Anonymous ID: e028b3 Epstein Island Game Nov. 25, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7369185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2472 >>2594 >>4710 >>7103 >>8077 >>5325 >>8032 >>2212 >>2872

Hey, I'm the creator of the game. You can try Part 1 here


I'm currently working on Part 2. If you want I can answer any question you have.


Would it be out of place to ask info about Epstein related subjects from time to time? I did some research and Im almost done with the research for Part 2, but every stone I look under have some creepy shit crawling, every time there is something new.


Part 2 will deal with Epstein's academic ties and interests, I will approach some stuff in particular and then mix them all on one big thing, also with Ghislaine stuff (One wich I'm learning that It could be the real player behind all of this).

Anonymous ID: e028b3 Nov. 25, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.7373018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9366


Thanks, but still.

I made those images as a test to see if people would like a game like that, when Q made the post the demo wasn't even finished and I had not started on Part 1.


I dont think it would qualify as a breadcrumb seeing that he should not have a good idea of what the project would be in the end.



Thanks, will keep that in mind. After the post I started seeing this board in 8ch and trying to understand how it worked, but then 8ch went to shit.



It's weird, sometimes they delete it, sometines it just stays and get archived. I think some jannies likes it and some dont.