Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.7367903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7912 >>8116 >>8399 >>8474

Amazon To Open Chinese Store As US Consumer Fades Into Darkness


Amazon knows the US consumer is quickly deteriorating, and western markets will likely stagnate in the early 2020s. A recent investor call revealed the e-commerce giant's forecast revenue and profit for this holiday season would be below expectations, setting up a pathway for depressed consumer activity in the quarters ahead.


To get ahead of waning consumer demand in the US, Amazon is rushing to re-establish itself back in China after it closed its Chinese marketplace in July, sources told Reuters.


Amazon is expected to open a store on the Chinese e-commerce platform Pinduoduo on Monday. The company is expected to increase its efforts to sell goods to Chinese consumers via its global platform.


Reuters notes that Alibaba and have dominated the e-commerce marketplaces in China. It was only four years ago that Pinduoduo was able to get a slice of the action in lower-tier cities.


The source told Reuters that Amazon's Pinduoduo store would carry goods from abroad.


Amazon is making a push back into China as the government modifies its economy from an export-driven model to a consumption-driven economy. The move will likely transform China into one of the largest consumer markets in the world, in the next several years.


China recently outpaced the US as having the world's largest middle-class population. Every US consumer goods company knows that the US dominated the 20th century, but now it's China that is dominating the 21st century.


China will be the greatest consumption story of the 2020s and will likely outpace the US as a global superpower by 2030. Amazon can read the tea leaves, and they want action in China.

Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.7368218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Actor/Producer/Activist Mark Ruffalo Releases Film “Dark Waters” About DuPont and Asks Congress to Take Action Against “Forever Chemicals”


Newly released film Dark Waters is based on true events which led American lawyer Robert Bilott to investigate DuPont.


From Film School Rejects:


Bilott’s environmental crusade began in 1998 when he was contacted by Wilbur Tennant, a farmer from Parkersburg, West Virginia, whose cattle had been dying as a result of suspected poisoning. The farmer believed that the chemical company DuPont was responsible for their deaths, but no local lawyers were willing to accept his case because the corporate entity wielded too much influence and power in the town.


Upon accepting the case, Bilott discovered that DuPont had been dumping chemical waste — including an unregulated chemical compound called Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) — near the site where Tennant was raising the cattle. PFOA wasn’t public knowledge at the time, but during his research, the lawyer was given access to 160,000 DuPont files which revealed that the company had been using the substance since 1951.


Despite what has happened in the past, there seems to be no shortage of corporations putting profit over people in the U.S. and worldwide. This led to Ruffalo requesting a hearing to address Congress about “Forever Chemicals”:


The hearing was centered on a chemical abbreviated as PFAS. The substance is used in firefighting foam and has contaminated the water near at least 425 military sites, causing health problems for military members and their families.


Ruffalo and many Democrats used their time to talk about PFAS manufacturers’ long held knowledge of the harms of their products.


PFAS manufacturers like 3M and DuPont “made billions upon billions of dollars producing chemicals they knew were building up in our blood and they knew they were toxic but failed to tell anyone,” Ruffalo said


“In America, it falls to us, the ordinary people to prove that these chemicals are toxic before the chemical is regulated by our government,” he continued. “That is simply backwards.”


Backwards but very profitable to the corporations who choose to operate this way as well as the elected officials they financially support. Sad and infuriating but true.

Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.7368256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8399 >>8474

Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project


Recently uncovered evidence indicates that the New Manhattan Project – otherwise known as ‘geoengineering’ – goes back further than previously thought.


As the name ‘New Manhattan Project’ implies, the author was previously under the impression that this ultra-massive, super-secret scientific project (the biggest of all time, in fact) only went back to the mid-1940s; directly after the end of the original Manhattan Project. Your intrepid author has recently found evidence suggesting that the New Manhattan Project should be called the Old Manhattan Project because it now looks like its roots actually go back about 35 years earlier.


The findings presented here have everything to do with an organization called The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the origins of The Research Corporation for Science Advancement (Research Corporation) have everything to do with the life and work of one Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1877-1948).


Today the Research Corporation for Science Advancement has a website, a Twitter feed, and a Facebook page.


If you don’t know what the New Manhattan Project is, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available exclusively at Amazon.

Frederick Gardner Cottrell


In the early 1900s Frederick Gardner Cottrell pioneered the field of large-scale, electrostatic removal of coal fly ash from the emissions of coal-fired electrical power plants. This is relevant to the New Manhattan Project for a few reasons.


It is relevant because it has been scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt by Dr. Marvin Herndon and his peer-reviewers all over the world that the substance with which we are being routinely sprayed today is coal fly ash. You see, coal fly ash is the smoke that rises from burning coal. It’s a toxic waste by-product of the electrical power industry. There’s a big, cheap supply of it all over the world and if they don’t spray it into our atmosphere, it costs the electrical power companies big money to properly dispose of it. The low cost and ready availability of coal fly ash makes it suitable for geoengineering purposes because geoengineers are talking about spraying tens of thousands of megatons of toxic substances such as this from airplanes ANNUALLY. For more about coal fly ash, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project.”


Not only that, but electrical power companies have a long history in weather modification, and the New Manhattan Project is a global, second generation weather modification project. Specifically, electrical power companies have for many decades openly sprayed silver iodide from ground-based generators in order to make it snow. The runoff from this artificially nucleated snowpack then fills up their mountain reservoirs and is subsequently used to generate hydroelectric power. How much does the Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation love you?


Furthermore, when coal fly ash is electrostatically removed from the exhaust system of a coal-fired power plant, a mini-New Manhattan Project takes place. This is what originally inspired the author’s investigation here. You see, today’s coal fly ash is removed from a power plant’s exhaust system using something called an electrostatic precipitator. These electrostatic precipitators collect fly ash by first electrically charging the airborne ash particles, then attracting them to oppositely charged plates where the ash is then taken away. This is analogous to how, in the course of today’s New Manhattan Project, atmospheric particles are electromagnetically ionized (charged) and then manipulated. This use of electromagnetic energy is the defining aspect of the project and, strangely enough, we see it replicated in this NMP sub-operation of fly ash sequestration. Frederick Cottrell was the American pioneer in the field of electrostatic precipitation.


So, let us learn more about this intriguing Frederick Cottrell character, whose life’s work was so inextricably intertwined with air pollution and, most pertinently, coal fly ash air pollution. Like your author, Cottrell was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is his story.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.7368274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8290 >>8399 >>8474



On February 16 of 1912 the Research Corporation was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York, a one-room office was leased at 63 Wall St., and a manager by the name of Linn Bradley was hired. Cottrell returned to his office work for the Bureau of Mines in San Francisco. A prospectus was printed up and, in order to increase revenue, Bradley went about finding new contract opportunities.


Back in the San Francisco Bay Area once again, Cottrell applied the principals of electrical precipitation to weather modification. This is significant because, as noted earlier, the topic of our study, the New Manhattan Project is, largely and in its essence, a global weather modification project. Specifically, Cottrell experimented with the electrical dissipation of low-lying fogs. Here Cottrell was following in the footsteps of Sir Oliver Lodge (1878-1955) who had successfully performed similar experiments in London many years earlier. This type of weather modification activity, utilizing a charged wire to cause the coalescence of fog, is duly noted in the historical weather modification literature.


Cottrell and his wife moved to Washington D.C. in November of 1916, where they then lived for the next 28 years.


The International Precipitation Company and its subsidiary the Western Precipitation Company flourished under Walter Schmidt’s management. Immediately following the end of hostilities in Europe, Schmidt returned to rejuvenate International Precipitation’s business there. In the course of doing so, he joined forces with Sir Oliver Lodge’s Fume Deposit Company to form the British firm Lodge Cottrell Ltd. To this day Lodge Cottrell Ltd produces and services industrial electrostatic precipitators, mostly outside of America.


In the first two years of its existence, the Research Corporation got its revenue almost entirely from the fees associated with their engineering consultancy work pertaining to the design, installation, and maintenance of electrostatic precipitators. In the first few years of its existence, the Research Corporation mostly went about building up cash reserves.


During this time there were large precipitators being built around the country. By January 1915, about three years after its creation, the Research Corporation had $65K in cash and $100K in secured notes, subsequently, the previously issued founders’ stock was bought back in that same year.


In 1920 Cottrell briefly served as the chief of the Bureau of Mines for 8 months. Beginning in 1921 Cottrell also served as the chairman of the National Research Council’s Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The National Research Council was funded by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, among others. This put him in touch with Rockefellers and Carnegies – two family names highly correlated with the New Manhattan Project.


With the exception of an early grant to Cottrell as part of a company promotion, the Research Corporation didn’t really start giving out money for the advancement of science until 1923. In 1923 the Research Corporation made their first real grant when they paid $5K toward the atmospheric sounding rocket experiments of the American rocketry pioneer Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945). This was an investment in the atmospheric sciences as sounding rockets are used to gather atmospheric data. From the beginning, the Research Corporation was funding projects highly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. As we will soon see, many others were funded later.


At the Research Corporation, the way it worked was that Howard Poillon ran day-to-day operations while Cottrell was largely responsible for developing new inventions and ideas, accepting new patents, and the granting of funds. Cottrell’s official status was that of a paid consultant.


Another early recipient of Research Corporation money was Ernest Orlando Lawrence (1901-1958): Manhattan Project scientist and the father of the cyclotron. In 1931 the Research Corporation made the first of many grants to Ernest Lawrence for the development of his cyclotron.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:26 p.m. No.7368290   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A managing director of Brown Brothers Harriman, G. Scott Clemons sits on the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s board of directors. This is significant because of Brown Brothers Harriman’s affiliation with the Bush family as well as the fact that Brown Brothers Harriman acquired another producer of electrostatic precipitators known as Dresser Industries in 1928. For more about Brown Brothers Harriman, the Bush family, and Dresser Industries, please refer to the author’s 2018 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project.”


Other interesting individuals from organizations such as: The Chase Manhattan Bank, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Aeronautic Division of the Ford Motor Company, the Carnegie institute of Technology, MIT’s Radiation Laboratory, CalTech, and something called Energy Global all have sat or currently sit on the Research Corporation’s board of directors.


Part 3



Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.7368323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jeffrey Epstein's Alleged Pimp Maxwell Preparing to Testify in Sex Trafficking Probe


Jeffrey Epstein's longtime lover and associate, UK-born Ghislaine Maxwell, has been in hiding since she reportedly met this summer with Great Britain's disgraced Prince Andrew, who himself is accused by several women of having sexually abused them as part of the American paedophile's alleged sex-trafficking ring.


Maxwell, who is reported to have been Epstein's procurer of young girls, is currently preparing to appear publicly "within days" to defend herself, along with the Duke of York, The Sun reported late on Sunday, citing sources.


Epstein's purported pimp and Prince Andrew are at the epicentre of the ongoing probe against the deceased American paedophile, after a primary piece of evidence emerged earlier this year in the form of a 2001 photograph of alleged sex victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre, now 35, with the Duke of York’s arm tightly around her waist when she was 17 with Maxwell smiling in the background.


"[Giuffre] maintains that photo of her with Prince Andrew is totally genuine. And it certainly looks genuine to me”, Roberts’ lawyer Josh Schiller said, cited by The Sun.


The royal family and Prince Andrew have categorically denied involvement in any crime or of having had knowledge of the crimes committed by Epstein. Prince Andrew has reportedly been evicted from his office space at Buckingham Palace by his mother - Queen Elizabeth II - after he dropped out of the public eye amid the ongoing investigation into Epstein's sex-trafficking practices.


“Like Andrew, she has no memory of it […] Ghislaine thinks there are a lot of problems with the picture and it is very fishy. It is one of very few photos that does not bear a time and date stamp”, a source said, cited by The Sun.


The UK-based media outlet reported earlier, citing sources, that the FBI is seeking to question Maxwell over her links to Epstein. Maxwell has not been seen in public since August, five days after Epstein's death in jail.


Another source, cited by the Sun, claimed that “Ghislaine is preparing to speak - whether by talking to the FBI or giving a statement to the media […] She has to defend herself. She has no option. She will have to address this guilt by association".


Epstein, a convicted sex abuser, had been under investigation for nearly two decades at the time of his suspicious death in custody earlier this year. The convicted paedophile - who has been linked to many wealthy and powerful people, including US Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump - was inexplicably taken off of suicide watch, despite reportedly trying to kill himself just weeks earlier. He was previously sentenced after being convicted as a sex offender and paedophile. Epstein served a light sentence of just 13 months.—report/

Anonymous ID: 12a7c9 Nov. 24, 2019, 8:47 p.m. No.7368421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Victorian social worker jailed for abusing teenager


A Melbourne social worker bombarded a 15-year-old boy with thousands of text messages over a 10-week period, took him on a holiday and performed sex acts with him in her car.

Morena Milani, 53, was sentenced in Victoria's County Court today to a maximum three-and-a-half years behind bars after she pleaded guilty to the grooming, sexual assault and penetration of the teenager.


The court heard the married mother-of-two began pursuing the teenager in March 2018, saying she was concerned about his mental health.

Within months, she was texting him "practically every day, practically all the time", the teenager told later police.

"Sometimes it would turn into, like, sexual things," he said.

Almost 15,000 text messages and emails were exchanged between June 19 and August 10, with thousands of references to "sex, sexual acts, sexual fantasies and pornography".

On his 15th birthday, Milani took the teenager to a Lake Mountain ski resort, where they played in the snow, drank cider and ate pizza.


On the trip, she allowed him to drive her car despite him not having a license, at speeds up to 110km/h.

She also took the teenager to bars across Melbourne, engaged in tickle fights and gave him gifts.

On two occasions in August, Milani performed sex acts with the boy in her car.

There were plans to escalate the sexual activity during a trip to a country cottage, booked for late August.

Police became involved when the teenager's parents became aware of the large number of text messages, emails and phone calls he was receiving.

When Milani was arrested in November, police also uncovered a statement falsely accusing the teenager of sexual assault in an effort to hide her offending.

Judge Peter Lauritsen said the social worker, who started her own life-coaching business in 2011, had a "significant understanding of vulnerabilities and cognitive abilities of young people".

"Given your academic and occupational experience, you should've realised the harm your sexual activity would cause to the complainant and his family," he said.

He said the psychological damage to the teen will "persist for the foreseeable future".

He said he took into account Milani's remorse, noting she had read a statement to the court apologising to her victim and his parents.

Her offending was attributed to her deteriorating mental health and alcohol abuse at the time.

She did not meet the boy through her job, and her former employer released a statement confirming she had no contact with children through her social work.

Milani will have to serve two years and two months of her sentence before being eligible for parole.