This may very well be the best meme I've ever seen! Certainly, top 5. Very well done indeed.
If you ask me that arrogant smirk he always had hasn't been noticible since his stay at the Ramadan Inn.
Good thing you archived those Stormfront morsels.
Sorry if already covered elsewhere. Just read this article (link below) on the serial bomber targeting the Austin, Texas area. Article says someone purporting to be him has posted on Reddit.
Here's what jumped out. Though he apparently thinks of himself as akin to the Zodiak killer he's using language we use here, namely, about 'watching the world burn.' Though we are fighting against that mindset, and the same language was used to describe the Heath Ledger Joker in Nolan's Dark Knight, it still caught me off guard. Another handy way to possibly tarnish the Great Awakening.
The Jew-hatred is a sickness here, it's part of the dna. Not to say there aren't many valid arguments to be had, but usually they're never qualified…it's all the (((Jews))) blah, blah, blah.
I will add there's been an anon posting the same gay-pride memes for days now, which I'm guessing are meant to cause a slide too.