Anonymous ID: fca5de Nov. 25, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.7373274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>stay away from that shit

Smart people do - it's not special and you can make far better at home without having to deal with them!


Well, I'm not so sure it's actually "going insane" its more like they are just behaving normally but hyped up because they think it's so special, hence the easily manipulated part. Think about it, they do the same with new sneakers, which aren't really any more special than the ones Nike released last year but they'll stab someone over those dumb shoes.



Here's probably harder for shills because of the ratio most of the time. A few times they (and their bots) have been the majority of posters in a thread. By here I mean 8 in general - I remember when some anons did testing of their shillbots and what triggered them, it was very organized experiment so I saved it. It's always good to learn their methods, cycles, and scripts.


Also, I'm enjoying some bacon, ranch cheddar dip right now - I'm so glad bacon is real. I wouldn't want to live life without it. Can you imagine? No, NO - the horror.

Yes, bacon is love, bacon is...



excellent example

Anonymous ID: fca5de Nov. 25, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.7373795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844 >>3903


>the entire Iraqi war was the NSA's doing.

As always, the projection is strong. WTF did NSA have to do with (((neocons'))) fuckery - we took out a "certain country's" enemy for them and in so doing set that region ablaze.


from the Company

sent into work as a contractor for NSA, to reveal secrets and damage them

seeing a pattern here, better stop or will engage in some WRONGTHINK!

Anonymous ID: fca5de Nov. 25, 2019, 7:29 p.m. No.7373811   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, much better thank you.



I told NSA to up their game and called them niggers once. I figured I would never have such an opportunity ever in my lifetime so had to take it! My mom & I still laugh about that - hope they understand… you gotta have levity sometimes, you know? I figured if they came to 4/pol/ they would have to expect being called a faggot or nigger at some point..

>digging my hole deeper

ok, I'll stop now

Mom, stop laughing, damnit

Anonymous ID: fca5de Nov. 25, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.7373862   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Country lines artifically drawn by French/British to exacerbate etnhic conflict to ensure none would be strong enough to challenge French/British power.

That does not in any way nullify the fact that (((neocons))) got the US to attack Iraq on false premises to take out their real homeland's main enemy at the time. They even bragged about it. Seriously, this is not even disputable at this point.

Anonymous ID: fca5de Nov. 25, 2019, 7:58 p.m. No.7373941   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Central banks, bloodlines

Yes, true. The problem (for some) is who those are. You get called a "shut up" name.




Same group.

Same tribe, though some hide it.

Same agenda.

Same goal.



There is not ONE fake Q who could stay in character an entire thread. Not one. Not multiple threads, not even for one. It's not hard to start out with basic Socratic method - questions, statement, questions, statements. Fakes cannot prove IDEN to those watching/lerking who know, fake codes, fake everything gets obvious really fast, even to those of us not not in .gov.