Anonymous ID: c5e2a2 Nov. 25, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.7373360   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3366 >>3474

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots~ The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.


) * ( ) ( ( ( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ ) )\ )()) )))( (()/( )()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/( ((/ )(()\ (()()\ /()) (()\ )(() /()))\ (((()( /()) )_ (() (()(()())| (() (() ()) (() )\ _ )())_ ((/ |/ _ \ | \/ || | \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|()()| \ | (| (_) || |\/| || | \ V / | _ \| /| | / _ \ | |) | _|_/ || |||| |_| |/||\||// _\ |_/ Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/ Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) /[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))/ Filters just the clowns limbic recon + sigil deployment tool, AKA cr[e]epbot /[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,e[Enter as a Name filter] dannal[Enter as a Name filter] effr/ Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam /[Enter as a Comment filter] [Hh][Oo][Ll][Oo][Cc][Aa][Uu][Ss][Tt][Enter as a Comment filter] [Zz][Ii][Oo][Nn][Enter as a Comment filter] ((([Qq])))[Enter as a Comment filter] \b[Aa][Ii][\n-\,][Enter as a Comment filter] [Hh][Uu][Mm][Aa][Nn][\ns][Enter as a Comment filter] \b[Dd]aniel


Theme | Custom CSS Basics:

/ Decrease RED TEXT size and recolour to Hot Pink for teh lulz. /span.heading { color: #ff00f0; / Hot Pink / font-size: 4pt; / Real small, default is 11pt /}/ Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { opacity: .2; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}

Stay Frosty, ''Stay Centered.''

Write when Insight Strikes

Anonymous ID: c5e2a2 Nov. 25, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.7373474   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3479


Reminder that those who speak in absolutes, blaming groups as a whole, cover up the C_A's textbook infiltration tactict.

They get in.

They create a niche, a culture of their own.

The confuse your Identify Fren or Foe instincts by posting as 'patriots' using our memes and language.

They mold the hivemind in their direction.

They push the original inhabitants out.

Rinse and Repeat..


C_A = Central ______ Agency

Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.


>You attack those who threaten you the most

The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.

"Big Satan" America against "little Satan" Israel.

[Source obscuration is cyber 101]

(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))

They're fermenting useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is Psychological PROJECTION.

They keep everyone in the dark by omitting themselves from the conversation.

Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~

Especially when all this is Ch_nA trying to force America off of Asia…


Stay Frosty, Frens.

-AFLB o7

Anonymous ID: c5e2a2 Nov. 25, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.7373636   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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>Future trip(c) re_verify:






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>Future trip(c) re_verify:






>Anon interaction coming soon.


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>Future trip(c) re_verify:






>Anon interaction coming soon.


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