This is a q proof!
6 Jan 2019 - 9:09:09 PM
When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?
C_A 'illegal' SURV members of Congress?
C_A 'illegal' SURV members of the Press?
At this day, we found out, that they spyed on Cruz!
But more important… What is that, up, in the left corner? a Crazy DNA joke…
His right eye browse is nervose!
The more people I see in this shitshow, the more people I hate! muh I thought, muh I believe, muh feels…
Lock them all up, for eternity, please!
it is painfull to watch… but I am happy, that it is painfull… otherwise I would be a snowflake!
here the full ukraine madness for someone who not seen it yet
she is grossly incompetend! POTUS at the cabinet meeting
Problems with captcha? try this! Thanks to the anon who shared it this morning/evening (timezone thing)
Who is this Eisenberg asshole? Is this the lawyer Vindman asshat spoke to and the same Eisenberg person who falsly put the transcript in a special "folder"?
Impeachapaloooosa! Memeworthy!