Anonymous ID: c6c9f3 Nov. 19, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7357953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977


>To spout historically illiterate nonsense

If the news is fake, just think about how bad "history" must be. The official WWII narrative makes less and less sense every day.

You can't be serious about a Great Awakening without questioning what you've been taught.

Roosevelt, Hitler, and Churchill were all working for Rothschild. Follow the money!

Where do you think an utterly broken and defeated Germany post-WWI got the money for rearmament? And then, of what use to declare suicidal war on enemies he could never possibly defeat? What about the outcome? Germany destroyed, a generation of young German men slaughtered by their cousins from overseas, Germany partitioned between the ((Allies)) and the Communists?

The Balfour Declaration? Fulfilled! Israel populated by fleeing (and apparently alive) Jews from Europe and Russia?

A specious narrative born that forever paints Israel as the victim, despite whatever abhorrent behavior they might engage in?

Nationalism forever poisoned in the minds of those who study "history?"

Who wrote those history books, with all of this wrapped up in a nice bow for us to swallow?