I left my message here >>257792
Anderchrome, it's what's for dinner.
All this, learn to think, build the map, solve the clues shit isโฆ
Turning the board fags into Schizophrenic Neurotic Mad Scientists.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders:
Finding Quads in Post Numbers
Finding hidden meanings in every number confronted with
Finding hidden meanings in All Captchas that's include Q
Every misspelled mistyped tweet from any government account created a master matrix secret message from Q.
We extrapolate wild theories from basic communications
Most of this ends up in Q having to bring us back from the fringe to understand basic posts at times.
The point is that Cryptic Communication is only good if you want to fuck with people and you don't care if they ever understand what you are trying to communicate
Save Anons from the mental hospital and counseling, use blunt and direct more often.
just my opinion.
That's some OG oldfag shit heare!
Death Penalty for SES members (ALL)
We need information from them to complete the clean action.
If something happens to TRUMP, all the Spec Ops have the names and threaten to do that.
I'm not big on those guys being worth a fuck up til now but something tells me they are likely to follow through this time.
Its not that they are bad, or weak, it's just 100% of their training involves NOT doing stuff like killing civilian leadership.
>When anons stop trying too hard, and K.I.S.S
yeh that ^^^
Really I think it boils down to Q not wanting to be like the Cabal and issue talking points but let us find on our own, Noble yes winning strategy maybe not. It is an integrity thing.
but at some point it becomes ridiculous