Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 4:37 p.m. No.7359818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9826 >>9845 >>0087 >>0607 >>0642 >>0656

Anon's notes for today


Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government


Israeli Military Capabilities, Scenarios for the Third Lebanon War


‘New Protocols of the Elders of Zion’: Fiona Hill Rips Soros Conspiracies as Anti-Semitic


Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers


Energy Secretary Perry: Trump, Giuliani, and Sondland Never Mentioned Bidens and Burisma


FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation For Falsifying Carter Page Docs is ‘FBI Lawyer’ – WaPo Stealth-Deletes Strzok Connection


How the Biden Clan Plundered Ukraine (PHOTO, VIDEO EVIDENCE)


Israel’s War With Syria Escalates Under Cover of US Impeachment


21 Arrested As Enviro Wackos Hijack Oregon Governor’s Office (VIDEO)


Ex-CIA Officer Sentenced to 19 Years for Conspiring with Chinese Spies


The Storms of December


District Court Enters Injunction against New York Company and Corporate Officials to Prevent Adulteration of Food Products


Chuck Shumer Putin is working to interfere in our 2020 elections.


Barr Says ICE Can Ignore Courtroom Sanctuary Policies in Letter to Oregon, Washington


Trump Woos Jews, Jews Impeach Trump


Impeachment Theater Offers Americans Glimpse Of The Unseen-Unelected Who Actually Rule Over Us


Senate Dems Panic – Demand Pompeo Recuse Himself From Ukraine Matters After Lindsey Graham Requests Biden-Poroshenko Transcripts From State Dept


Trudeau "Open" To Handing Out Taxpayer-Funded Heroin To Vancouver Addicts


UNSC Holds Meeting on Humanitarian Crisis in Syria—video/


John Solomon Drops 28 Uncomfortable Facts Crushing The 'Debunked Conspiracy Theory' Narrative


President Trump: Durham Investigation Will Expose “Biggest Scandal in History” and Implicate Obama!


Joe Biden: Lindsey Graham Will ‘Regret’ Investigating Me ‘His Whole Life’


POST-BIRTH ABORTIONS! Nurses say newborn babies are killed all the time because women “don’t want them”


'Bombshells Upon Explosions': Watch How The Media Primed The Public With Impeachment Narrative


Bogota Imposes Citywide Curfew Amid Mass Protests—report/

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.7359826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0607 >>0642 >>0656



Alleged Pedophile Cop Has Escaped Jail By Faking His Own Death For 25 Years


Bosnia: 24-hour curfews introduced at overwhelmed migrant camps along the Croatian border


Donald Trump: I Stand with Hong Kong but Also Xi Jinping


Former Villanova University Campus Ministry Official Sentenced to 6 ½ Years in Prison for Child Pornography Offense


France Faces All-Time Record of Nearly 140,000 Asylum Applications in 2019


Iran’s President Rouhani Accused of Secret Talks With Israel


The World’s Ultra-Rich Scramble To Find Safe-Deposit Boxes Ahead Of The Next Crash


Israel supporters assault, swear at pro-Palestine protesters at Canada university


Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent


2 Airmen Dead After T-38 Trainer Aircraft Accident at Vance AFB


CO of Marines' Wounded Warrior Regiment Fired Amid Loss of Confidence


Corruption in Vietnam


The Charade of Romania’s Presidential Election


PM: ‘No question’ I’ll accept court ruling, but investigators must be probed too


Former U.S. Attorney: 'It Doesn't Get Much More Serious Than' Changing a Document to Get a FISA


Congress extends NSA call records collection powers to March


Houston rapper sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for meth trafficking


Sacha Baron Cohen Gets ADL Award, Calls For More Big Tech Censorship to Fight 'Hate'


DOJ Buried Allegations That Cheney’s Halliburton Subsidiary Paid Bribes for Venezuela Contracts


NYT's Paul Krugman: 'The Deep State Contains Some Really Impressive, Principled People'


Russian Strike Wipe Out Headquarters Of Turkish-Backed Militants In Idlib (Videos)


More evidences on its crimes in Syria, “White Helmets” involved in organ trafficking


Syrian Army Strikes Back Around Aleppo, Destroys Militants’ Ammo Depots (Video)


#Internet4Iran: Trump Admin Announces Sanctions Against Iran’s Information Minister


New Report Reveals Numbers, Positions Of French Forces In Northeast Syria

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.7359842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0607 >>0642 >>0656

Former Penn State assistant Jerry Sandusky resentenced in sex abuse case


Disgraced former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was resentenced Friday to 30 to 60 years in prison – the same penalty as before – for sexually abusing children.


Sandusky was wearing a yellow prison jumpsuit with his hands cuffed as he made his way inside the Centre County court in Bellefonte, Pa. He again asserted his innocence, choked up twice in brief remarks to the judge and told his supporters he loves them.


The 75-year-old was convicted in June 2012 of 45 counts of child sex abuse over several years. Eight young men testified that Sandusky, who founded a charity for at-risk youth, subjected them to a range of abuse, from grooming to violent attacks.


A state appeals court this year turned down most of Sandusky’s arguments seeking a new trial but said laws mandating sentence minimums in place at the time of his October 2012 sentencing had since changed. Under the new law, a jury would not have the power to go below the minimum sentence.


The Superior Court opinion in February cited a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said any fact that increases the sentence for a given crime must be submitted to jurors and established beyond a reasonable doubt.


Sandusky's lawyers last month initiated a federal court action seeking a new trial or release from prison.


An unidentified person reported to Penn State University police last month that Sandusky abused them between June 2000 and September 2010.


The university has paid more than $100 million to people who said they were abused by Sandusky. His November 2011 arrest upended the school's historic football program and prompted the firing of legendary head coach Joe Paterno.


Then-University President Graham Spanier was also removed. Sandusky was a coach at Penn State from 1969 to 1999 and was the defensive coordinator for the last 22 of those years.

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.7359853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

King Abdullah: Relations with Israel at their worst


The king of Jordan added that unless the Palestinian issue can be solved, Israel could not really become a part of the Middle East.


King Abdullah of Jordan said on Friday that relations with Israel are at its worst state, partly because of internal problems in Israel.

The king said this at a meeting of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in New York.


He added, "We hope that Israel will be able to determine its future, either in the coming weeks or in the coming months."


“If we won’t be able to solve the Israeli-Palestinian issue,” he said, “Israel cannot really become a part of the Middle East,” Mako reported.


Noting that the alternative to a two-state solution, one for the Jewish society in Israel and the other for Palestinians, is “much worse,” the king claimed that during “every year we lose [to indecision] it becomes much more complex and difficult for Israelis and Palestinians to progress.”


The King publicly prayed and kissed the ground of Naharayim, which is known as Baqura in Jordan, in early November after insisting Israel hand over the land as was agreed upon in the 1994 Peace Treaty.


Israeli farmers who own lands in what is now Jordan will need a visa to enter them. The laws governing such lands will be Jordanian laws.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered the King to connect “the train from Haifa all the way to Saudi Arabia” but the project is currently “stuck.”


Netanyahu said so during a special conference on Israeli-Jordanian ties, together with the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.7359861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0607 >>0642 >>0656

Attorney General William Barr Concludes What Happened To Clinton Buddy Jeffrey Epstein


Jeffrey Epsteinwas found dead in his cell not long after he was mysteriously taken off suicide watch, despite a recent attempt to take his own life this past summer. The guards watching him were rent-a-cop level, they falsified prison logs, and had fallen asleep on the job. Shrieks were heard near his cell the day he died. All of this is sketch city and for once, the conspiracy theory crowd was not dismissed. Epstein had ties to some of the most powerful and wealthiest people on the planet, including the Clintons. His private island was reportedly wired for sound; can you say blackmail tapes? And the search warrant executed for his New York residence yielded troves of incriminating evidence to back up the not-so-new allegations that he was a child predator. He was indicted for trafficking underage girls and other sex crimes. He escaped justice in early 2000s thanks to a sweetheart deal he cut with then-U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta, a piece of history that was resurrected by the Miami Herald which reported on Epstein’s plea deal which showcased what money and connections can afford you when you get into trouble. This legal arrangement cost Acosta his job as Trump’s labor secretary.


The death of Epstein while in federal custody was another low point for the DOJ. Barr was outraged, leading him to order a full review with Inspector General Michael Horowitz joining the effort. Initially, two guards were suspended, and the warden was reassigned. Now, two guards have been arrested (via NPR):


Two correctional officers who were assigned to guard Jeffrey Epstein on the night he died in his cell have been indicted for allegedly ignoring more than 75 mandatory checks on the wealthy financier then fabricating records to cover it up.


Federal authorities charged Michael Thomas and Tova Noel with multiple counts of falsifying records and conspiracy. The two worked as guards at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal facility in Manhattan that is mostly used for defendants awaiting trial.


At a court appearance on Tuesday, Thomas and Noel pleaded not guilty and a judge released each of them on a $100,000 bond.


The indictment provides the first official account of what happened in the hours before Epstein's death.


According to video surveillance footage obtained by prosecutors, Epstein was in his cell unobserved for eight hours before he was found dead. The unit he was in requires that all inmates be accounted for twice an hour.


There were conflicting medical analyses as well. One saying that Epstein had killed himself, another that cast doubton that conclusion due to the wounds around his neck. The latter autopsy was conducted by Epstein’s brother who noted the neck injuries were more consistent with homicide than suicide. I mean all of this was just too good to be true. The man potentially had dirt on oodles of people; Epstein also had ties to the British Royal Family. Yet, Attorney General Barr now says that the events that occurred prior to Epstein’s death were a disaster, but that the child predator committed suicide (via NYT):


Attorney General William P. Barr said in an interview published on Friday that the death of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, in a secure federal prison resulted from “a perfect storm of screw-ups,” rather than any nefarious act.


Mr. Barr’s statement refuted suggestions from members of Mr. Epstein’s family that he may have been murdered. His remarks came the same week that two prison guards were criminally charged, accused in an indictment of failing to check on Mr. Epstein every half-hour as they were required to and then lying about it on prison logs.


“I can understand people who immediately — whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario, because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups,” Mr. Barr said in an interview with The Associated Press as he flew to Montana on Thursday night.


Mr. Epstein’s death in August at a federal detention center in Manhattan set off a rash of unfounded conspiracy theories on social media that were picked up and repeated by high-profile figures, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. No matter their ideology, the refrain of the theories was the same: Something did not add up.

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.7359874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9879 >>9884 >>9896

DOJ watchdog expected to say FBI erred, but absolve top leaders of anti-Trump bias: report


A Justice Department watchdog is expected to strongly criticize FBI officials for being careless in their pursuit of obtaining wiretaps on a former Trump campaign aide during the start of the Russia probe, but not find they were acting with a bias toward President Trump, The New York Times reported Friday afternoon.


But the highly anticipated report from the Department of Justice inspector general (IG) is also expected to say top agency leaders did not act with a bias toward against President Trump in terms of how they undertook the probe.


In particular, the DOJ IG, Michael Horowitz, faulted Kevin Clinesmith, a lower-level lawyer, for altering an email that bureau officials then incorporated in their effort to renew a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on Carter Page.


The DOJ watchdog has referred his findings about Clinesmith, who resigned two months ago, to prosecutors for a potential criminal charge, the Times reported.


Horowitz also reportedly found omissions and errors in documents seeking the wiretap for Page, who had served previously on the Trump campaign and was suspected of working as an unregistered foreign agent in 2016.


And while the Times reports that Horowitz will sharply rebuke the top brass at the FBI over their handling of the counterintelligence probe — which was examining whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia— his investigation did not find that anti-Trump bias among senior leaders like former FBI director James Comey, deputy director Andrew McCabe, and former counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok influenced the investigation.


While the report, set to be publicly released Dec. 9, appears to confirm long-held GOP allegations that officials did not follow the proper protocols in obtaining the Page FISA warrant, the report also disputes their allegations that individuals like Comey, McCabe and Strzok acted on biases towards the president.


Horowitz's report also debunks claims that the so-called Steele dossier compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele was used by officials to launch the investigation, as well as allegations that some of the information came from the CIA officials.


Democrats and Republicans are likely to seize on different parts of the report, particularly at a time when House Democrats' impeachment inquiry is looming over the Trump administration.


The FBI obtained a FISA warrant on Page in October of 2016 and renewed the wiretap three subsequent times.


And during one of those renewal processes, Clinesmith is said to have altered an email from an official working at another federal agency by adding his own personal assertion to a message laying out several factual assertions, allowing his view point to appear as if was the author of the email rather than his own, the Times reports.


This manipulated email was then added into a group of documents Clinesmith compiled for another FBI official to read ahead of them signing an affidavit that is given to the surveillance court, which attests under the penalty of perjury that the information in the wiretap application is both "true and correct."


Clinesmith, who worked on both the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server and the Russia probe, was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's team after Horowitz discovered text messages sent from officials that disparaged Trump.


Horowitz's referral has reportedly been sent to Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was assigned by Attorney General William Barr to probe the origins of the Russia investigation. The referral suggests that Durham's inquiry could turn into a criminal investigation.


NYT sauce = BULLSHIT I assume

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.7359935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9940

All (Bit of a stretch cough 911/Iraq….???) the Netanyahu Corruption Cases Explained


Attorney general announces PM is indicted of bribery, fraud and breach of trust


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate criminal cases.


The charges come after Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit considered and rejected the arguments of Netanyahu’s legal team in the four-day pre-indictment hearing in October in which they tried to dissuade prosecutors from charging him.


Netanyahu now faces the dual challenges of fighting to remain prime minister while grappling with the frustrating political deadlock that appears to be leading Israel to a third election in the space of a year.


The two issues are deeply intertwined: One of the main roadblocks to the formation of a governing coalition was the refusal of Netanyahu’s potential partners in a unity government to serve as ministers in a government led by a prime minister under criminal indictment.


It was in February, ahead of the year’s first national election in April, when Mendelblit first announced he had decided to indict Netanyahu, pending the October hearings.


Mendelblit’s initial decision to indict came after examining — and agreeing with — two police reports issued in 2018, which recommended that the prime minister be indicted in three affairs known as Case 1000, Case 2000 and Case 4000, cases that have been under investigation for more than three years.



Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.7359940   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Case 2000 (fraud and breach of trust)


This case centers around Netanyahu’s alleged desire to receive better coverage in one of the country’s leading dailies, Yedioth Ahronoth — a desire strong enough for him to allegedly strike a deal with the paper’s publisher, Arnon Mozes.


Netanyahu was caught on tape telling Mozes he would convince Yedioth’s main competitor — the free daily Israel Hayom, owned by Netanyahu's patron Sheldon Adelson — to limit its circulation. This would have been a boon to Mozes and Yedioth, weakening their prime source of competition and its ad revenues.


In exchange, the police say, Netanyahu asked Mozes to cover his government less critically and stop attacking him personally.


Netanyahu’s defense has been that the offer to Mozes wasn’t serious; rather, he was “testing” him. But Adelson reportedly told the police when questioned that Netanyahu did attempt to persuade him from plans to expand Israel Hayom — indicating that a possible deal was struck.


As well as the charge against Netanyahu, Mendelblit announced Thursday that Mozes would be indicted for bribery.



Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 5:43 p.m. No.7359974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa Behind Trump-Russia Hoax – Is Linked to Obama DOJ Hacking Attacks on State’s Voting Systems in Nov. 2018


During the Democrat’s sham impeachment inquiry this week, Republican Congressman Devin Nunes brought up the name Alexandra Chalupa several times.


Alexandra “Ali” Chalupa is a Democratic National Committee operative linked to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and fake “whistleblower” / CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella.


Alexandra Chalupa and anti-Trump whistleblower Eric Ciaramella


However even the usually well-informed Rep. Nunes seems to have missed one of the biggest bombshells of the Democrat’s 2016 election interference that’s been hiding in plain sight: Chalupa’s admission she was involved in a plot to scan a number of state’s voting systems with Obama’s Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security in what Chalupa says is a a DC unit of the hackivist group “Anonymous.”


The Chalupa confession that the DOJ and DHS were hacking into state’s voting systems without the state’s permission is troubling enough, but the added detail about federal agencies working with an unknown independent hacking group raises serious national and cyber security issues.


Now add in that Ali Chalupa spent a dozen years as a DNC operative. Both her knowledge and public discussion of such an operation create a major scandal and legal problem for the DNC, top Obama administration officials, and Joe Biden.


This shocking Democratic election interference has received almost no media attention. It’s the sort of story the Democrats would love to be able to dismiss as conspirocy theory but they can’t.


That’s because the unauthorized intrusions into a number of state voting systems on Election Day was admitted to in a Facebook post by Alexandra Chalupa and then appears to be corroborated by reporting months later that shows that a number of states seem to have had their voting system scanned by computers at the Department of Homeland Security.


Almost all the reporting about DNC operative Chalupa has either revolved around her admitted collaboration with Ukrainian officials in Washington DC to “get dirt on Trump” and then campaign-chair Paul Manafort in early 2016, a story originally reported by Politico magazine in January, 2017.


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Chalupa also grabbed a few headlines when it was revealed that she’d been invited to the White House by Eric Ciaramella, the CIA analyst who has been reported to be the “whistleblower” who helped engineer the Democrat’s sham impeachment inquiry.


Democrats must be very nervous right now hoping that nobody notices that Chalupa, who worked closely with former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, spilled the beans on a scandal that could be one that sees Obama administration officials locked up once and for all.


On the day after election, November 9th, 2016 Chalupa wrote a Facebook post that claims the vote was stolen by Trump and Russians. (Of course.)

Anonymous ID: d0208f Nov. 22, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.7359982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0007 >>0025 >>0087 >>0201 >>0607 >>0642 >>0656

Navy Mutinies Against President Trump; Sec. Spencer Says Still Planning on Review to Take Eddie Gallagher’s SEAL Trident Despite Order From POTUS


Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said in an exclusive interview with Reuters Friday that despite President Trump’s tweet on Thursday ordering the Navy to stand down, the Navy still plans to haul Navy Special Operations Chief Eddie Gallagher before a review board next month to kick him out of the SEALs and take away his Trident Pin. The move against Gallagher came just days after Trump restored Gallagher’s rank and pay grade following a malicious court martial that saw Gallagher acquitted of murder charges but convicted of a minor offense of posing for a photograph with the corpse of an ISIS fighter in Iraq in 2017.