Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.7371713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2193 >>2212 >>2342 >>2365 >>2388

Former Executives and Employees of Health Technology Start-Up Charged in a $1 Billion Scheme to Defraud Clients, Lenders and Investors

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7371740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1781 >>1901 >>1948 >>2193 >>2342 >>2388

School Programs Mixed With Social Marxism Spread Through America


Public schools are increasingly spending taxpayer money on programs that push quasi-Marxist ideology on their students.


School districts across the nation have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on programs such as Deep Equity, Youth Equity Stewardship (YES), and others that claim to help minority students do better at school, but have an ideological agenda mixed in.


Deep Equity and YES are provided by California-based educational for-profit Corwin. On their face, the programs look to expose teachers and students to different cultures to help them better understand students of different backgrounds. But piggybacked on that notion is the introduction of the more far-left, progressive political theories like “intersectionality” and “white privilege.”


Similar programs and initiatives have been introduced to thousands of schools across the nation, many times, it appears, without parents’ noticing or understanding what they entail.

New Marxism


According to Michael Rectenwald, former liberal studies professor at New York University and author of “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom” and “Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage,” the intersectional theory replaced Marxism among contemporary leftists, but bears many similarities to Marxism.


Instead of focusing solely on “class struggle,” the theory applies the Marxist concept of “struggle” broadly to relationships between races, genders, ethnicities, religions, and a plethora of other “identity groups.”


“In the case of Marxism, the solution is revolution and overthrow of the ruling class, the bourgeoisie or capitalist class. In the case of intersectionality, the solution is to eradicate the ‘privilege’ of the oppressor identity group,” he said in an email to The Epoch Times.


Through the lens of the intersectional theory, human history is largely reduced to white Christian men being the “oppressors” and everybody else being “intersected” by one or more layers of this “oppression.”


Literary critic and author Bruce Bawer wrote in his book “The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind” that “they’ve been trained to reduce the rich complexities and ambiguities of human life to simple formulas about oppressors and oppressed, capitalists and workers, Western imperialists and their non-Western victims.”


Similarly, the Deep Equity training manual blames different average educational outcomes between different groups of students on such “systems of oppression.”


“We go deeply into those historical and contemporary dynamics that have created and sustained systems of oppression, marginalization, and inequity for far too many of our students and their families,” the manual, a copy of which was reviewed by The Epoch Times, says in part.



Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.7371760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1781 >>1948 >>2193 >>2342 >>2388

Bloomberg Resigns UN Climate Post After Entering Democratic Race - Spokesman


UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Former New York City Mayor and now a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Michael Bloomberg, has resigned his post as the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said in a press briefing on Monday.


"Mr. Bloomberg informed the Secretary-General [UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres] in a letter on 11 November that he was stepping down, resigning from his role as a UN Climate envoy", Dujarric said. "So, as of 11 November, he was no longer the UN envoy".


On Sunday, Bloomberg announced that he had joined the 2020 US presidential race, saying that ''he is running to defeat Donald Trump".


In April last year, Guterres appointed Bloomberg as his special envoy for Climate Action.


Bloomberg was mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013 and is the founder of Bloomberg News outlet. His net worth is estimated at well over $50 billion.—spokesman/

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.7371783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799

Scott Presler and Friends Organize Another Amazing Community Cleanup in Chicago — Over 6 Tons of Trash Removed in One Weekend!

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1 p.m. No.7371791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1815

Patriot Act on Steroids: Surveillance State Beyond Section 215


While Constitution supporters are outraged about the latest extension of parts of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, there is much more that was permanent from day one.


Everything from fusion centers and information sharing, to national security letters, TSA enhanced screening and the growth of facial recognition – all come from Patriot – and its successor.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.7371866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2193 >>2342 >>2388

Several Arrested in Idaho Child Sex Abuse Investigation


Several people have been arrested as part of an investigation into child sex abuse in Idaho, KIVI-TV reports.


Officials say that nine people were arrested in the investigation, which Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden calls “the results of a joint operation that targeted child sexual abuse in the Treasure Valley over the weekend.”


The operation was a cooperative effort between the Idaho State Police, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Idaho, the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office, the Meridian Police Department, and the Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit.


Of the nine arrested, five face prosecution for state charges and four have been referred for federal charges.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7371941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Westpac chief Brian Hartzer to step down in wake of scandal


Westpac has announced chief executive Brian Hartzer will step down in the wake of the AUSTRAC scandal enveloping the bank.


Westpac said Peter King, currently chief financial officer, will act as CEO as the board seeks a long term replacement. Mr Hartzer’s exit comes after days of mounting pressure from investors for accountability over a money laundering compliance scandal at the country’s oldest bank.


Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted also announced he will bring forward his retirement as chairman to the first half of 2020, while long-standing director Ewen Crouch will not seek re-election at the upcoming Westpac AGM. Mr Maxsted has been the bank's chairman since 2011.


The bank’s announcement did not say who would be its next chairman. It comes two days after Mr Maxsted gave Mr Hartzer his strong backing, with the caveat that the CEO would leave if it was destabilising for him to remain in the top job.


"The Board accepts the gravity of the issues raised by AUSTRAC," Mr Maxsted said in a statement.


"As was appropriate, we sought feedback from all stakeholders including shareholders and having done so it became clear that Board and management changes were in the best interest of the Bank."


The bank was thrown into crisis last week by a regulatory lawsuit that says it breached anti-money laundering laws 23 million times, including failing to adequately vet thousands of payments potentially linked to child exploitation.


The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on Monday took the unusual step of publicly confirming it had started looking into possible breaches of laws it administers — most likely a reference to the Corporations Act.


Confirmation of the ASIC investigation came a day after the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) said it too was investigating the bank.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.7372075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193 >>2342 >>2388

Australia is now 'starting to wake up' to Chinese 'infiltration'


Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the public is now "starting to wake up” to China’s attempts to “infiltrate” the political system, following "stunning" reports a Beijing-backed espionage ring tried to interfere in the last federal election.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.7372091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2170

FISA alterations Could Pose Significant Trouble For FBI: Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree




FBI officials concerned that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s tampered and altered documents to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrant will put into question all the evidence gathered to obtain the warrant.

Horowitz referred Clinesmith to DOJ Prosecutor John Durham appointed by Attorney General William Barr for further investigation.

Other FBI officials will be wrapped up into Clinesmith’s warrant tampering. Who approved the warrants?

Criminal Defense Attorney David Schoen says FBI failed to make immediate correction of any materially false statement or any material omission. “Clearly no such correcting submission was made here.”

FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith led the interview on George Papadopolous in February, 2017.

Clinesmith was anti-Trump and removed from the Russia investigation.


Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s anticipated report will reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application warrant was tampered with but the significance of that cannot be understated. It means that Horowitz’s discovery will discredit the bureau’s handling of its investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election and it could make any information discovered during the course of seeking approval for the FISA and after ‘fruit of the poisonous tree,” according to numerous sources who spoke to


“Based on what we know, Clinesmith’s tampering of documents appears to have been significant enough to have played a role in the FISA courts decision to grant a warrant to spy on an American, maybe more than one American,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter. “There is concern among the FBI that all the evidence will come into question, as it should – particularly the case of the ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ that the evidence itself is tainted – if that’s true than anything gained from that evidence might also be tainted. This could be a problem for anyone who approved the FISA as well.”


What we now know is that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, allegedly altered an email that FBI officials used to prepare to seek court approval to renew the wiretaps on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, as first reported by the New York Times and verified by The extent of the alterations in the FISA application is still unknown but it was significant enough for Horowitz to refer Clinesmith to Connecticut Federal Prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI’s handling of the probe. Durham’s probe has also expanded to the CIA, of which he has interviewed numerous officers and the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, which paid FBI confidential informant Stephan Halper to collect information on several Trump campaign advisors, as first reported by this new site.


The DOJ obtained three FISA renewal orders on Page. According to the NYT “the paperwork associated with the renewal applications contained information that should have been left out, and vice versa, the people briefed on the draft report said.”


That’s a serious problem, stated the U.S. official. Why? Because Clinesmith’s alterations in the documents played a role in the ability for the FBI to continue to wiretap Page throughout the renewal process.


David Schoen, a criminal defense attorney, told that the FISA process requires absolute scrutiny as the defendant, the person targeted by the warrant, is not represented by anyone due to the extraordinary secrecy of the process.


Schoen noted, if an “agent falsifies, materially alters with false information, or makes a material omission in documents relied on to authorize surveillance – and here it was to authorize the most intrusive kind of surveillance by the most secretive court in the land – then any further step in the process and any material obtained by surveillance from the point of his illegal conduct forward is arguably poisoned by the initial illegal materially false alteration or material omission.”

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.7372120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2131

A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them


There are still wide swaths of documentation kept under wraps inside government agencies like the State Department that could substantially alter the public’s understanding of what has happened in the U.S.-Ukraine relationships now at the heart of the impeachment probe.


As House Democrats mull whether to pursue impeachment articles and the GOP-led Senate braces for a possible trial, here are 12 tranches of government documents that could benefit the public if President Trump ordered them released, and the questions these memos might answer.


Daily intelligence reports from March through August 2019 on Ukraine’s new president Volodymyr Zelensky and his relationship with oligarchs and other key figures. What was the CIA, FBI and U.S. Treasury Department telling Trump and other agencies about Zelensky’s ties to oligarchs like Igor Kolomoisky, the former head of Privatbank, and any concerns the International Monetary Fund might have? Did any of these concerns reach the president’s daily brief (PDB) or come up in the debate around resolving Ukraine corruption and U.S. foreign aid? CNBC, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal all have done recent reporting suggesting there might have been intelligence and IMF concerns that have not been fully considered during the impeachment proceedings.

State Department memos detailing conversations between former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko. He says Yovanovitch raised the names of Ukrainians she did not want to see prosecuted during their first meeting in 2016. She calls Lutsenko’s account fiction. But State Department officials admit the U.S. embassy in Kiev did pressure Ukrainian prosecutors not to target certain activists. Are there contemporaneous State Department memos detailing these conversations and might they illuminate the dispute between Lutsenko and Yovanovitch that has become key to the impeachment hearings?

State Department memos on U.S. funding given to the George Soros-backed group the Anti-Corruption Action Centre. There is documentary evidence that State provided funding to this group, that Ukrainian prosecutor sought to investigate whether that aid was spent properly and that the U.S. embassy pressured Ukraine to stand down on that investigation. How much total did State give to this group? Why was a federal agency giving money to a Soros-backed group? What did taxpayers get for their money and were they any audits to ensure the money was spent properly? Were any of Ukrainian prosecutors’ concerns legitimate?

The transcripts of Joe Biden’s phone calls and meetings with Ukraine’s president and prime minister from April 2014 to January 2017 when Hunter Biden served on the board of the natural gas company Burisma Holdings. Did Burisma or Hunter Biden ever come up in the calls? What did Biden say when he urged Ukraine to fire the prosecutor overseeing an investigation of Burisma? Did any Ukrainian officials ever comment on Hunter Biden’s role at the company? Was any official assessment done by U.S. agencies to justify Biden’s threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. aid if Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin wasn’t fired?

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.7372215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No Power, No Running Water, No Toilets: Millions Of Americans Are Living In Third-World Conditions


Scattered around the nation, there are parts of the country in which millions of Americans are living without the basic amenities that most of us take for granted…


I’m not talking about high-speed internet or frivolous things. I’m talking about electricity, flushing toilets, and clean running water.


But this isn’t a problem that only exists in one state or to one demographic. It’s happening across the nation more and more. Let’s take a look.

Millions are living without running water.


A new report says that more than 2 million Americans in West Virginia, Alabama, Texas and the Navajo Nation Reservation in the Southwest are living without clean running water or indoor plumbing. They’re drinking from polluted streams. They’re carrying buckets of the same water home for washing. They’re urinating and defecating outside with no wastewater treatment.


Race and poverty are the strongest predictors of water and sanitation access, according to the study. Native American families are 19 times more likely than white households to lack indoor plumbing, while black and Latino homes are nearly twice as likely. Meanwhile, federal funding for water infrastructure is just a small percentage of what it used to be, the authors wrote.


“Access to clean, reliable running water and safe sanitation are baseline conditions for health, prosperity, and well-being,” DigDeep CEO George McGraw and US Water Alliance CEO Radhika Fox said in a statement. “However, they remain out of reach for some of the most vulnerable people in the United States.”


The 2 million figure includes 1.4 million people with homes who lack access to hot and cold running water, as well as a sink, shower, bath or flushing toilet. (source)


As well, more than half a million homeless Americans don’t have access to basic sanitation. Nor do almost a quarter of a million people in Puerto Rico, where many of whom are still struggling after Hurricane Maria.


The lack of access to water is happening across the nation, often hidden within wealthier enclaves.


Water-access challenges affect entire communities, not just “isolated individuals choosing to live off the grid,” the authors wrote. The researchers found clustered water problems in Alaska, New Mexico, the Dakotas and Maine, in addition to their focus on six “hotspots”: California’s Central Valley, the Navajo Nation, Texas colonias, the rural South, Appalachia and Puerto Rico.


Notably, these at-risk communities can hide within wealthier counties, the study showed. Overall, one Arizona county highlighted by researchers revealed that just 4 percent of residents overall lacked complete plumbing—but a more local analysis revealed pockets where 40 percent of people lacked access. (source)


Don’t even get me started on all the diseases that can occur when people dispose of their human waste unsafely. I wouldn’t be shocked to see a return of diseases that have all but been eradicated linking back to the lack of plumbing.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 2 p.m. No.7372241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cops Say Man Sexually Assaulted Minor He Met On Social Media


MARYLAND — Detectives from the Montgomery County Department of Police – Special Victims Investigations Division (SVID) have arrested and charged Christopher Joseph Clark, age 38, of the 1100 block of Fidler Lane in Silver Spring, with the sexual assault of a juvenile female from Virginia.


On November 22, SVID detectives were notified of a sexual assault that had occurred the previous evening at a home in Silver Spring. The victim reported to investigators that she met Clark on a social media app. They arranged to meet and at approximately 6:30 p.m. on November 21, Clark drove to her home in Virginia, picked her up, and then drove her back to his residence in Silver Spring. While the victim was in Clark’s residence, he sexually assaulted her. After the assault, the victim left Clark’s residence and contacted her family in Virginia who then called the police.


Detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Clark charging him with one count of second-degree rape and one count of second-degree assault. Clark was arrested at his home on November 22 and is currently being held without bond.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.7372273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feds Subpoena Rudy’s Records – Investigating Possible Money Laundering, Campaign Finance Violations, Obstruction of Justice


Feds issued subpoenaed associates tied to Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani as they investigate possible money laundering, campaign finance violations and obstruction of justice.


Rudy Giuliani has been exposing the Biden crime family’s involvement in Ukraine corruption, specifically their pay-to-play scheme with Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.


The Deep State hit back and put Rudy Giuliani under a criminal investigation and according to some reports, the FBI also opened a counterintelligence information into Rudy over his work related to Ukrainian-Americans Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.


Both Parnas and Fruman were indicted and arrested last month and pleaded not guilty to campaign finance charges.


The Wall Street Journal reported:


Subpoenas issued to people with ties to President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his associates indicate a broad federal investigation into possible money laundering, obstruction of justice and campaign-finance violations, and suggest that prosecutors are looking closely at the work of Mr. Giuliani himself, according to people familiar with the matter.


In recent weeks, prosecutors have sent subpoenas and other requests to potential witnesses seeking records and information related to Mr. Giuliani and two of his associates, according to the people. The investigation, led by the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has already led to campaign-finance charges against the associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.


The subpoenas offer the clearest indication yet that federal prosecutors are examining Mr. Giuliani’s consulting work. Among the entities named in the subpoenas are Giuliani Partners, a security-consulting firm founded by Mr. Giuliani in 2002 that had multiple foreign clients, including a city in Ukraine. The subpoenas also sought information on a company co-founded by Mr. Parnas that paid Mr. Giuliani for business and legal advice.


Rudy Giuliani went off on the Deep State and their media stenographers over the weekend for covering up decades of Biden pay-to-play corruption.


Giuliani reminded the DC swamp that he previously cleaned up mafia in New York and asked them, “Do you honestly think I’m intimidated?”


Giuliani appeared on Fox News and told host Ed Henry that because he’s the messenger exposing the Biden-Ukraine corruption that the liberal DC press suppressed, ‘they’re going to kill him.’

Rudy, in a follow-up tweet revealed he has a kill switch just in case something happens to him.


“The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office,” Giuliani said.


“If I disappear, it will appear immediately along with my RICO chart,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.7372298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342 >>2388

471 EU Politicians Vote To Condemn Poland’s ‘Stop Pedophilia’ Bill


471 members of the European Parliament have voted to pass a resolution criticizing a Polish bill called “Stop Pedophilia” that seeks to protect minors from sexual abuse by adults.


Poland’s “Stop Pedofilii” bill seeks to make the incitement of minor children to sexual activity, also known as grooming, illegal in Poland. However, the European Parliament voted to oppose and condemn the anti-pedophilia legislation.


The opening items in the bill stipulate fines, restricted liberty, or imprisonment for anyone who defends, promotes or praises pedophile activity.


The “Stop Pedofilii” bill was submitted by Polish citizens themselves. The Polish Constitution allows for the introduction of a bill by ordinary citizens as long as it is signed by a group of 100,000 or more Poles who have the right to vote. The “Stop Pedofilii” citizen’s project has been signed by 265,000 Polish voters.


However the European Parliament is intervening in a legislative process designed to protect children from sexual abuse based on the will of citizens.


According to Euronews, the 471 MEPs who voted on November 14 to condemn Poland for the potential legislation were particularly concerned about the possibility of teachers and activists being sent to prison for promoting or approving underage sex.


LifeSite reports: That part of the bill states that “anyone who promotes or approves sexual intercourse or other sexual activity by a minor, in connection with performing the position, occupation, or performing activities related to upbringing, education, health care or care of minors, or operating on school premises or other educational or child care institution, is liable to imprisonment up to three years.”


The age of consent in Poland is currently 15. According to the “” website, anyone who has sex with a child under 15, including another child under 15, in Poland can be charged with statutory rape.


Opponents of the bill described it as seeking to “criminalize sex education in Poland.” However, defenders of the bill said it was designed simply to stop adults from encouraging minors to have sex and to protect the right of parents to direct their children’s sexual education themselves.


Polish journalist Krystian Kratiuk told LifeSiteNews via email that the European Parliament’s resolution was an “obvious scandal.”


“The EU Parliament has no right to interfere in Poland’s internal affairs, including its education system,” he said.


Kratiuk explained that the “Stop Pedofilii” bill was submitted by Polish citizens themselves. The Polish Constitution allows for the introduction of a bill by ordinary citizens as long as it is signed by a group of 100,000 or more Poles who have the right to vote. The “Stop Pedofilii” citizen’s project has been signed by 265,000 Polish voters.


“It’s curious that the Left in Brussels wants to intervene in a legislative process based on the will of citizens,” Kratiuk said.


“After all, what is this about? A citizens’ project that prohibits inciting minors to have sex!”


The journalist underscored that the bill is not a ban on all sexual education.


“If someone during a sex education lesson persuades minors to have sex, according to this project they should, of course, be punished, but this is absolutely not about banning sex education as such.”


An explanatory note attached to the “Stop Pedofilii” bill gives some historical context for the proposal. It says some sex education teachers have been promoting sexual activity, including homosexual acts and masturbation, to Polish children, thanks to sexual education standards for Europe composed by the World Health Organization and the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). These standards were introduced to Poland for the first time in 2013.

Anonymous ID: 8ce967 Nov. 25, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.7372312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342 >>2388

Military Situation In Yemen On November 25, 2019 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Yemen:


Ceasefire violations were reported in Al Hudaydah;

Saudi-led forces shelled Beit Faqih with 5 mortar shells;

Saudi-led forces shelled Hays area with 14 mortar shells;

According to Ministry of Health, since the start of the Yemeni War, 492 thousands children lost their lives;

Saudi-led coalition warplanes struck Kamran island and Raas Isaa 10 times;

Clashes between Anasr Allah and Saudi-led forces were reported on the Sirwah front.