Thanks baker!
Thank you based anon!
>incendiary device was in the suspicious package at apartment complex
Change of pace?
"These are sick people" - POTUS referring to the bombers
I think that's a check for us for real
lots and lots, more than we can count
They did pussy out of LV after all
After the break, we have Dr. Peterson on to shine a light on what all this means!
Wouldn't that be a doozy? Filmlike scenario unravelling in real time, investigation into it confirms all the CIA programs and the disclosure of that shit happens.
wew lads, wouldn't that be something
Didn't know, definitely thanks for that anon
They're always bots, psyop, cept a couple tards
Even on other platforms
At this point I'm thinking text based social media sites are about 40-45% human interaction, rest is bots(ai)/shills, varying degrees of them too