Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.7367808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7843

repostan from end of last thread: >>7367702


We were tasked with educating and calming the public during and after the Storm.

How can we do that?

It's a big job, so let's start at the beginning!


Question: What do we need to tell the public to educate them during & after the Storm?


Negative stuff:

-evil cabal


-bribery, graft, corruption, human trafficking, sick cult behavior

-the people we've been told to trust the most are deeply involved including our "favorites"

-sick agenda to degrade, pervert and denigrate what is good & healthy, noble & uplifting, beautiful & natural because a) they are so demented, twisted & evil and b) it makes it easier to control people

-censorship and gaslighting to fool people into believing that the majority support their "narrative" and sick agenda

>pics related


Positive stuff:

-America belongs to US, not them.

-WE are what make America GREAT

-we can govern ourselves

-our history and heritage is OURS and cannot be taken away or ground into the dust, nor should it

-our country IS great, every country has rough patches but America is worth preserving

-WE the People truly DO have the power

-when we work TOGETHER on a common goal, we are unstoppable

-millions of others see what they see, feel what they do, we are here waiting (not talking about 8kun) so join us!


What do you all think?

--Something to add or modify?

--Break it down to during & after the Storm?


In making those graphics, some things to consider, since they will be primarily for people who are totally unlike us and what will convince us will not work with them, so we must adjust and use some principles of advertising (which obviously work). Let's use what works.

>pic related

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.7367831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7970


These digs were like a few weeks ago, and the impetus was the FBI vault (/ourguys/) releasing the Finders documents, so as we do, people tore through them and then started making connections –with that list of names, places, businesses– with each other and to quite a few of our targets here. It really is worth going through what we found and maybe porting it over here. Some people brought over stuff from voat as well (which if you don't have an existing account, you cannot even see).


It was a very fruitful effort.

We couldn't be here digging, so we were there digging. And being able to tie to some of our targets here was very edifying!

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.7367872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7927


Yes, that's right. We have to do both digital (graphics, networking) and meatspace stuff. I know many anons have been disheartened and had rifts within families & with friends over trying to explain this to others. It's huge and complex and upsetting and depressing which makes it very difficult to do successfully.


Do you remember the Red Pill Scripts thread on 8ch?

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:34 p.m. No.7367993   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Those brainwashing bastards deserve it

They do indeed.


One thing that made the Red Pill Scripts so very effective is that they did also use the Socratic method, like Q does. Asking a few questions with a few statements. They plant a seed and then let the person's mind put the answers together. That seems the way that works naturally. If you remember that is exactly what POTUS did during the election season during the rallies.

Plant seeds:

fake news

crooked hillary

we're going to build a wall

Make some statements, back off completely to another subject.


EVERY rally, POTUS planted seeds, watered ones already panted, made some statements, moved on.


Part of the reason people get so frustrated is that others don't accept the facts, evidence and logical reasoning right away. But people have to have time to process information, and one of the best ways to prompt that is by asking some questions with statements peppered in (not accusatory) and then let it go totally. Then in a week or so, do it again. Softly, softly, gently, gently.


We don't have to turn them away from people or a party, just start them thinking. Plant the seeds, walk away. Next convo, water those seeds a little, plant some more, walk away. Let them process it and let it go.


One anon posted a beautiful story of a lady he was "working on" at a local store. Every time he went in they would chat and he would do exactly that. Then one day when he went in, she came and asked him questions, specifically regarding some event that had just occurred in the news and asked his take on it!



Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.7368079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8100 >>8110 >>8117 >>8126


>Have some god damn respect.

No such thing as "femanons"

Proper response is TOGTFO

If show tits, GET THE FUCK OUT YOU GODDAMN ATTENTION WHORE, not pathetic adulation

Respect? For a dumb degenerate attention whore who shows her tits to strangers on the internet because they asked her to?





The absolute state of this board.

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.7368133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gloves are coming off.

Move embassy to JewCentral, but it's a piddly little closet (and that took it off the list of demands)

Recognize their occupation of Syria's territory (Heights of Golan) also took off the list of their demands

Leverage lost!

Now the Armenian Genocide…


Individually nice people but historically….

It was the Donmeh jews who did the genociding, which is why it's so verboten.

Erdogan threatens EU with unleashing the flood of hysterical, rapey, insane and crime prone Arabs if his demands aren't met.

What if leverage is removed from Erdogan?

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 8 p.m. No.7368140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8187


A uniform doesn't make an attention whore less so. Frankly, it's even more pathetic and despicable - she has disgraced her uniform and all our military.

Disgusting and not worth one iota of respect.



>Oh noes you're not groveling to some stupid whore along with me

Fuck off, plebbit awaits you and your white-knighting will be rewarded handsomely!!








Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 8:08 p.m. No.7368180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shills on twitter have been pushing 8kun as a 'deepstate trap', trying to scare people away from even coming here


They did the EXACT same thing with ZeroNet


almost like it is coordinated or something?

Pure coincidence, I'm sure

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.7368339   🗄️.is 🔗kun


fungus got tired he wasn't getting enough attention, switched to "ebot", that wasn't working well enough so fake tripcode. Next he's going to switch to the fake AI. Same psycho leaf trannyfaggot who has gone crazy/er from female hormones.

Anonymous ID: fa18cd Nov. 24, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.7368430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like the 50s and he's clearly a Slav, so that may be the most joyous time of his miserable life. I really am going to humming that tune, it's so damn catchy!