FreeMasons promoted Flat Earth to the sheepies.
They think it's funny. I think they did it once before some hundreds of years ago. The ancients all knew Earth is a globe.
Headquarters for Flat Earth society is 'Zion"
They can weave circles around normie thinkers since they are expert in surveying - from the ancient times.
It's massively promoted now. FE
I wish we had that kind of money and promotion for real red-pilling
I guess the promotion of it is take the heat away from the very real NASA / ISI / fraud?
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt_qySI10VI
And maybe that fraud is to cover for some real military space abilities? To get the $$$? Dunno
People end up thinking that those who understand the Moon Landings are not what we are told are automatically FE-ers.
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt_qySI10VI