It appears the post numbers are going up but those don't show on auto update. On catalog page I see the post number increase which appears to be in real time.


I see a time warp where the posts are in a limboland blackhole and finally spits out onto the page when it feels like it. No special time noted on that process.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.7356689   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7200 >>7201 >>7216

>Q's Message to Traitor James Comey?

>Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Nov 2019 - 6:13:56 PM

>The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.

>A Higher Loyalty [Y].

>Hunters become the Hunted.



>How do you remove a liability?

>Six o' clock can be dangerous.

>Family proud?



Q's use of [Y] in the kill box looks to point towards James Comey, as the two most recent Y in kill boxes were 'Come[Y]'.


See graphic for actual posts.


This looks to be confirmed by the fact Comey posted on twitter before Q and included [Y] in tweet.


I wonder if Come[Y] has turned against the black hats ot save his own skin?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4 a.m. No.7356694   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Family proud?



If this crumb is about comey.

Comeys daughter works/ed on some casesโ€ฆ Is she clean and is about to find out right now, what her fahter really is?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4:02 a.m. No.7356695   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I feel like Dorothy. It is so good to be home! Thank you, CodeMonkey and Jim. I know the sacrifices you have made. I also want to thank the Q Group and my fellow anons, whom I love!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4:20 a.m. No.7356700   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Pardon my unsolicited response.

The problem with this is tracking. In order to embed you generally need to view the video to copy the link. If you do it from TOR you could likely be safe however they track by browser not IP right (cookies).

So in essence the next time you used the browser on clear net (if you use the network instead of the browser) they could look at traffic patterns on the video.

The first view followed by a burst, that first view would likely be the poster, then on clearnet that browser could send traceable information.

IF you use the TOR browser which is fenced into the TOR network (and that the reason for the TOR browser).

Then you would be fairly well protected.

Unless you were dumb enough to use the TOR browser while logged into the video provider under a named account.


I do alot of embeds and I've thought these things through. At the end of the day I just want to protect myself to a degree.

Don't forget Q said that we are protected, I just try not to make that too difficultโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4:32 a.m. No.7356704   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Anyone in an oath-sworn position should be tested on this.


The rest of those calling themselves citizens should be taught it.


Our framers knew exceedingly well what they were doing and created checks and balances all along the wayโ€ฆonly since darkness has corrupted our institutions and sworn offices have we seen our system fail us.


MAGA means SO much more than a campaign slogan. It starts with American patriots and ends with a free, moral, and just planet and fit home for all God's children. All of them.



Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:03 a.m. No.7356713   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

โ€˜Saving One Soul At A Timeโ€™: Gov Abbott Speaks Out On Kanyeโ€™s Surprise Concert That Left Texas Inmates In Tears

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.7356715   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Something is better today.

Just did clearnet post with image on /comms

and it worked and refreshed immediately just like in the olde daze.


Image preview in the reply window is definitely a nice touch!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:31 a.m. No.7356724   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6729

Just now from @CM!



โ€ @CodeMonkeyZ

3 minutes ago

#ProjectOdin lawyer review is done, im going to do my own review of the returned review to make sure everything is accurate then we should be good to launch after a final round of testing!


repeat post via clearnet, tor post hung

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:12 a.m. No.7356738   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Al Bielek mentinoed the project looking glass at

11:35 ca. but the whole interview is good.

project looking glass, take a look in the future to now what you have to do in the present?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.7356753   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


CIA special operation in Kyiv region: One of ISIS leaders detained

In summer 2018, the terrorist illegally entered Ukraine, using the false passport. On the basis of the forged documents he succeeded to legalize in Ukraine

In Kyiv region, the law enforcers from Ukraine, the U.S. and Georgia held the special operation, during which one of the key leaders of ISIS nicknamed โ€˜Al Bar Shishaniโ€™ as the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported.


Thus, the SBU, Interior Ministry of Georgia and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) participated in the special operation.


According to 2012 data, citizen of Georgia nicknamed โ€˜Al Bar Shishaniโ€™ was at the post of amir jaamat โ€œAkhadun Akhatโ€ in the province Latakia, Syria. In 2013, he occupied one of the highest ISIS positions โ€“ deputy military amir known as โ€˜Abu Omar al-Shishaniโ€™. In 2016m after the liquidation of the last, โ€˜Al Bar Shishaniโ€™ moved to Turkey, where he continued to coordinate the activity of the terrorist organizations.

According to provided information, the terrorist continued to coordination the activity of special ISIS units, the so-called โ€˜amniyatsโ€™, staying in Ukraine.


The law enforcers detained the criminal near the house where he lived in Kyivโ€™s region. The held facial recognition expert study proved that the detained foreigner is the wanted leader of ISIS.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.7356754   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6763 >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321



Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed




Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the Westminster chief magistrate enmeshed in a conflict of interest, will no longer be presiding over the extradition proceedings of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, said WikiLeaks lawyer Jen Robinson, at an event in Sydney on Friday night .


โ€œYes, there was some controversy about her sitting on the case,โ€ Robinson said.


โ€œShe wonโ€™t be sitting on the case going forward.โ€


Robinson told Australian journalist Quentin Dempster at the event that she was โ€œnot sureโ€ who would take over from Arbuthnot.


Robinson made her remarks in response to a question from the audience about Arbuthnotโ€™s reported conflict of interest in the case. Robinson did not provide further details. She spoke in future tense, but it is not clear if she was referring to Arbuthnot maintaining supervision of the case while turning over the courtroom duties to another judge, which she did weeks ago, retaining the right to influence rulings, or whether Arbuthnot has recused herself from the case. Consortium News has contacted Robinson to provide clarification. โ€ฆ"


article continues at link

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.7356755   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Tor posting doesn't post just now, says Posting then nothing happens. Refresh page, create new reply, post, "Posting" nothing happens.

Clearnet post, posting, 100%, posted. Apparently it did post. Reply window does not clear or reset to empty state, thread does not refresh, post is not seen. Still have to click Return link or refresh Index page to see one's post.


Looking forward to #Odin

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.7356756   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed


Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the Westminster chief magistrate enmeshed in a conflict of interest, will no longer be presiding over the extradition proceedings of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, said WikiLeaks lawyer Jen Robinson, at an event in Sydney on Friday night.

Robinson told Australian journalist Quentin Dempster at the event that she was โ€œnot sureโ€ who would take over from Arbuthnot.


Robinson made her remarks in response to a question from the audience about Arbuthnotโ€™s reported conflict of interest in the case. Robinson did not provide further details. She spoke in future tense, but it is not clear if she was referring to Arbuthnot maintaining supervision of the case while turning over the courtroom duties to another judge, which she did weeks ago, retaining the right to influence rulings, or whether Arbuthnot has recused herself from the case. Consortium News has contacted Robinson to provide clarification.


BREAKING: Lady Arbuthnot off #JulianAssange's case, says @WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson @suigenerisjen.


Watch full PEN Sydney conference TONIGHT on #CNLive!


'Challenge What You Know: What's really happening to Julian Assange?'


Hosted by @ABC Lateline's @QuentinDempster

โ€” Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) November 16, 2019


On Thursday, Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis of the Daily Maverick reported:


โ€œLady Arbuthnot has recently appointed a district judge to rule on Assangeโ€™s extradition case, but remains the supervising legal figure in the process. According to the UK courts service, the chief magistrate is โ€˜responsible forโ€ฆ supporting and guiding district judge colleagues.โ€™โ€


The report said that Arbuthnotโ€™s husband, Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom, a former British defense minister, โ€œhas financial links to the British military establishment, including institutions and individuals exposed by WikiLeaks.โ€ It said the judge herself had also received gifts โ€œincluding from a military and cybersecurity company exposed by WikiLeaks.โ€


The Daily Maverick reported further on Friday:


โ€œThe son of Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the Westminster chief magistrate overseeing the extradition proceedings of Julian Assange, is the vice-president and cyber-security adviser of a firm heavily invested in a company founded by GCHQ and MI5 which seeks to stop data leaks, it can be revealed.


Alexander Arbuthnotโ€™s employer, the private equity firm Vitruvian Partners, has a multimillion-pound investment in Darktrace, a cyber-security company which is also staffed by officials recruited directly from the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


These intelligence agencies are behind the US governmentโ€™s prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secret documents. Darktrace has also had access to two former UK prime ministers and former US President Barack Obama.


The revelations raise further concerns about potential conflicts of interests and appearance of bias concerning Lady Arbuthnot and the ties of her family members to the UK and US military and intelligence establishments. Lady Arbuthnotโ€™s husband is Lord James Arbuthnot, a former UK defence minister who has extensive links to the UK military community.


UK legal guidance states that โ€œany conflict of interest in a litigious situation must be declared.โ€ Judicial guidance to magistrates from the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice is clear:


โ€œMembers of the public must be confident that magistrates are impartial and independent. If you know that your impartiality or independence is compromised in a particular case you must withdraw at onceโ€ฆ Nor should you hear any case which you already know something about or which touches upon an activity in which you are involvedโ€.


Our understanding is that Lady Arbuthnot has failed to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in her role as judge or chief magistrate.


Lady Arbuthnot is known to have stepped aside from adjudicating two other cases due to potential conflicts of interest, but only after investigations by the media.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.7356763   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6768

#9410 Notes so Far


>>7356754 Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed

>>7356602, >>7356616 Payments to Hunter Biden leaked from Ukraine

>>7356563 AG William Barr speaking at the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture (2019)

>>7356599 Amazon Challenges $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Award to Microsoft

>>7356456, >>7356499 Britainโ€™s Prince Andrew โ€˜categoricallyโ€™ denies sex claims

>>7356456 U.S. says no plans to send asylum seekers to remote Guatemalan regions

>>7356427 Biased Judge in Undercover Video Trial Founded a Planned Parenthood Clinic

>>7356409 Dem who wants to replace "throupler" Katie Hill is a piece of work himself

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.7356764   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7257

Saudi Aramco flotation values oil giant at $1.7tn


Saudi Arabia has placed a preliminary valuation on state oil company Aramco of between $1.6tn (ยฃ1.22tn) and $1.7tn.


The company has published an updated prospectus for its initial public offering (IPO), seeking more than $25bn for the sale of 1.5% of its shares.


That would make it potentially the world's biggest IPO, coming from the world's most profitable company


It is short of the $2tn valuation that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was reportedly keen to achieve.


"The base offer size will be 1.5% of the company's outstanding shares," the state-owned energy giant said in a statement that set the price range at 30-32 Saudi riyals per share ($8-$8.5).


That could value the IPO at as much as 96bn riyals ($25.60bn) at the top end of the range.


If priced at the top end, the deal could just beat the record-breaking $25bn raised by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba in 2014.


Individual retail investors, as well as big institutions, will have a chance to buy shares.


After the flotation, Aramco will not list any more shares for six months, the prospectus says. Although one of the attractions for investors is the potential of high dividends, the document said Aramco has the right to change dividend policy without prior notice.


Aramco has hired a host of international banking giants including Citibank, Credit Suisse and HSBC as financial advisers to assess interest in the share sale and set a price. Based on the level of interest.


The sale of the company, first mooted four years ago, has been overshadowed by delays and criticism of corporate transparency at Saudi Arabia's crown jewel.


Aramco last year posted $111bn in net profit. In the first nine months of this year, its net profit dropped 18% to $68bn.


Factbox: Saudi Aramco - the oil colossus

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.7356779   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

clearnet test_post.

I'm glad we're back, 't was about time too.

On another note, just a word on the alleged board attacks though.

I've tried uploading a "welcome back Q-world" post on many occasions in the recent past.

If any, the reaction I got from the servers was something along the lines of "flood detected, post discarded".

So much for trying to chime in again.

Did I "attack" the site with a "flood"?

What's the word for imagining attacks when benevolent bona fide people turn towards them?


I'm not saying attacks do not occur, I'm pleading not to throw anons out with the garbage while they're trying to deal with the lag in the servers.

Thanks for all the hard work behind the curtains btw.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.7356785   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321

Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript



โ€ฆ โ€ฆ โ€ฆ " The Democratsโ€™ summary of the document omits this telling exchange between Morrison and chairman Adam Schiff โ€” no doubt, because it damages their case:


THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. I just wanted to follow up a bit on this.


One of the concerns, and there may be an overlap between the first two concerns you mentioned about the caII, and if the call became public. First, you said you wene concerned how it would play out in Washingtonโ€™s polarized environment and, second, how a leak would affect bipartisan suppont for our Ukrainian partners.


Were those concerns nelated to the fact that the President asked his Ukrainian countenpant to look into on investigate the Bidens?


MR. MORRISON: No, not specifically.


THE CHAIRMAN: So you didnโ€™t think that the President of the United States asking his counterpart to conduct an investigation into a potential opponent in the 2020 election might influence bipartisan support in Congress?




THE CHAIRMAN: And you werenโ€™t concerned that the President bringing up one of his political opponents in the Presidential election and asking a favor with respect to the DNC server or 2016 theory, you werenโ€™t concerned that those things would cause people to believe that the President was asking his counterpart to conduct an investigation that might influence his reelection campaign?




THE CHAIRMAN: That never occurred to you?




THE CHAIRMAN: Did you recognize during the โ€” as you listened to the call that if Ukraine were to conduct these investigations, that it would inure to the Presidentโ€™s political interests?




Morrison contradicted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the Democratsโ€™ star witness in the closed-door hearings, who reported to Morrison directly. Morrison testified thatโ€”โ€”โ€”"

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.7356799   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Read these words and measure the instinct in your own heart against the practices of the Cabal:


(Every minute of every hour of every day, born into a life of exploitation:

We consume their flesh, drink their secretions, and wear their skin.

We torture them into submission and hold them against their will.

We use them as test subjects for products and kill them when weโ€™re done.

We bet on their lives as we watch on with glee.

We mercilessly exploit them as if their lives mean nothing.)


The Great Awakening involves waking up to the evil behavior's that are destroying our world, and bettering ourselves spiritually and physically to guide others to a golden age.

So ask yourself, and think what the innocent child in you would say:


Do you slit children's throats and dismember and eat their bodies?

Do you enslave mothers, rape them and steal and slaughter their infants so you can steal the milk produced for them?

If you don't have the stomach to commit these grim acts yourself, do you pay other's to commit the violence for you?


Each individual animal of the millions every year that are bred to be slaughtered on factory farms across the world has a rich inner emotional life, and a subjective experience of the world.

Just like your family pets, and every human you know, these animals have their own personalities, behavior, and capacity to feel joy, love, fear, pain, and to suffer.


When you buy meat from a store, you are buying the body of an infant or adolescent being. Cows can live rich and happy lives up to around 25, but regularly have their throat slit between 3-5 years old.

Pigs are as intelligent as dogs, if not more. They can be as playful and cuddly as any pet, but they maimed and confined, then sent to die at 6 months old when they too can live to around 25.


And the animals are not the only who suffer. Who do you think grows up with the dream of someday working the kill floor of a slaughterhouse? To be covered in blood and shit all day, in dangerous conditions with sharp knives, and thrashing animals.

These workers come from the lowest socioeconomic status, they have high rates of PTSD, Alcoholism, Domestic Violence, workplace amputation injuries, and suicide.


On a fully plant-based diet we can survive, thrive, and reverse the damage done by consuming the highly processed salt/fat/sugar/GMO laden foods that contribute to the leading causes of death in all industrialized societies.

So how do we morally justify killing an innocent sentient being that feels pain and fear and does not want to die, just for our momentary sensory stimulation for the length of an average meal, that means ending their entire life?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.7356806   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

'A new Republican Star is born': Trump praises Elise Stefanik amid 'trashy' attacks

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7356832   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6843 >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321


Ruling confirms that retirees remain members of land and naval forces subject to court martial.โ€“%20Final.pdf

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.7356843   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





>>7356785 Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript

>>7356769 Update from /CM/ on Project Odin via Twitter

>>7356765 Prince Andrew publicist quits over BBC interview about Epstein

>>7356754 Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed

>>7356602, >>7356616 Payments to Hunter Biden leaked from Ukraine

>>7356563 AG William Barr speaking at the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture (2019)

>>7356599 Amazon Challenges $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Award to Microsoft

>>7356456, >>7356499 Britainโ€™s Prince Andrew โ€˜categoricallyโ€™ denies sex claims

>>7356456 U.S. says no plans to send asylum seekers to remote Guatemalan regions

>>7356427 Biased Judge in Undercover Video Trial Founded a Planned Parenthood Clinic

>>7356409 Dem who wants to replace "throupler" Katie Hill is a piece of work himself

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.7356850   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321

"This IG report will be probably one of the most consequential reports we've had in many years. It'll demonstrate that people took advantage of a #FISA processโ€ฆ Americans will be troubled by what IG is going to report"

Listen to Matt Whitaker. Mr. Clean!

Short video clip

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.7356862   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Post show successful but don't actually show up on the pageโ€ฆ


Ron @CodeMonkeyZ

Replying to @CONFIGCuri @isitwetyet and


Its a caching issue. I am doing a deep dive into the caching systems to fix this. Not sure which system is stuck, but I will find it.

7:47 AM - 17 Nov 2019


This didn't show up on CM's public twitter.

I have confidence in Ron's software engineering competence and determination. He WILL find/fix the issue.

No piece of software can stand when facing such a force. It may take some time to examine all the code and root out the issue, but I view this as good news.


Thank you Ron!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.7356871   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I don't think getting the flood detected is related to what you're posting, it's just because you're posting in general.

When I try to post anything more than ~1MB, it stalls at a small percentage.

At least you can now post smaller images, see them, and open them. Progress!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.7356878   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Looking glass vid getting praise on the web recently.


version of full interviewโ€ฆ




Did some digging on Goooobbbble "Bill Wood a.k.a William Brockbrader" and you come up with a full page of hit jobs.


โ€ฆsome digsโ€ฆ


Reality In-Sight


Bill Wood / Brockbrader - an American Hero 5/3/2013


"look at comments after above internet artical"


Bill Brockbrader, aka Bill Wood, William Newell Brockbrader Phony Navy SEAL


Project Camelot To $ Support Bill Wood a.k.a William Brockbrader Paedophile


Old vid by himโ€ฆ

Mass Arrests - New information with Bill Wood and Eva Moore 1 of 6


Eyes on pleaseโ€ฆsmear campaign or is there something to this.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.7356879   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6882 >>6885

About the 26 babies found in a Colorado daycare DUNGEONโ€ฆ.


โ€˜This was a dungeonโ€™: Mother recounts Colorado Springs daycare conditions after DHS inspection


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. โ€“ After 26 toddlers were found in a basement behind a false wall at a Colorado Springs daycare, a mother of one of the children shared what she witnessed inside.


A woman who FOX31 is identifying as "Kate" says she came to pick up her 1-year-old daughter at Play Mountain Place Daycare shortly after 3 p.m. on Wednesday.


She says what she witnessed will haunt her for the rest of her life.


โ€œThis was not a play area. This was a dungeon,โ€ Kate said, adding, โ€œWeโ€™re just sick.โ€


In a building behind the licensed daycare, Kate says a Colorado Department of Human Services employee took her to where police found 26 toddlers hidden behind the fake wall.


โ€œDown this very narrow staircase that immediately smelled like stale smoke,โ€ Kate said, adding, โ€œShe [the DHS worker] walked me back into another room that had probably 10 to 15 metal cribs lined almost like youโ€™d see in movies an orphanage โ€“ an orphanage not in the United States โ€“ with trash everywhere.โ€


Panicked and disturbed, Kate says she faced daycare owner Carla Faith on her way out. Faith is now under investigation.


โ€œAll I said to her was we have trusted her with our kids for 10 years,โ€ Kate said.


โ€œSheโ€™s a fraud and she deceived all of us,โ€ Sheila, a grandmother to one of the daycare children, said.


The Problem Solvers tried to contact Faith in person and by phone. We have not received a response.


โ€œShe does this to the kids that canโ€™t say anything to her parents,โ€ Kate said.


Another parent shared a video with FOX31, asking her toddler about their experience in the basement.


โ€œJust scared and I was being alone,โ€ the toddler told the mother.


โ€œYou try to be a good parent, you try to protect your kid,โ€ Kate said.


Nicole Fierro wrote this report.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.7356884   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. โ€˜For Their Own Goodโ€™

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.7356888   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6891

First POTUS tweeted the word receive spelled wrong, 'recieve'. I and E swapped.

Timestamps are PST.



Our great Farmers will recieve another major round of โ€œcash,โ€ compliments of China Tariffs, prior to Thanksgiving. The smaller farms and farmers will be big beneficiaries. In the meantime, and as you may have noticed, China is starting to buy big again. Japan deal DONE. Enjoy!

8:08 AM - 17 Nov 2019


Then he tweets

Scalise spelled wrong then corrected.

First time, E is present where I should be.

Second time, spelled right.


What's he calling attention to with the E and I games?


.@SteveScalise blew the nasty & obnoxious Chris Wallace (will never be his father, Mike!) away on Chrisโ€™s lowest rated (unless Iโ€™m on) morning show. This kind of dumb and unfair interview would never have happened in the @FoxNews past. Great job Steve!


.@SteveScalese blew the nasty & obnoxious Chris Wallace (will never be his father, Mike!) away on Chrisโ€™s lowest rated (unless Iโ€™m on) morning show. This kind of dumb and unfair interview would never have happened in the @FoxNews past. Great job Steve!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.7356889   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6894 >>7257


If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots~ The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.


) * ( ) ( ( ( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ ) )\ )()) )))( (()/( )()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/( ((/ )(()\ (()()\ /()) (()\ )(() /()))\ (((()( /()) )_ (() (()(()())| (() (() ()) (() )\ _ )())_ ((/ |/ _ \ | \/ || | \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|()()| \ | (| (_) || |\/| || | \ V / | _ \| /| | / _ \ | |) | _|_/ || |||| |_| |/||\||// _\ |_/ Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/ Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) /[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))/ Filters just the clowns limbic recon + sigil deployment tool, AKA cr[e]epbot /[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,e/ Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam /[Enter as a Comment filter] [Hh][Oo][Ll][Oo][Cc][Aa][Uu][Ss][Tt][Enter as a Comment filter] [Zz][Ii][Oo][Nn][Enter as a Comment filter] ((([Qq])))[Enter as a Comment filter] \b[Aa][Ii][\n-\,][Enter as a Comment filter] [Hh][Uu][Mm][Aa][Nn][\ns][Enter as a Comment filter] \b[Dd]anielTheme | Custom CSS Basics:[code]/ Decrease RED TEXT size and recolour to Hot Pink for teh lulz. /span.heading { color: #ff00f0; / Hot Pink / font-size: 4pt; / Real small, default is 11pt /}/ Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { opacity: .2; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}

Get Comfy, ''Stay Centered.''

Write when Insight Strikes

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.7356890   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Remember - Dershowitz (lawyer) is a BRIDGE



Today's Blind Items - Many More

It turns out, this A list lawyer has made quite the sum of money from interested persons. How so? Well, there are certain records that the lawyer controls. The records show who was with the billionaire pedophile at certain points in time. Some of those records have been released. Others have not. The lawyer approached people listed in the records and asked for a monthly cash payment to keep those records from being released. There are perhaps more than 200 names being withheld that others are just beginning to discover. Will these records be seized, or will they be destroyed first, endangering that lifetime monthly cash payment from many dozens of people.


Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.7356892   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7257

Creepbot, CTA, 5 pictures silent poster, (((this guy))), "CANNOT THANK", NPC/AIss C_AnimeIDS poster and moreโ€ฆ

Are engineering our imagination.

They normalize us to clown culture, their endless dribble of stupor~


>Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.

>Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?


They turn our inside jokes into monstrous internal fears, by watching how we interact after a Q post / major event and associating those key words with other objects subliminally. The silent 5 picture spammer. Those objects are then made to fight each other, with the ultimate goal of inducing the feeling of rape inside you. Creepbots focus is to remind you of how stretched your asshole is from their induced rape, in a hundred ways.

Insideous are the psychopaths who post here:


>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as youโ€ฆ are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

And soon after:

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIESโ€ฆ

He's poisoning us through media we want to see.


They rape us daily.

This is the evil we fight.


C_A lie

C_A manipulate

C_A disarm your Identify Fren or Foe Instincts

C_A force (You) into submission

C_A deny the way you see the world

C_A overpower your voice

C_A convince you you're alone

C_A lock you into fear

C_A are afraid of (You)r power

C_A are far fewer in number


Patriots fight~


Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.7356924   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Drop the rain on twitter today.

Lots of crumbs.

With (AS) omitting parts of the transcript of Mr. Morrison.

This cant carry immunity can it???

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 1 p.m. No.7356926   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So it looks like voter fraud is still happening in the Kentucky & Louisiana governor races. What's that going to do to the first time voters who now feel their votes don't matter. Will they come back out in 2020? Risky business!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.7356931   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6999 >>7140 >>7232 >>7300 >>7320 >>7321

Exclusive โ€” Jeff Sessions Explains How GOP Can Dominate for Two Generations with America First Immigration Vision


Long Jeff-Sessions-for-Senate interview on Breitbart. He's saying the right stuff alright!


Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7356937   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

What tremendous disrespect to a Trump aide! think the good people in the Charlottesville/Richmond area should know that a donation to this clown might go right to Antifa and their causes. You might want to let this guy know that you know lol.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.7356940   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

11-minute chat brings Moon and Abe no closer as intel deadline looms


Two leaders speak for first time in 13 months as defense cooperation begins to fray

TOKYO โ€“ The Japanese government said it was a 10-minute conversation. The South Koreans said it was 11. Either way, the first conversation between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in 13 months did little to bring the two sides closer.


The brief talks took place in Bangkok against an increasingly precarious diplomatic backdrop. A key intelligence-sharing pact between Japan and South Korea is set to expire on Nov. 22 and the countries' defense cooperation over North Korean missile launches is already showing signs of crumbling.


The conversation happened in a "friendly and sincere atmosphere," a spokesperson for South Korea's presidential Blue House said.


The Japanese side announced that the conversation lasted 10 minutes as it is customary to round such numbers. But South Korea offered the precise number of 11 minutes, reflecting the plight Moon finds himself in.


The two leaders chose to sit down for the conversation to avoid being seen as having a casual exchange. An 11-minute conversation is long enough not to be seen as small talk but too short for a formal meeting. Moon's government needed to show the public that the two sides did have a meaningful conversation but he did not cede any ground to Japan.


But as the two men engage in a diplomatic dance, Pyongyang appears to be emboldened by the heightened tensions between Tokyo and Seoul.


North Korea has conducted ballistic missile tests on four separate occasions since Seoul said in August it would leave the General Security of Military Information Agreement, which has allowed Japan and South Korea to communicate quickly and effectively regarding Pyongyang's drills.


Cracks are already emerging even though the framework is not set to end for a few more weeks. After the Oct. 2 launch, Japan initially announced that the North launched two missiles. It later revised the number to one. South Korea said it believed there was one missile all along and asked Japan to share intelligence under the GSOMIA.


Japan also broke tradition regarding the pact when it announced details of an Aug. 24 test before South Korea.


Cooperation between South Korea, which is closer to the launch sites, and Japan, which is closer to the landing sites, is a vital part of analyzing the type of missile fired by North Korea and its flight path. South Korea's decision to end the GSOMIA "completely misjudges the region's security landscape and is extremely disappointing," Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.7356960   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Here via freshly updated Ubuntu 18.04

Haven't been able to post all week โ€ฆ (pretty sure that I got that infernal captcha correct at least once). Not especially optimistic at the moment but have high hopes for the "eventually".

Good just to see the Q posts even if I can't partake in any digs or bant.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 free speech lost Nov. 17, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.7356962   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

unbelievable how fast free speech is gone.


Who thought that you need Tor in US to talk about current politics.


How can we maintain exchange of opinions? FB, YT, GOOG, โ€ฆ all manipulate their algorithms and censor content. Even blocking of IP addresses.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.7356964   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Anonsโ€ฆwhatever you doโ€ฆDO NOT DIG ON DUNTRUNE CASTLE in Scotland.


Totally ignore all the [Y] head symbology (antlers). Even on the gates and all over the place.


Totally ignore the fact that the Rothschild's own it. Probably nothing.


Totally ignore the White Rabbit symbology and themed hunts. Especially ignore what goes on at the cottages. Totally ignore the references to private hunts. Innocent, no doubt.


Ignore all the deer references (Y-head) in social media messaging and news snippets. Surely not related to this stuff.


Yupโ€ฆignore that the Rothschild's women in particular fancy dressing up with Y-head motifs. It's an idle rich thingโ€ฆRodeo Dr. is where you get your antlers onโ€ฆso yeah..


Whatever you doโ€ฆDO NOT DIG INTO THE GOINGS ON AT DUNTRUNE CASTLEโ€ฆof course, who am I to tell you rebels what not to doโ€ฆKEK!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.7356965   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



As of 11/5 the administration says all I'd fair!


Joint Statement from DOJ, DOD, DHS, DNI, FBI, NSA, and CISA on Ensuring Security of 2020 Elections | Homeland Security

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.7356968   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

watching the looking glass video and im just wondering if ya'll always gonna have the fun shit in your old boys club or are we ever gonna get to play with it too?

pretty sure i could at least be a marginally successful janitor on a ufo or like a farmer on mars or something

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:24 p.m. No.7356969   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Post in response using Firefox stuck on "Posted" (but clearly not posted). Now trying Dissenter.


Things are at a crescendo in DC. Sounds like Pelosi is trying to cover for Schiff having failed again.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Project Odin Nov. 17, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.7356971   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6975 >>6984

anybody knows already what project odin is?






#ProjectOdin lawyer review is done, im going to do my own review of the returned review to make sure everything is accurate then we should be good to launch after a final round of testing!

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.7356984   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Ron, it seems like a great date to launch Project Odinโ€ฆ 70 minutes left.


Also, need the Gen bread to updateโ€ฆimportant topics are being slid off the Index quickly by /unhelpers/ .. realtime would be great again. Can Odin help?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.7356991   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


We must fight, and we must know in the end All is Won.

We shall make it more difficult.

If that means jail or worst then so be it.

The do not believe in the constitution.

We the people must show them where we get our rights from.

God and God alone.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:13 p.m. No.7356994   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

'The Outlaw Jennie (Waylon Jennings Daughter)' is going on a huge twitter rant against 8kun, insisting it's a "scam" and that Q has been "taken over by the deep state". For some reason she is obsessed with attacking the board. I wonder what the motivation is.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.7356995   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Melania Trump Labeled โ€˜Porn Starโ€™ on Wikimediaโ€™s Wikidata Site

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.7356999   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Notes at ~500


>>7356931 Exclusive โ€” Jeff Sessions Explains How GOP Can Dominate for Two Generations with America First Immigration Vision

>>7356850 Whitaker:"This IG report will be probably one of the most consequential reports we've had in many years." SC post w/vid


>>7356785 Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript

>>7356769 Update from /CM/ on Project Odin via Twitter

>>7356765 Prince Andrew publicist quits over BBC interview about Epstein

>>7356754 Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed

>>7356602, >>7356616 Payments to Hunter Biden leaked from Ukraine

>>7356563 AG William Barr speaking at the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture (2019)

>>7356599 Amazon Challenges $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Award to Microsoft

>>7356456, >>7356499 Britainโ€™s Prince Andrew โ€˜categoricallyโ€™ denies sex claims

>>7356456 U.S. says no plans to send asylum seekers to remote Guatemalan regions

>>7356427 Biased Judge in Undercover Video Trial Founded a Planned Parenthood Clinic

>>7356409 Dem who wants to replace "throupler" Katie Hill is a piece of work himself


Will post current dough in Meta for next Baker shortly.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.7357026   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

May God bless this board

and the Patriots who inhabit it.

This is going to be biblical,

and Anon is grateful

to have been afforded

the opportunity to experience it.

Anons on the 6, forever & always.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 4:24 p.m. No.7357030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Can we address the elephant in the room plz?

The world isnt letting go of the Epstein "suicide" we want the TRUTH!

It killed me that 8ch was offline during this YUGE eventโ€ฆ

Will the outcome be what we are all praying for?

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.7357059   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

BO/BV are going to have their work cut out for them deleting all those bullshit 1 post threads.


Something tells me I'm going to wake up in the morning and see 100 of them.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.7357060   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Test. Hi Q. Am going to be testing, but you might be able to find dead images in the archive by replacing with in the example of https://media.(eight) change to


Titties here I come

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.7357063   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Helpful filters to block spammers.





subject /WWG1WGA/

comment /EDOMITE/

comment /Finkelstein/

comment /Canaanite/

comment /CANAANITES/

comment /Eli James/

comment /Unit 8200/

comment /QUESTION FOR Q/

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.7357065   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

[Y] = Yovanovitch Clownโ€ฆfull grown ear of corn. About to be cut.


Traitor to two countriesโ€ฆthe one she was born in, Russia, and the one she was sworn to serve, the US. A feat not accomplished by many. Maybe a mixed rifle firing squad will have to be arranged.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.7357081   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Inspector general report says NASA risks losing access to the ISS in 2020


WASHINGTON โ€” NASAโ€™s inspector general warned in a new report that, because of commercial crew delays, utilization of the International Space Station will drop sharply in 2020 and that NASA runs the risk of losing access entirely by next fall.


The Nov. 14 report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) concluded that, because of continuing delays by both Boeing and SpaceX, neither company is likely to be certified by NASA for regular flights to the station before the summer of 2020.


Official commercial crew program (CCP) schedules reviewed by the OIG state that SpaceX will have its final certification review for its Crew Dragon spacecraft in January 2020, while that review for Boeingโ€™s CST-100 Starliner is scheduled for February. Those reviews, though, would take place only after the successfully completion of both companiesโ€™ crewed test flights, which are unlikely to take place before then.


The reviews also require the closure of hundreds of specific items on each spacecraft, leading the report to conclude that โ€œfinal vehicle certification for both contractors will likely be delayed at least until summer 2020 based on the number of ISS and CCP certification requirements that remain to be verified and validated.โ€


The top issues for both companiesโ€™ vehicles, the report stated, involved launch abort systems and parachutes. Boeing has completed qualification of its parachutes but still has to complete three of six โ€œreliability testsโ€ for the system. SpaceX has started qualification of the new Mark 3 parachutes for Crew Dragon, including 13 successful tests in a row after two initial failures.


Both companies have experienced problems with parachutes as well. An April 2019 parachute test failure by SpaceX โ€œcontributed to at least a 3-month delay in SpaceXโ€™s crewed test flight,โ€ the report stated, while failures of two main parachutes on a cargo Dragon spacecraft in August 2018 required โ€œadditional work to improve load balancing on the planned crewed parachute system.โ€ One of three parachutes on Boeingโ€™s Starliner failed to open during the Nov. 4 pad abort test, although the company said days later it identified the cause of the anomaly and inspected other parachutes.


Boeing and SpaceX suffered delays because of problems with launch abort systems on their spacecraft. The Starliner issue, discovered during ground testing in June 2018, led to a one-year delay in the pad abort test. SpaceX performed Nov. 13 a static-fire test of its launch escape thrusters, nearly seven months after a similar test resulted in an explosion that destroyed another Crew Dragon spacecraft.


Those delays will adversely affect NASAโ€™s use of the ISS starting next spring, when the stationโ€™s crew drops from six to three, including just one NASA astronaut, Chris Cassidy. That would sharply reduce the ability of NASA and its non-Russian partners to carry out work on whatโ€™s formally known as the U.S. On-Orbit Segment, or USOS, part of the station.


โ€œAny reduction in the number of crew aboard the USOS would limit astronaut tasks primarily to operations and maintenance, leaving little time for scientific research,โ€ the OIG report concluded. With three USOS astronauts, the report stated, each can carry out an average of 11.67 hours of research per week per person. A single astronaut, though, would have time for only 5.5 hours of research a week. โ€œSuch a reduction may hinder NASAโ€™s ability to address astronaut health risks and develop capabilities needed for deep space exploration missions.โ€


Moreover, NASA has yet to secure any Soyuz seats after the end of Cassidyโ€™s mission in October 2020. Ken Bowersox, NASAโ€™s acting associate administrator for human exploration and operations, confirmed in a response to the report included in the final document that NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine formally requested two additional seats, one on a Soyuz in the fall of 2020 and the second on a Soyuz in the spring of 2021, in an Oct. 24 letter to the Russian state space corporation Roscosmos, which has yet to act on the request.


Other steps to mitigate commercial crew delays include plans to extend Boeingโ€™s crewed flight test to a long-duration ISS mission. Bowersox confirmed in the letter that the agency is also considering extending SpaceXโ€™s crewed test flight, Demo-2.


The OIG report highlighted another issue for buying any additional Soyuz seats: that NASAโ€™s waiver to sanctions against Russia under the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act, or INKSNA, expires at the end of 2020. The report recommended that waiver be extended and that NASA consider prepaying Soyuz seats in full prior to the waiverโ€™s current expiration at the end of 2020.

rest at link

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.7357084   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7091

Bannon Wanted Eric Ciaramella Kicked Off National Security Council Amid Concerns Over Leaks

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.7357107   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7300 >>7320 >>7321

Epstein's Prison Guards Could Face Criminal Charges

While the political and financial elites across the globe (and certainly in the UK) are doing everything in their power to bury the Epstein scandal - so to speak- both literally and metaphorically, CBS reports that such efforts face a hurdle as Federal prosecutors in New York are considering bringing criminal charges against the two correctional officers responsible for guarding Jeffrey Epstein on the night of his deathโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.7357109   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Stuck at loading at 6% to show screenshot of article so Im just gonna leave title and article link instead.


Scientists Develop Gel That Can Regrow Tooth Enamel

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.7357118   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

China Quietly Bails Out Another Bank With 620 Billion Yuan In Assets


Harbin Bank, which is one of the biggest banks in Chinaโ€™s northeast with 622 billion yuan in assets as of June 30, 2019, and trades on Hong Kongโ€™s stock exchange, becomes the fifth bank - after Baoshang Bank , Bank of Jinzhou, Heng Feng Bank, and Henan Yichuan Rural Commercial Bank - to be bailed out by the state, and will be 48%-controlled by two government entities after six private shareholders shed their stakes, according to a bank statement issued late on Friday.


Total consideration for the shares involved came to almost 15 billion yuan, or around $2.1 billion, the bank said, though it described the transactions as transfers rather than stock sales, which is to be expected if the bank was being bailed out instead of actually selling a viable stake.


As has been the customary case, the bank didnโ€™t provide any reason for the transactions in the statement, and Chinese bank regulators made no comment on the action.


And, as was the case with at least one previous bank "rescue", Harbin Bank was connected to a former oligarch who disappeared not that long ago amid allegations of massive fraud. Indeed, as the WSJ reports, the bank is among a handful of financial businesses in China linked to once-powerful tycoon named Xiao Jianhua who in early 2017 disappeared amid a wave of prosecutions of big private investors. Businesses owned by some of those people, including Wu Xiaohuiโ€™s Anbang Insurance Group Co., have also since become government-owned.


So why did Harbin Bank fail?


In its financial report for H1 2019, Harbin Bank cited deteriorating asset quality - read surging bad loans - as well as intensified competition for deposits and higher borrowing costs in money markets as Chinaโ€™s economy slows. Yet, paradoxically, the near-insolvent lender also said it recorded a profit of 2.18 billion yuan, or about $311.1 million, though that was off about 16% because of, drumroll, more-aggressive write-offs of bad debts. Which goes to show that corporate earnings reports in China are as "credible" as all other Chinese economic "data."


As for the oligarch behind not one but two bank failures in the country so far this year, Chinese authorities have publicly said nothing about Xiao since he abruptly left Hong Kong and entered mainland China in early 2017. He has made no public comment and canโ€™t be reached.


Another curious fact: a little over a year ago, Harbin Bank, which in March 2018 had abandoned plans to list its shares in China, announced it would raise over $2 billion in perpetual bonds to replenish its capital after regulators in early 2018 allowed lenders to sell such instruments to bolster their balance sheets. Incidentally, a perpetual bonds is effectively the same thing as equity, but for some bizarre reason sells much better in China where the investing population is apparently stupid enough to be fooled by the clever change in designation. As such, Harbin Bank was the first Chinese lender to announce its intention to sell perpetual bonds to increase its Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital. We now know what prompted the bank's rush.


Harbin Bankโ€™s exiting shareholders are business entities owned by a number of individuals, according to the companyโ€™s latest annual report. The biggest holder among them, Heilongjiang Keruan Software Technologies owned a 6.55% stake and is identified in the annual report as the subsidiary of another business primarily owned by two individuals.


Who are the bank's new owners?


Under the transactions disclosed Friday, an entity controlled by Harbin cityโ€™s financial bureau, Harbin Economic Development & Investment, will control 29.63%, compared with 19.65% at the end of June. A second, new shareholder will have a 18.55% stake: Heilongjiang Financial Holdings Group Co., which was established in January by the province of Heilongjiang. Combined, these state-owned enterprises would own nearly 50% of the bailed out bank.


Meanwhile, since the PBOC refuses to admit or acknowledge that it has an unprecedented bad loan problem, and thus nothing can be done to address the underlying cause at the heart of China's failing bank problem, expect more and ever bigger Chinese bank bailouts until eventually a bank fails and its depositors are impacted, sparking a furious scramble by Chinese depositors across the country to redeem their roughly $27 trillion (190 trillion yuan) in bank deposits, which as a reminder, is more than double the total amount of US commercial bank deposits.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.7357119   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7300 >>7320 >>7321

Emails: Open Society Kept Alleged โ€˜Whistleblowerโ€™ Eric Ciaramella Updated on George Sorosโ€™s Personal Ukraine Activities


Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower, received emails about Ukraine policy from a top director at George Sorosโ€™s Open Society Foundations.


The emails informed Ciaramella and a handful of other Obama administration foreign policy officials about Sorosโ€™s whereabouts, the contents of Sorosโ€™s private meetings about Ukraine and a future meeting the billionaire activist was holding with the prime minister of Ukraine.


A primary recipient of the Open Society emails along with Ciaramella was then-Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who played a central role in the anti-Trump dossier affair. Nuland, with whom Ciaramella worked closely, received updates on Ukraine issues from dossier author Christopher Steele in addition to her direct role in facilitating the dossier within the Obama administration.


The emails spotlight Sorosโ€™s access to national security officials under the Obama administration on the matter of Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.7357120   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7300 >>7320 >>7321


Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.7357122   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7130 >>7257


Maybe Soros is "Y"?

The father of Soros [real name Swartz = Black]

picked the name, in the language


Which was hoped to be the New World Order language. A language without a Country.

It's supposed to refer to the soaring of a BIRD

So R ous

[from the official bio of Soros]

It's a palindrome / SATAN ic?

Backwards / Forwards are the same.

Includes a reversal. / Mirroring.

How do the letters fit on his face to represent an OWL

The "Y" at the Nose could be read as an "r"

A 2-faced "R" like Ianus Janus.

"S" is the ears

"O"'s are the eyes.

This was a group effort some time ago on the Board.

I thought of it since the post I replying to implies SOROS will be the one to start taking out the first ones up for arrest [the back of the line; "6" position] The first ones to be picked off from the herd.

People think Comey?

I'm agnostic on the subject.

Wouldn't be surprised to be surprised.

Hoping Brennan and Comey go quick.

They look dangerous.


feel better soon anon.

I was the same way for a few days.

Maybe just stay hydrated and get sleep

? Saying some prayers for all of us.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.7357125   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7132


I have notables for this bread and the dough is posted in Meta that includes them. Close to the end. Itโ€™s current as of 500 posts. Iโ€™m sure some have been missed and I need to add >>7357088 . I just watched the index as best I could today, posting was slow for the most part.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:36 p.m. No.7357128   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Anyone have a copy of the Yavonovitch Hillary Clinton victory party invitation?

Please post on multiple breads. As it is sometimes very difficult to find stuff these days.


God bless

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:40 p.m. No.7357131   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Civil Society 2.0 - Project started by the State Dept. in 2009 to train "grassroots" organizations and equip them with the technological tools necessary to spread their message to the masses.


Ukrainian coup - US State Dept. trained insurgents and inserted them specifically to elicit the uprising that overthrew the Ukraine govt. in 2014.


It's not just about Ukraine/Biden or Ukraine/DNC. It's about programs designed to manipulate public opinion, streamline governments across the world, and make you think it was your idea.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.7357132   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You're much better off than I am. I wasn't able to lurk much today and all I see in the bread is 236 posts total. If it helps, took notables for only those posts, the one you mentioned, and the Eric Ciaramella updates I saw in the index just now. In the pastebin:

Can't really do much until the breads update normally. Bakers will just have to either watch the index and update it frequently or wait until the bread updates (which can take hours). Either way you can post in the bread then refresh the index.

We'll manage.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.7357140   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7144 >>7202


>>7357088 James O'Keefe Tweet: Congress to investigate ABC

>>7356931 Exclusive โ€” Jeff Sessions Explains How GOP Can Dominate for Two Generations with America First Immigration Vision

>>7356850 Whitaker:"This IG report will be probably one of the most consequential reports we've had in many years." SC post w/vid


>>7356785 Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript

>>7356769 Update from /CM/ on Project Odin via Twitter

>>7356765 Prince Andrew publicist quits over BBC interview about Epstein

>>7356754 Assange's Judge Out After Military/Intel-Linked Conflicts Of Interest Exposed

>>7356602, >>7356616 Payments to Hunter Biden leaked from Ukraine

>>7356563 AG William Barr speaking at the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture (2019)

>>7356599 Amazon Challenges $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Award to Microsoft

>>7356456, >>7356499 Britainโ€™s Prince Andrew โ€˜categoricallyโ€™ denies sex claims

>>7356456 U.S. says no plans to send asylum seekers to remote Guatemalan regions

>>7356427 Biased Judge in Undercover Video Trial Founded a Planned Parenthood Clinic

>>7356409 Dem who wants to replace "throupler" Katie Hill is a piece of work himself

>>7357139 #9410

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.7357164   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7300 >>7303 >>7320 >>7321

A plane with Hillary Clinton aboard was grounded at LaGuardia Airport Sunday afternoon after suffering an unknown mechanical issue on the tarmac, a report said.


American Airlines flight 2144 to Washington DCโ€™s Reagan Airport was forced to return to the gate about 3:15 p.m. following a mechanical issue reported by ground personnel, a law enforcement source told CNN.


Another source confirmed with the network that the former secretary of state was on board.


The flightโ€™s pilots reported to authorities feeling the plane shake then saw smoke, the report said.


Metal debris was later discovered in the area where the mechanical issue took place.


Passengers were able to catch another flight to the nationโ€™s capital, the airline said.

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.7357192   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7320 >>7321

Millennials side with Trump more than Baby Boomers in Microsoft News poll

Anonymous ID: 88c224 Nov. 17, 2019, 11:12 p.m. No.7357197   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7249 >>7320 >>7321





>Bill Priestap's wife!

"Priestap is married to Sabina Menschel, who heads a Washington private investigative agency and is a former special adviser to the FBI, according to her biography. Her father is Richard Menschel, Goldman Sachs investment banker, philanthropist, and a donor to the Democratic Party."



The last part of her posted staff PR {schitt*}:

"Sabina served as a Special Advisor in the Directorate of Intelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigationโ€™s

headquarters in Washington, DC. In that capacity,

she worked with senior management to refine and strengthen the FBIโ€™s intelligence gathering capabilities and

implement its intelligence transformation efforts

in response to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission."


-9/11 Commission FAKERY/bakery/GMO[crop] cvErtOP


Q, is S.M. also a H.U.M.A. ?




How about a non-schitt WEthePEOPLE 2Q2Q Commission] [!?!?!


-b4 the dark days to Oct. 31 [2019]

SWORDanon in FollowThePEN pointing to LIGHTtheWAYs WWG1WGA -"โ€ฆ light a FIRE to flush them out. Q"

"Executive Order 13896 of October 28, 2019

Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice"


  • submitted by

THE WHITE HOUSE, October 28, 2019. Filed 10-31-19; 8:45 am] [FR Doc. 2019-24040


{noting TStamp :#45, FR Doc. -#24040(=10=5:5)}


"Sec. 2. Establishment.


(a) The Attorney General shall establish a Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Commission),

and designate an individual to chair the Commission."


Designate Gowdy? or DiGenova? perhaps, as LEAJC Commissioner? โ€ฆ.. FOLLOW ThePEN !


STEALTHly BOOMbers #iNitToWINit with a 40,000ft+ VIEW of GRANDjury #INCOMingREPORTS #ofQindictments{2019]



>pic related to 6 o' [on the [TARGET]] clock {noting TStamp 6:00:02 PM}

-"โ€ฆ light a FIRE to flush them out. Q"